Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hector RectumVille

Praise the LoLo Lord! It was Sunday, and I was out in Hector RectumVille - a.k.a. North Pole Alaska - when I came across the opportunity of a lifetime. See, Railroad Bill was standing out in the rain, campaigning for some idiot. Look, anybody that Casey “Nosebleed” Jones supports politically speaking has to be from a “town missing an idiot the mission accomplished”. Bill’s a losing leech, and anybody that would hope to gain a political advantage with his “Impeachment Man” endorsement, it relates to a sicko Shaffer Cox mentality. But like already said, here before me this day the opportunity just too precious to abandon, even though I try not to practice sillyibacy on Sundays. So enjoying the buzz while trying to safely maneuver the “round-abouts” through town along Santa’s Lane, it meant one more go-around, so I could tell Bill where to shove it. Middle fingers went a flying, and all of a sudden the sign waving came to a standstill. What the hell was that “thud”, and was that a muzzle blast? Damn, I almost forgot, as Hector RectumVille is deep in the heart of “TEA-Party”, and in Alaska that means guns without roses! Out here, hunting season doesn’t end – as it appears liberation is considered a socialistic quality and many think it is their duty to defend against this kind of insurgency. It’s frightening, the Alaskan gun mentality, but what else could one expect as Alaska is so close to Russia we can see it, that fact of fiction according to expert witness Sarah Palin – so there is influence from the gestapo gulag to keep a loaded weapon under the bed. Honestly, there’s a big sign down the way, right next to a “Don Young” re-election lobby gift spelling it out what this “12 Mile Village” is all about, “We Love You Shaffer” - even though the Cox’s are heading to jail for a long time for plotting the takeover of the Alaska Railroad “bridge to nowhere”. I guess if the takeover was successful it was to be used as a militia camp right-of-way. Is this state really wasting money building a rail bridge across the Tanana, as a gateway to Vasyugan like mosquito infested taiga? Vasyugan? That’s the Russian swamp we can sometimes smell from Alaska - remember, we can see it, so... - but never over the stench of local political corruption crap. Now those of sound mind and of rational intellect – sorry no Young supporters meet the latter qualifications – we must remember that Don Young endorsed Shaffer’s “abolish the government” treaty - peas in a pod? Maybe, if Don’s coconut grove indictment sticks. Talk about coconuts, that’s what his outside war chest lobby buddies use for keeping Don's re-election signs righted during a good blow. What a giveaway, his supporters' identities! Isn't there a law against so much outside interference? Answer me this. If we did abolish the “government”, what the hell would Don accomplish, where would he get his loot from - to empower terrorist like followings? That is what happened with the Cox case! Anyway, when Alaska’s delegation was caught red-handed trying to build useless bridges, well they were not about to give up a good thing so turned that attention to even more “government loot” uselessness – M.V. Susitna ring a bell? But it was politics as usual on this “Praise the LoLo Lord” day in Hector RectumVille, and just a few feet away from where Bill teased the interest of tourists that were questioning their sanity, all the way up that damn dusty highway for… “Is this place for real, Santa’s Village”? But in a sad reminder that politicians don’t give a rat’s ass about respect, well a newly created flower garden withstood the wilting of the rain. It was in honor of a little kid 13-years young killed on the first day of school, riding a bike to school, nailed dead by a driver who lost focus road safety due the political jamming – as it was a distraction ending in destruction. See, the Santa Lane rounds have very little distractions, except for the flower watergirl that bends over to reveal her Monday through Friday thong! Honestly, did this campaign crap cause a distraction enough to cut life short for a kid minding his own business? Sure it did and those assembled to incite road rage should be held accountable – in a legal sense contributory negligence should prevail. Look, we have come to grips that politics is so corrupt and not in any way shape or form any longer “For the People”, when those red signs and the blue signs once again pollute the scene, it causes road rage and in the end we see the consequences. A morning period for James Johnallen? No, it was business as usual for the politicians along the rounds doing their morning rounds. What accident? Whose kid? Look, once again we should have seen the writing on the wall a long time ago and been more in tune towards civility and spent money on important things, instead of useless icons, like more bike paths so kids could get healthy and not be targeted by attention defecit drivers. Really, we neeed more bike paths so our children are safe to school instead of piling our future onto a stinky bus most likely driven by a sex-offender still not registered... See, Don’s reason for signing Shaffer’s “abolish the government manifesto” was the fact that such a takeover could mean an end to bike paths! With no government spending allowed, bike paths would be the top priority gone. Don has a legacy we must not forget, he has forever hated spending loot on anything that helps us get healthy. Don has hated and will always hate bike paths, because he never learned to ride a bike! True fact. Anyway, the brats should have had some decency and put away their campaign stuff, just for a day or so, in honor of decency, but it was too close to annihilation day – the day the polls open – so taking a break for a little kid was not a consideration. Why politicians can't find any decency for even simple “no-brainer” like issues is beyond reasoning. Here we find a small town tragedy still fresh in the minds of the citizens, so to see the politicians continue their filthy inbred ways and means and trample upon sacred ground, it is pathetic – but what else would we expect out of a bunch of losers. Today, the only reason one enters the political arena is to join the party of losers. Look, North Pole has had enough punishment lately. I am sure Bill is a coward in cruelty upon Santa land, as when one views the deal the Alaska Railroad has with the Koch Brothers, we see the true face of Alaskan style politics – wherein crime still pays. Basically speaking, the Alaska Railroad Corporation helps the “union busters” because it is exempt from taxation, this allowed through the rail's board of directors, which includes Bill, such allows a ways and means to abide and abet tax fraud. See, the entire track system is assigned to the Koch Brothers – a.k.a. Koch Suckers. And with this windfall, as the “brothers” get to write off a huge amount in corporate taxation for the track assignment, guess what? It is cheaper for the “Brothers” to haul refined products from overseas countries that have “zero” workers right, send it up the rail and in the meantime furlough about 30% of the workers from Alaska's biggest refining operation, right here in North Pole! This is what Bill stands for, as does Don. Give it all away to the corporate crooks. And now we see a bunch of politicians trying to save our bacon with the military showdown - at Eielson. Get the point yet, the military is leaving because this state has shot itself in the foot, not once but instead of a 22-guage we used a Gatling gun. We are limping along, but the loss of blood from filthy politics has left this state without a cause. The oil, its gone? Natural gas, just a dream. The partnership between the coal producers and the transporters like the rail, it has basically become the death grip, as the military can no longer operate in a climate that finds “Ask not what you can do for your country”, wherein the corruption of greed finds no limits - like they need us? Not any longer. And to see Bill out campaigning when he is the signatore of another $billion$ doallr blunder – the Anchorage Port expansion - it is just more of the same. Next week Bill Allen may be here, campaigning and stealing way little girls when it rains. He is out of jail! Santa, find a new place to hang your wish mail as this place is doomed – and this is the bellwether for Alaska as it is the only place that has any semblance of an industry. In the end, when we ask ourselves what went wrong, when our kids ask us “how come”, we can say we blew it, by not “impeaching the leech”. Old stuff? Yes, but legacies take a lifetime to come to fruition, and that time is here. What do you mean, don’t drink the water! OK, what am I getting at? Don Young and the rest of the Alaska delegation behave as if they too are affected by “too much of a good thing” – a.k.a. PGAD or “persistent genital aroused disorder”, it basically means non-stop ogasims”. This syndrome requires constant relief, and the remedy appears to be an over-the-counter prescription from the delegations' private stash pharmacy, the U.S. Treasury. They are sick with our loot, for their own good! So in ending, to the attorny representing that kid run over, let's hope the suponeas for those politicians that were out and about when this accident occurred have been served, because a driver went into looney drive this political circus along the Santa Lane round-abouts. Let's hope that the “contributory neglignce” contribution finds them as guility, and maybe then we can have a real Santa Lane parade to celebrate the fact that there is HOPE!


  1. Can you post a pic of the We luv U FlatCap sign?

  2. The last comment is unfair. I shouldn't make fun of people's appearance or attire.

    Can you post a pic of the We luv U Wifebeater sign?

  3. Can you post a pic of the We luv U FlatCap sign?
