Friday, November 2, 2012


Did you catch the video gone air crazy by that mom taking advantage her own child? Some little girl is posted on the “tube” with tears, a sickly looking face, a scared voice and complaining about Obama and Romney commercials - that she is tired of them. Look, this is child abuse as this kid is probably having nightmares! If a mom is so interested in the political landscape but takes away Mr. Rogers' time and Sesame Street time from her kids, just to stay a political junkie, this is child abuse - as politics isn't fit for everyone, especially when we have a Congress that employs a bunch of rapists, con artists and lobby whores. I am sure this kid is not surfing the “tube” on her own accord looking for Karl Rove constipation, diarrhea and erectile dysfunction commercials. Please, arrest this mom for something. Imagine, it is only 4-days away from the 2012 presidential election and George W. Bush has not yet blessed his candidate of choice. Maybe nobody in the running arena wants an endorsement from a pathetic dud, as we still find a town in Texas missing an idiot! Just the other day Jeb Bush went on the defense for little brother, trying to convince an audience of Florida terrorists that you can't blame a rotten economy on his brother's misguided administration. Dear Jeb, we are so sorry this associated blame as it is in reality and upon decency of democracy we Americans alone working hard for a living that are at blame - for not handcuffing your pathetic brother and incarcerating him forever, with those war crimes and for his participation in delivering Armageddon upon this nation! Please Jeb, go away. So poor George Bush is a president without a country, as when he dismantled respect the oval office, in the end he was returned with legacy – the worst president ever. He did indeed ruin the Bush namesake – which is OK in my book, as that family has an ugly past. It will be impossible to surpass those times under Bush, his administration's dereliction upon conviction and what he left us to contend with. I hope this country has learned a lesson. So it is not bothersome but somewhat hilarious that he isn't wanted as an endorsement, as it would no doubt have a negative effect, so silence is appreciated from the Romney camp. In fact, encyclopedia publishers stopped posting the presidential mugshots following George's reign of terror upon ethics and American righteousness, which had been a tradition since “Independence”. Oh, so sorry, that “mugshot” practice was banned following Bill Clinton, as it would have been improper to give a pervert free publicity. I wish Jimmy Carter would right a new sex novel, about Bill. No wonder that little kid fears for the future, as Romney did threaten “Big Bird” and when we see what has visited the White House over the years – excluding Barack – no wonder we see a grand retreat away from politics and political aspirations, as no longer can anyone become president. Whatever! Look, George still hasn't authored his own presidential memoirs, as there isn't anything fit for print, unless the title went something like this: “George Bush's Memoirs; The Lies, All the Lies and Nothing But the Lies So Help Me Saud”, or maybe a book with all the pages indicating, “This Page Iintentionally Left Blank”. And Bush followers would buy that in a heatbeat, an empty book and if in need it could be used for... That's it, Bush has published his memoirs, it is that white roll we use every morning when paying our regards to John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor the “water-boy”! Remember to flush twice, as it is a long way up to the “Hill”. Anyway, in efforts to make an appearance so as not to be forgotten during this election cycle, George gets a gig down in the Cayman Islands, wherein those attending a meeting that will most likely end up as a segment on “American Greed”, there comes a mandatory blackout to those paying big bucks to attend. What ever happened to free-speech? Now when the rich gather to hear a stool pigeon like George, and are told to shut up or else, then we find that puppet George is still just that, a puppet. Not now acting for the the neo-conservatives trying to push American democracy here, there and everywhere by using throw away American troops in boots, well George is probably working for his dad and Jim Baker and this meeting must have something to do with the “George Bush Tax Cuts” coming a rich persons way soon – the end of such. I am sure that this meeting is a way for the rich to hide away more loot, at the expense of the American Tax Code – where fair is no longer that, and getting further and further from the truth that we all should share the costs in efforts to remain free. Here is something for you to digest. When the housing market “bubble bust” first started to make in-roads into the glamor of Will Street, guess who received the first presidential bailout? Yes, it was an entity with links to the Carlyle Group, which was owned by George Herbert Walker Bush. Son came to daddy's rescue with the stroke of a pen, wherein millions from the U.S. Treasury was used to settle bad debts. See, had this not been allowed - in reality it should never have been allowed as it is criminal behavior – the Bush name would have been attacked. Look, the Bush family dysentery dynasty knows all about Geronimo's “skull”, its location, as supposedly during a talk show a long time ago, George spilled the beans and told the reporter that the “skull” exists in a secret clubhouse down at Yale. Following that interview, many Native American groups started to litigate the recovery, but it continues to find no traction. Imagine, a pathetic group of Yale men – woman not included – that believe kissing the skull of Geronimo will bring them rewards. Just ask John Kerry, as he is part of this pathetic rich men only club. Anyway, whatever Bush is pushing down in the tax haven islands, it cannot be good and more likely then not some scam dreamed up by powerful lawyers that have become traitors, in efforts to derail the tax code so the rich end up paying nothing close their fair share for freedom, as they find a higher degree of freedom down in those islands! See, the rich believe they should pay less taxes, as they don't use the road systems and prefer to use private jets to gallivant around the world to wine and dine. They don't think they use the services and infrastructure designed for the proletariat class, so why should they pay out their hard earned loot for “our” well being, this is how they think. Do you truly believe a “rich” person knows what happens every-time a faucet is turned on, or a toilet is flushed? Praytell, ask them who picks the vegetables and fruit so fresh! What ever happened to this country? Look, when Jim Baker was acting as the PR person for the Carlyle Group – which has ties bigger then Bain to China – Jim refused to interview with the American flag as a backdrop? Why not, what is he afraid of? See, America is used only in name any longer for many corporations. The jobs have gone offshore as has most of the tax-free looting. Anyway, when the IRS raided the UBS bank accounts down in the Caymans' – which was instrumental in starting the IRS amnesty program for the rich – I am sure the Romney clan was so named in that warrant, the only reason Mitt refuses to publish his tax returns. Basically, Mitt was indicted by the revenuers, but like occurs all to often, the rich used their money to hire powerful Will Street attorneys to run a full court press upon the indictments, and we see leniency with the amnesty program. In fact, many powerful lawyers defending the tax cheats, they are now challenging the amnesty program and telling clients to not cooperate with the IRS agents. Money, it can buy freedom nowadays, just ask Tom Delay. Look, Tom was indicted but remains a free-man. If the system was just, he would be behind bars and not allowed to vote, as he is a felon on the loose. Matter of fact, under the tax-cheat laws, without the amnesty program, Mitt is probably a felon, which menas he could not run for president. No, the “Will” is not a typo, as it is no longer a Wall that anyone can climb to the top. It has become but a rich persons game, a “WILL” that finds estates with estate babies protected from ever paying any taxation. “WILLS” so rich that there comes before us an entire generation of rich kids that will never ever sweat a days worth of work and with that will never realize what the American dream is all about, as it is the silver platter splattering of decency. And when one observes what is looming on the horizon, there is the outline of a skull, not Geronimo's, but an ugly remnant of the “Idiot” that was awakened from the crypt, and it is haunting even little girls who are afraid that “Big Bird” will be murdered at sundown come November 6th, 2012. My country Ti's of Thee, we are we today?

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