Friday, September 14, 2012

Going Dutch?

The day, praytell the day in which the political polls somewhat accurate decided to send Missfit Romney packing for a long vacation over to one of his offshore havens and at the same time spell the final episode of the GOP, there comes a planned attack on the consulate in Libya? Coincidence, NOT. What occurred many miles away from the “Homeland” was a botched attempt to pull a Ronald Reagan going into the last stretch, like occurred when the “Dutch” went up against Jimmy Carter back in the early 80's. In a nutshell, an embassy attack takeover with American hostages would have had the opposite effect with the polls, and Obama would be the candidate running for his political life. Had it been successful, day one of the hostage situation would have seen Obama's 7-point lead erased, and it would have been an exponential decay from then on, with Romney smiling all the way to the history books' photo shoots. To have a crisis involving American hostages so close to the election, it would have taken all of Obama's attention and effort allowing the Romney team to move in for the political chilling. This is a NEO attempt, this situation in Libya, one that failed miserably as the GOP has not a leg to stand on any longer and with it we have learned a great lesson, money can't bribe it all! Yet, they think money is the panacea upon their almighty doctrine of “Power”. That missing “mission accomplished” thing. With the money being wasted this 2012 election and with only 54-days left until the voting booths are opened, for some, there is more then enough evidence already to make an assessment of what went on over in Libya – a planned coup against the Barack Obama administration and his re-election campaign. With $billions$ floating around made possible by the U.S. Supreme Court's “Circus of Clowns Opinion” on lobby money, to find a group of insurgents with nothing better too do then to cause harm upon America - not a problem. A dime a dozen proposition! Most likely, this coup design and funding came from the underlings of the defunct in name but not in action PNAC – Project for the New American Century. When you hear what Don Rumsfeld is saying about Obama with respect to the situation in Benghazi, when you listen to what John Bolton is saying about this election showdown conflict, when you listen in to how FOX and Hannity are trying to incite riots, it is a no-brainer that these idiots praise the insurgents' attempt to disrupt the Obama camp's surge in the polls, as it is a ways and means to turn the tides and turn voters against Obama. Based on “crisis” incompetency, just like what happened to Jimmy Carter. So it was supposed to be a hostage taking situation, but the insurgents were in over their heads and it resulted in a botched attempt, as Americans at the compound were overcome by smoke inhalation. Outnumbering may have been the realization, so this was indeed a botched affair. According to sources, 125 rebels against an American army of 4. In the end, when the coup started to go off course, the trigger happy goons panicked and instead of taking hostages that would have been a very convenient ransom note, we now mourn the death of several brave Americans caught off-guard. There came no hostages, like already mentioned, a botched plan of attack against Obama. Why did Romney come out so quickly to agitate tranquility with his “sympathizer” quotes? Because his camp probably knew what was too go down, but before the reality of the botched attempt was known, little did the Missfit know that the $millions$ spent on this plan was a waste of money! Look, it is dirty money trying to control dirty politics. Here it is in my opinion. The entire 2012 election should be placed on hold, until such time the U.S. Justice Department, along with the FBI and CIA can assess the facts of filthy political contributions, getting to the bottom of things. Like questioning to death the fact was some of the loot used to fuel the insurgents to perform this hostage attempt from the wallets of PNAC interests? Of course it was. And then those responsible and affiliated with PNAC should be placed on trial for treason and marched in front of America, holding their own nooses. Then we can get on to business, as if we let this slide, then America has hit the apocalypse “Now” and retreat is akin to being on thin ice with Chris Christie. And when sitting in a cold cell without his $millions”, Romney can write his legacy, “How he made a run for the presidency, and it didn't cost him a dime in taxes, just some time”!

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