Monday, December 17, 2012

NRA Alaska 2013

The National Rifle Association – Alaska Chapter - will be featuring a new “hands on” training class on how to “Rape Your Wife”. According to NRA board member Wayne Anthony Ross, “If a guy can't rape his wife, who's he gonna rape?”. It is anticipated that Mr. WAR will be teaching the class and maybe his wife will be there also to tell us all how it feels to be “raped”. Sign up now, as with the long dark winter days here too stay for awhile, rape upon your wife may be the cure for that "cabin fever" sydrome. Thanks Mr. WAR, for making it clear that it is OK to rape one's wife.

  1. forcing of somebody into sex; the crime of using force to have sexual intercourse.
  2. instance of rape; an instance of the crime of rape.
  3. violent destructive treatment; the violent, destructive, or abusive treatment of something, wife included.

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