Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cantorbelles Concede

On late Friday, 4-days before the Karl Rove trained voter intimidation goon squads were to incite riots at the voting booths, to scare away Obama supporters, Eric Cantor – the GOP Congressional Water-Boy – he has spoken and conceded the race to Obama. Talk about jumping the gun, but the early voting numbers speak handsomely of an uncontested victory for the incumbent: Obama will not have to move out of the Oval Office, which means another four years of hatred from the “birthers” and also allowing George Herbert Walker Bush to reign still as this century's presidential failure – as a single term president. And there is reason enough as to why the “water-boy” hit the podium to raise the truce flag, the white flag of defeat. His concession speech talked about a “Spirit of Cooperation”, something that has been missing in action over at the beltway even though Obama has maintained an open-door-policy. The GOP has found every excuse in the book to maintain a separation between Congress and the Commander-in-Chief, at the same time their dereliction away from Constitutional conviction has allowed for an erosion between that “church and state” separation, so fundamental a healthy society. The religious faction has become a pretty annoying obstacle to true American democracy. For those not in the know political shenanigans, Cantor is the official “water-boy” for House Speaker John Boehner and Senate GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. For the last four years wherein Obama has tried to lead this country out of a depression and at the same time keep us safe from attacks upon the “Homeland”, Cantor and crew have been trying to destroy this country, by tactics designed to destroy Obama – wherein the trickle down theory affects us all. McConnell has voiced without disgrace that fact, that his only “mission” as a sitting U.S. Senator is to destroy Obama. Sure it is treason, as this is how a traitor reacts when a “black man” doesn't have to sit in the back of the bus and Mitch hates being in the “Minority”. And McConnell has practiced a “with us or against us” mandate his hooligan colleagues, which means he is a “bastard”. Well Mitch, you failed. And Boehner held the same conviction, to destroy Obama, because ObamaCare placed a tax upon “tanning” booths, which pissed Boehner off big time. So now comes the truce, as they have failed miserably this premeditated attack, after spending well over $58Million$ of taxpayers' loot on a plan of destruction without merit. Sure this is criminal, and the Sergeant of Arms must have indeed left his post, maybe black-mailed through intimidation or received a healthy bribe. But Obama has prevailed, so now the goons are coming front and center, for a very good reason. They are scared! See, Obama has 4-years to coast by as he pleases, as another term is not of interest and forbidden by the Constitution. Obama has succeeded, and the history books will tell future generations all about it. But a president with “4 more years”, it comes with a very valuable tool more powerful then all of Congress - it is called the “Executive Privilege”. With the stroke of a pen, without even an iota of a consensus of approval or bipartisan cooperation from the House, Obama can make and break legislation. Basically, he can put into effect “law” that satisfies his goals. Everything he wanted to get done in his 1st term, that went without any consideration except ridicule by the Cantorbelles, it can now become a reality. See, the Cantorbelles thought there was no way in hell that Obama would ever see the likes of another term, come the 2012 election. Karl Rove was wrong again, and how much did the Koch brothers lose on this gamble? How many close heart attacks did Trump endure while blowing a blood-pressure fuse over Obama's birth certificate? They blew it, as their ideals stink that of a rabid skunk, which is good for America. So John, Mitch, Eric and the rest of the traitors that have maintained such attacks upon the Commander-in-Chief the last four years, ha, ha! And I would wager that come next week, when the word is official that Obama is still at the helm, Donald's blood pressure will sky rocket, and he will blow the main fuse!

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