Wednesday, May 29, 2013

EXXON Valdez ~ Update

Wow, what's up with the environmentalists here in Alaska? Talk about a hair-trigger mentality. Is that who is buying all the ammo, then causing a shortage at the sportmen's whorehouses wherein the Tea-Party following is going ballistic due they can't get their morning-after fill? Imagine, “Green” Alaskans hoarding all the bullets! I guess it is one way to promote “gun” control, as what is an assault weapon without an armor piecing projectile filled clip? And since tourism season commenced a few weeks ago, Canadian customs has confiscated over 1-million black-powder bullets, bound for Juneau. What's up down there? Please, give Lesli and company another shot so that plane can take-off on time! Look, just because I am an honest individual and have decided to “Lean Forward” and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me Neptune, about what caused the EXXON Valdez wreck, it appears that the threats thrown my way are serious, nasty and not deserving! Talk about incoming e-mail ranting! I don't need Viagra, mister! And NO, I am NOT trying to exonerate EXXON, nor provide duck and cover insurance for Captain Joe. Bottom-line, it is time now after 25-years of silence that the truth of the matter be heard, that it was a get even scheme hatched out from the poor looser syndrome, premeditated to attack the guilty – a sore loser's guilt trip that allowed that tanker to go where no other tanker had gone before – “fetched up” on Bligh Reef. Yes, this avoidable “wreck” was nothing short a premeditated condoned affair, orchestrated through lingering hatred upon “Big Oil” by a single individual that has bathed in the limelight as the environmentalist “gadfly” for way too long - hey, the truth of the matter is ugly! Get over it, and take a breather. And when you see what evidence I have at my disposal, then you can decide for yourself, and then with the truth out, we can move on and realize that some are very good with the snake oil and we get taken for a ride. Imagine had I come forward back in 1989! Nobody would have believed that a bankrupt oil investor and a disgruntled DEC employee would find a nemesis, another disgruntled individual that could provide the seed of destruction they so hoped and prayed for - a “Wreck” in the Sound. Their dreams, their wishes, all coming true at the expense of over a billion deaths upon the once thriving marine community found throughout the Sound. You don't have to believe me, but I would take a lie detector test to testify the evidence I have before me is the truth, that an individual aligned with the broker and the coward had access and the knowhow to seed this destruction and through such befriending maintained a “mission” to destroy the EXXON Valdez – with a heading of full stern ahead into the reef through the assistance of a navigational system that had been compromised. Would the cowards subject themselves to the same, this detector, to demonstrate who's telling the truth? Let's hope they put their money where their mouth is. Bottom-line, “hard aground” is what you get not from a little too much alcohol, but a disaster in the making brought about with success through the actions of a disgruntled disposition and a side-line cheerleading squad that wanted such narcissist destruction. “We told you so” is their cheer today, when the evidence points to an entirely different scenario. And Sarah Palin had nothing too do with this “wreck” – that Queen Narcissist thing she is so famous for here in Alaska. The documentary that uncovers this truth as to what caused the worst oil spill disaster in North America history is due out sooner than later, all in efforts to welcome in the 25th anniversary of the EXXON Valdez “wreck”. The truth finally and it hurts!

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