Saturday, August 4, 2012

NakNek…Who’s There?

NakNek…who’s there? MoanaLisa!  MoanaLisa Who? MoanaLisa MurCowpie – a.k.a. Nepotism U.S. Senator from Alaska! Wow, finally I have once again court approved permission to utilize “GOOGLE” to perform research, in efforts to CSI the trail of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. No big problem being absent this mission, as the scent lingers – just like from an irate and rabid skunk on the loose in Don Young’s D.C. office. That’s how the “Congressman for all Alaskans” - except liberals - greeted visitors like Nancy Pelosi, “want to be mounted?” With Alaska’s well-known “Club” of corrupt political officials, the trail of suspicion provides the American Taxpayers with that “bellwether”, in efforts to gage just how bad the already corrupt can tolerate even more “corruptness” in their diets through unabated pathetic representation. So it is good to get back on track, into the swing – and wow does it stink! Now my timeout with “Google” had been requested by my attorney - Mr. Phineas J. Whoopee - as I was somehow or another made party to a “Class Action” lawsuit, along with Howard Stern. Look, this kind of litigation finds “No Class”, and is just another way to pay more out in income tax. Victims of scamming  never get back what went swindled, and this type of legal battle amounts to micro-cents on the dollar. A win has to be claimed, not only by the victim, but claimed with the Tax man! Nothing is free for the proletariats, accept grief in the pursuit of the trinity, that being life, liberty and happiness. Anyway, in Stern v. Google, there came a settlement. So wow, I received my court approved “incentive compensation”.  Look, it would cost me more in gas and wasted time away from beer drinking then to bother a run down to my local bank and cash-out this ridiculous waste of paper. Besides that, when the mail showed with my “award”, I was gainfully engaged in sabotaging my neighbor’s lawn mower. What is it about lawn care freaks? A whole different subject! Talk about a definition of a rip-off in disguise, “incentive compensation”, worth a measly $0.07 cents - it doesn’t make sense that there are judges out there that administer this kind of impotency with the gavel. And get this, the settlement also allows reimbursement for all tax return preparations with respect to the “interest” on this settlement. Great, as my Excel went berserk with that “divide by zero” error when I tried to figure out the “interest” on this ransom award. But I bet a creative accountant could generate a Mitt Romney “203-page” 1030 return with multiple addendums, just to hide that interest. Anyway, NakNek…who’s there, MoanaLisa MurCowpie and the corrupt bastard club constituency, which appears to be alive and well, even after indictments, plane crashes, land swindling deals, little girls raped with cigars then those cigars enjoyed at private banquets – the list of extra-curricular activities goes on to Kingdom come. Crime in politics seems to provide a very good payoff here in the “Last Frontier”. “Incentive compensation”? And it continues on, just pay a little attention to the “In State Gas Caucus” and you’ll get the drift.  Sometimes I feel like a honey bee. We work our ass off, just to get enough loot for day by day activities, and maybe with a little extra effort we can save a little for that long winter when it is necessary to resort to reserves. That’s a thing of the past, based on the fact that when we try to hoard away any semblance of a savings, along comes the beekeeper – incentive compensation politician – to raid the stash. So they steal my honey and sell it for a profit, and in the end, to survive I have to buy back my own “crap”. And they laugh all the way through the lobby. We thought double-dipping was against the law! Which reminds me, whatever happened to a law abiding America? Anyway, this Naknek geothermal project over in western Alaska is turning out to be a doozy in the annals of Alaskan style corruption. Look anything that has gone this bad and this far off course, of course it’s “corruption” and stinks more of the same CBC mentality. “Mission Accomplished”, means pure theft. And to be more precise and convincing, yet another indication that the legacy of the “Stooges” has and will continue to cause this state to sink deeper and deeper into that cesspool filled to the brim with political “crap”. It ain’t “honey”, honey! And like has been the time proven destructive case here in Alaska, American Taxpayer loot is involved. There is something peculiar with Uncle Sam handouts and corruption, seems to go hand in hand here in Alaska! And now that Naknek is “bankrupt”, we see another case of missing identity, as the rascals that wined and dined away “our” money have disappeared. And of course the politicians behind this ridiculous gamble, they are studying the immunity clauses in the state of Alaska preamble. The “Stooges” you ask? Ted Stevens, Don Young and Frank MurCowpie, when the latter lieutenants engaged a tag-team mindset to change the way government respects the Constitution. Ted was instrumental in establishing a culture of corruption in Washington. Don read the writing on the wall and followed suit. Frank, he was stuck up both asses. Now by the time Frank was sent into retirement because his miss’ was pissed that she couldn’t fit her fat ass on the gubernor’s private state jet transport, he had already secured a foundation of distrust among logically thinking Americans loyal to the cause. And even though he caved in to latrine duty demands, his legacy in the U.S. Senate will be remembered as too many years of wasted time trying to pry open ANWR, so as a concession his failures and as pay-back to America, he gave daughter MoanaLisa the keys to the U.S. Treasury. Look, Dick Cheney was right, bad choice. What in hell is that tune playing over the Bose? Oh yes, “Stupid Girl”. See, when MoanaLisa secured $20-million in “grants” for the NakNek project, she was quick to deliver a press conference, making the point that “she delivers”! That was just about the time she was in a re-election battle with a tea-bag. A few votes purchased here, a few purchased there, it adds up to victory. “Grants”, which means “no payback required”, it is the tool of choice today used by politicians to win favor the voters in that quest for a job of a life-time – a position that no longer thrives on accountability but thrives on thievery. When American Taxpayer money is abused for selfish reasons, it is “thievery”. This was Ted’s trademark, which was acquired by Don and on and on and on. And of course it amounts to “vote buying”, as it is money that doesn’t belong to them! Had not this been the case, Ted would have been a short-lived Senator, same with Don and MoanaLisa would still be rolling out pappardelle pasta. I will admit a single positive thing about Dumbya. The “tax cut for all” was based on the fact that George realized too much “pork” was being “delivered” through suspicious and possibly “illegal” “appropriation’s bill spending”, which means nothing short a political luxury supported by too much taxation. Don is still under indictment the latter mentioned “appropriations” abuse, but doesn’t remember much after the head trauma from a fallen coconut when he was out at his cabin in Ft. Yukon. See, with global warming…..Taxation for representation doesn’t mean bend over some more! Even so, the corruption behind this type of political mentality, vote buying through “pork” addition and bringing home the bacon, it has still today way too much momentum and since ethics went missing in action, the “welfare” continues. NakNek Electric Association’s “Regional Geothermal Energy Project” is a glimpse of this momentum run amuck. And support this “already failed before fruition” project meant that Federal welfare would be envisioned as a reoccurring act, and estimated to require out-side assistance of $120-Million by the time it was said and done, which seems to have found a premature ending. It appears that we have become addicted to this type of “welfare” and even though Ted is gone, the pilferage continues, even with Senator Mark Begich on the prowl. Talk about a loose cannon! Surely “All” American Taxpayers have been brutally beaten up with the waste here in Alaska, with nothing in return that indicates success. A state that has the largest producing oil fields in the nation! And we still rely on government welfare? It was designed that way by the Stooges – called addiction while “Big Oil” freeloads. Basically speaking, how about a sign in front of a giant sink hole, “Your Tax Dollars at Work – Doing Nothing”. “Waste Not Want” is a crime with respect to hunting and fishing regulations, this should find the same with government spending. Name even a single project here in Alaska that was tied to a “handout” that can claim success? In limbo is Don’s wood chip facility – a failure. The Kodiak launch facility – a failure. The huge fish processing plant turned holy in Anchorage – a failure. The M.V. Susitna, still AWOL – so another “Waste Not Want” failure. And even though Ted was proud to steal away American Taxpayer money to study the penis size of the male muskox, that is still not a “mission accomplished”. In fact, maybe that should become the test of time for anybody with political aspirations, either that or trying to get a breathalyzer from Lesil! So even today, we see proof that the “famed” legacy of “pork addiction” will continue to haunt this state, for generations to come. In Naknek, “We the Taxpayers” have been raped, by throwing away over $20-Million, so a project that never had a chance can now test the courts, with receivership proceedings, just more waste! Why not just jail time?  It’s not a whole lot of money with respect to the “Big Picture Show”, but an example of just how it has become so easy for the politicians to steal away our hard earned income. A little bit here, a little bit there, it adds up. When the “Stooges” had the keys to the U.S. Treasury, during the heyday, Alaska was way above the rest of the states with respect to per-capita relief. It pissed off John McCain, the reason he picked running mate Sarah Palin as his vice back in 2008, as maybe she could lead him to the whereabouts of all that loot sent “North” by the “Stooges”. See, when John visited the state for the “Kenai Classic” and discovered the worst road conditions on earth he went puzzled, because of all the DOT highway funds that were year after year sent this way, so part of his presidential aspiration was in efforts to discover the loot and return it to its rightful owners. He thought Sarah could help. Bottom-line, it is no different today! And to all those dueling banjo tea-baggers, today Alaska is still making out in the regurgitation category.  With ObamaCares’ bucks, when the rest of civilized America sees about $760-per capita, Alaska is reeling in on average close to $2800, to waste away on stuff that will continue to avoid developing a sustainable jobs infrastructure. Waste not want? What a pathetic joke. Sad, when the expert witness conclusion before inception this Naknek geothermal joke, that it won’t work, it didn’t stop the bank robbers. Just like with the Healy “Clean Coal” project, one of Ted’s better failures. But this is the legacy, get the money, and who really cares what happens too it. Don continues the legacy, with his fight to get back the $40-Million in fraud bucks. See, Alaska Railroad officials were not being honest with the Fed.’s with respect to “Commuter Rail” miles and when the fraud was discovered, the money was cutoff, like it should have been. What “Commuter Rail”? Well Don still has a back door key and was able to swindle the loot back, through some outlandish “appropriations attachment” and now the Railroad men are going crazy with “pesticide” treatments, along the entire rail system. Maybe addicted to that also! And with Naknek, MurCowpie’s “Baby” this venture was successful in one thing of interest, a “sink hole”! So today we see Naknek is bankrupt, and Uncle Sam may be on the hook. Mark Begich, what a disappointment, as he works the same legend, like when he threatened the promotion of a military man, just because of his “erection lasting longer then 4-hours” - his hard-on against those that serve this country. Look. Eielson is shutting down for one all important reason! It’s the cost of delivered energy that has sent that base onto the chopping block. But Joe’s mine didn’t suffer, as relief came from the railroad – from Don’s “Fraud Bucks”! The U.S. Taxpayers are subsidizing the Alaska Railroad so it can deliver over-priced coal to keep our troops warm! In Alaska, everybody on the “hand-out” is in bed with each-other. At one time the highest thing in Alaska was Mt. Denali, today that is over-reached by “Greed”. If Alaska doesn’t get it together, Ft. Wainwright will be next, and possibly Greely, Clear all again added to the BRAC chopping block, due to “delivered energy” costs! Then what? Oh yes, the oil will be gone and the only jobs will be taking apart the 800-mile dip-stick while the legislature hides in Juneau figuring out their own “Golden Parachute” by ripping apart the “Constitutional Budget Reserve”. And when the construction equipment convoy for that pipeline demobilization job is finished and rolling down to the lower-48 for auction, so will Alaskan’s be leaving for “greener pastures”, as there ain’t nothing left after that. Except the legacy! What is it with humans and lawn mowers?

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