Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hunt for Red October

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that...Rat race, rat race, what a rat race, some a lawful, some a bastard”! What the hell has happened to decency here in the Heartland? As we baby bummers remain defiant that nobody is going to retire our egos, well as we maintain our ship on the correct heading, our elders have been made to walk the plank! We get pissed at child abuse, but at the same time the elder abuse is sickening, like they are adults so can fend for themselves? Bullshit that sentiment! Sure we can blame it on Congress, as they do nothing to uphold decency so the crooks move in and takes advantage of the most vulnerable. And by the time Congress gets around to pass a law against this pilferagee, plunder and rape – because of the delays due the “Lobby Can Interferere Act” - it is too damn late as the hen house''s golden egg has been stolen – a.k.a. retirementent savings now valued at pennies on the dollar! Why is it so that today those that take advantage of others and end up $zillionaires$, think they are philanthropists? Outstanding this country finds itself today! Yes, our elders, the men & women that made this country free are now in exile, under attack and we let it go on, day after day after day. See, the Congress doesn't give a rat's ass about our WW vets, as most recently there was a bill on the House floor that would have initiated a “starve” them out ritual “Public Law”, as the Ryan Cruz Missile clan was all in favor of dismantling the “Meals on Wheels” program. OK, didn't we learn our lessons by trying to eradicate the Native American Indians, through a starvation program? No different here. Many elders, those that fort in the trenches abroad while the ladies stayed home to “man” the military production lines, they rely on this food program. If you think it's welfare, then find another country to honor your dishonor! To even think to dismantle such a program, it points to the fact that “Our” Congress has been infiltrated by traitors, a worse off enemy then a middle eastern terrorist attack. If we let this continue on, this abuse upon our elders by homegrown bandits, then kiss Miss Liberty goodbye! About a year ago, I received a panic call from the hospice social workers that were visiting my elderly parents, way back in Rhode Island. I live in Alaska, so can't board a train or a bus home! And even though this state receives $zillions$ in FTA grants to help build a rail infrastructure, some how that money ends up in the hands of those philanthropists. And trying to get an empty seat on the high wire at last moment, it costs the entire family's PFD combined - just to get to Boston! Anyway, I finally found a seat and headed back east, but the only reason I was able to climb aboard was the fact that the airlines were cancelling flights all over the east coast, due Wind Storm Sarah - which originated in Wasillabilly Alaska. So with a tail wind, wow, I was back at the “Green, green, grass of home” in no time flat. I guess everybody else was afraid to fly! Now the hospice caretakers were upset, that my parents were not heeding the warning of this massive storm front and heading for a shelter – where they would most likely get ripped off at the same time their house would be available for ramsacking. Look, this “theft” upon our elders is happening all across America, from sea to shining sea, but they are afraid and embarrassed to admit defeat! We must take action, else they go down in defeat and we will live forever with blood-stain on our hands and souls. See, dad didn't give a rat's ass about a storm named Sarah, as he wasn't about to let some “bitch-slap” wind and rain intimidate, even though the experts were starting to say “she” was the storm of the century. Madman McCain can attest to that fact! But it didn't faze my folks. Hey, they have lived in love long enough that they really don't give a rat's ass about tomorrow, as long as they can be together today in the comfort of their own home, no matter what kind of storm is haunting the horizon. Too bad some elders have not the comfort of their own homes any longer, due “reverse revenge mortgage” rip offs as advertised by former U.S. Senator Fred Tompson – once a U.S. Senator turned actor turned turncoat. Look, what the hell you mean to confuse our elders with that “Government Guaranteed” bullshit Fred, it doesn't guarantee anything except to the swindlers. Fred, answer me this, to you have one of these rip off mortgages? Look, my dad gave up on Congress a long, long time ago. I never believed him about how corrupt this body of governance was when I was growing up and he was trying to “teach your children well”, he was right! Anyway, it was nice to sit back with the elders during the approaching storm, as roads were closed as were stores closed which meant the drug lords were in hiding. Even Starbucks was boarded up! Wow, it was so quiet. But I had the opportunity to see what my folks were up against, egad, up too their necks in “PILLS”. I guess “Mother's Little Helper” and “One Pill Makes you...” had found new meaning. That is what I meant when I said the drug lords were in hiding. Not those shady characters in dark alleys, but the mainstream drug outlets found so conveniently at every corner and neighborhood strip-mall, with easy access – to addict our elders! What the hell is this drug lord addicting society trying to actually accomplish? Has greed taken on a whole new dimension? Now the real reason that the hospice workers called me after filing an “abuse” case against my dad, because mom wasn't taking her pills, was the fact that they were convinced that my mom and dad had only a few weeks to live and thought incarceration was a better option. Yes, take them away to the “funny farm where life is beautiful all the time”. Good thing I intervened, even though mom & dad could hold fast their fortress on their own accord. Look, my dad is Irish”! Doesn't the “Fighting Irish” ring a bell of fear? Look, my dad could go in the ring today and whip the ass of any U.S. Congressmen or Senator, even Harry Reid would be no threat! But here it is in another world reality without show. Sure Al & Gert looked deprived of life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness – as there came an ugly ghost like eye contact. Something was wrong, as phone conversation between Alaska and Little Rhody didn't get the point across as to the level of their actual health. Things sounded better, but when the law was about to take them away, unless I guaranteed that I was here to help - which meant quitting my job up north - there came a confused couple. What had they done wrong that warranted taking them away, to a place where abuse is rampant, like in those assisted living jails – wherein abuse is considered doing business! But it was clear and convincing as too what was causing this death grip upon my parents – the drugs. See, my dad still cooks and they do get visits by the “Meal on Wheels” guy, so it wasn't their diet and it wasn't their lifestyle, the common denominator instigating poor health was the drug store cowboy! I told my parents to get rid of the “Pill Box” hats, get rid of this prescription that interacts with that prescription that interacts with this and that, get rid of this garbage and get rid of the doctor that prescribed all this kaleidoscope candy. The entire medical society has turned itself into a drug addicted discipline – as doctors get addicted to the money a pill can make, it is reasonable to say a “mission” at hand to keep up the addiction, as that is what addiction is all about! I guess anybody can be an MD these days, just know how to scribble! What interactions? Look, I had a doctor try to tell me that it is up to the pharmacist to determine any interactions? And did you ever try to read that nano-print that talks about “interactions”. No, but be sure that in that language prescribed by an attorney, that you give away your option and right to sue should you wake up in the morning with an extra nose, or a nose missing! It is evil, this drug promoting fiasco, once again, it is Congress that allows for such a dysfunctional society at the grip of the pharmaceutical corporations. And you thought oil companies were bad? There was at one time a Congress that made laws to protect the ”People”, today, we find that the turncoats offer protection to the “Lousy Lobby”. Now a year latter, on the anniversary of Hurricane Sarah - my parents are much better off without the drug addictions and yes they fired that doctor! My dad can see better, my mom can walk without assisted contraptions, they get out of the house and do yard work and watch the birds. They go out, to restaurants. And the money my dad saves from not getting those pill bottles filled, he is living a better life as he doesn't have to get a loan to pay for that Congressional approved crap donut hole gap. Yes, Congress has failed here also, as it is allowing the pharmaceutical crooks to turn us all into zombies. Yes, my parents were turning into zombies, by some MD that loved to play by the rules, “Bill government deliver addiction”. The modern day creed for the medical profession that should confess to this apocalyptic approach to extending life, it finds no merit. It is not extending anything accept a doctors ego, that money thing. And it isn't only the prescription fantasy that is detrimental. Even the natural stuff should be thrown out. It is sad when we see more people in line at the drug store then the liquor store. Or when we see the “Organic Food” counters closing down so the “crap in the bottles” can look inviting, to satisfy another addiction. Here it is, if one eats a good diet, stays away from fast foods, eats an apple a day, a good life is simple. Look, when you eat beets, the next morning when you crap “red”, you know something good it pushing out something bad. When you eat good stuff, like Squid ink pasta, when you crap green the next morning, same argument as with the red crap. Eat broccoli and or asparagus, hey that next morning when pissing, you want to call 911 to report a gas leak. With the stuff that comes from America's farmlands, we should see grocery stores with “No” processed food isles, as the vegetable department should take up at least half of the floor space. What pills..... In fact, way back when, during the 60's, we had fortune tellers informing us all about what is actually happening today - had we only listened. Like Pete Segger, Dylan, Baez, Van Ronk and all the rest. Maybe we should start re-listening to what they said back then, to see how it has affected us today. In ending, thanks to poet Dylan with respect to today's Red October and how our elderly are being treated:

Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
Inside of a leather cup
But all his sexless patients
They’re trying to blow it up
Now his nurse, some local loser
She’s in charge of the cyanide hole
And she also keeps the cards that read
“Have Mercy on His Soul”
They all play on pennywhistles
You can hear them blow
If you lean your head out far enough
From Desolation Row

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