Monday, December 24, 2012

Dear MoanaLisa

Dear MoanaLisa MurCowpie – U.S. Senator of Alaska

It has been reported by reliable sources outside the “beltway” the following: “A landmark Environmental Protection Agency report concluding that children exposed to toxic substances can develop learning disabilities, asthma and other health problems has been sidetracked indefinitely amid fierce opposition from the chemical industry. For the first time since the ACE series began in 2000, the draft cites extensive research linking common chemical pollutants to brain damage and nervous system disorders in fetuses and children. It also raises troubling questions about the degree to which children are exposed to hazardous chemicals in air, drinking water and food, as well exposures in their indoor environments – including schools and day-care centers – and through contaminated lands. Very troubling both the bad newswire and the sad newsreal, that the report has been hijacked, but we understand that you are adamant at increasing the EPA's oversight upon our environment and also in favor of reversing the trend, fostered by your colleagues in favor of demolishing the EPA. So thanks, for standing up for what is right and making sure this report makes it out to its intended audience ASAP, and regulations that protect our children over the wealth of the chemical industry are tightened. We know you are behind US, to make for a safer environment in which we can be comforted when raising a family. I mean, this is what a member of Congress is supposed to do, and you seem to be leading the way forward wherein your colleagues have missed the boat – with increased protection rather then a dereliction your convictions wherein we would suffer otherwise the consequences. Thanks for standing up for the environment and taking to task your opponents bent on getting rid of the oversight responsibilities of the EPA, the government entity that still cares about our well-being - as it appears it may be the only thing Congress is still concerned about, due in part your efforts to make sure we are not bullied into submission by Mr. Clean. As you are well aware, when our children are at risk, we need representation like yours to make sure the “lobby” does not interfere with righteousness. Thanks again and my family sends thanks also, as do the thousands of children hospitalized and losing hair, losing eyesight, losing limbs or limbs stunted from birth due unwanted chemicals entering the environment. On your watch, we feel that sadistic trend of “industry wealth” over “citizens' health” will be but a bad dream of the past. And “Happy Holidays” as we feel much safer knowing that you are not one of those idiots trying to tear apart the agency still in good standing the American public and so designed to protect our well being when it comes to attacks by the chemicals industry. Have a healthy day!

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