Tuesday, December 18, 2012


OK, we so despise those that take it upon themselves to boast an “entrepreneur” success story in efforts to theme scam the system, especially when such activity lends itself to the criminal element with an end result of placing a burden upon the U.S. Treasury. Which is in essence a “burden” upon the hard working salt of the earth middle class working heroes we are. Sorry, CEO’s not included in the “hard working” category but acceptable in the criminal ranks – like father like son! See, the government is generous and has for a long time – since Ted Stevens became a U.S. Senator and introduced “porkenomics” as a way of life as a way to get re-elected to a do nothing but politically correct crime acceptable job for life – “our” government finds many programs that are designed to keep the small business climate “small” and successfully treading water. Yes, “our” money given away for the cause. Now that cause comes under attack when the GOP finds itself on the “bad losers” side of the tracks. When they are in the lead, the giveaway is alright! Talk about tracks, those deadly chemical signs are still up along the 628-miles of track claimed to be owned by the Alaska Railroad but in actuality owned for purposes of “missing taxation”, yes claimed by the Koch Brothers for a $4-million dollar write-off. I don't believe this falls under the definition of a subsidy, designed to help a “small” business? Now the government subsidies given away under the guarantee of “Trust” in efforts to help out the mom & pop non-fast food chains, we pay out for this design and to be honest and contrary to popular opinion against government intervention, I have no problem “wanting” to pay my fair share of taxes on income to support such activities. Unfortunately there comes an exception as the system is broke and when fixes come along, it ain’t helping out this guy like it should. It ain’t helping you either, unless you are a member in good standing the 1% Club or a board member of the Alaska Railroad. Anyway, we see once again that “crime” in Alaska continues to pay, until such time one gets caught in the trap. Now that trap seems to have weak links, especially if the crime falls under the auspicies of a political entity, like where’s “My immunity”? Just recently another Alaskan “fairy farmer”, I mean “dairy farmer”, whatever fits, well Mr. Greenjeans was indicted for trying to pull the wool over Uncle Sam, for wire fraud in his efforts to produce cheese and ice cream. So Kyle Beus has been indicted by a Grand Slam Jury for “misuse of Federal Grant Money” and will see what it’s like looking out at the bay in Seward, not through stained-glass windows but through cold steel bars, along with all the other gang members so incarcerated. Does anybody know the existing head count for Alaska politicians still incarcerated? Allen’s a free man. Ted's dead. Too bad Ted didn't have time to write his memoirs as I was hoping for a new comic relief book! Now Beus’ indictment comes about based on evidence supporting “false statements” to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which allowed Beus to find some $200k in his pocket for “management related reimbursements”. Sorry Kyle, you still not a 1%'er! Hey, WHERE’S DON? See, Dandy Don Young came to the rescue of the Alaska Railroad for the same damn crime, “FRAUD”. The Alaska Railroad ran off with $45-Million of U.S. Taxpayers' loot based on “false statements”, for the last 6-years mind you! And when the track-man got caught and that loot was about to disappear, he ran to Don Young for help or else - by threatening workers’ rights and in the end, there came not only an immunity clause written into the “Public Law” doctrine, but Don was able to smooze the appropriations' wizard to keep the fraud money coming to Alaska for at least another 2-years! This is where justice finds such a weakness, as we become our own worst enemy when we condone such theft upon “OURSELVES”. It was an identical twin crime, and goes to show what happens when crooks have friends in Congress. Why does it go on and on forever? Because the political climate allows “K Street Ass Kissing & K Street Ass Licking” to rise above morals and ethic responsibility, the reason Don has not been indicted himself, for his involvement in the Coconut Grove triangle affair. Look, Alaska seems to have a fantasy, electing crooks time and time again. The fact that the Alaska Railroad used “fraud” to benefit its bottom line, wherein a bail-out from the U.S. Taxpayers allowed for the financial statements to reflect a viable venture wherein the CEO finds comfort in a salary boost, upon a business that is in reality a failed business, hey that‘s what modern day Alaskan politics is all about. What I am getting at in a nutshell. Crime does pay in Alaska, for those belonging to the establishment bent on wrecking America, included in this faction are those so involved in politics of corruption and those that think they are above and beyond the rest of us, those striving to make friends with the Romney’s, in the 1% contest! Problem, that contest failed us a long time ago. Why we cannot learn from our mistakes, it bothers our liberties. Look, the Alaska Railroad knows that it swindled money away from the U.S. Taxpayers, a crime of “fraud” it is. But not a crime when a guy like Don doesn't understand that word, its repurcussions on our honesty and honestly, I can't wait to see Don's memoirs in print! Hey Don, you need a title? How about “Crime My Way Does Indeed Pay”!

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