Sunday, August 5, 2012

Battle On!

“There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear. There's battle lines being drawn...hooray for our side”! Wow, one must have nerves of steel and lead weight balls to take on Uncle Sam – or stubborn stupidity along with a Mitt Romney mentality. I bet the perpetrators of stupidity this scam turned conflict are running for cover, probably seeking asylum in Canada. And it is great to see the U.S. ARMY along with the U.S. AIR FORCE with additional support from the Department of Defense working together and coming forward to America's rescue. Now I am not talking about an unknown conflict way far and away in the middle east, but a conflict brewing “heated” right here in the “Homeland”. And the military is sending in the “Big Guns”, to quell this uprising orchestrated by a few “Turncoats” in bed with foreign investors. Imagine, our military infrastructure being sold to foreigners! The theater of engagement this battle is right here in Alaska! See, when Doyon Utilities reneged away from the “fair play” doctrine on an already lucrative “Utility Privatization” contract with the ARMY for services rendered at Ft. Wainwright, Ft. Greely and Ft. Richardson, it didn't sit well with the brass responsible for national security - so the military mobilized its legal brigade to fight for freedom. It is sad when our military has to deal with homegrown “white man” battles, especially when there are other pressing problems and opportunities around the globe needing attention through a “peacekeeping” like military involvement. But this conflict is a direct attack upon the U.S. Taxpayers, so I support the military in this “mission” to use whatever force it takes to triumph with victory “For the People”. And Congressional approval is not required this engagement, as it comes as a direct attack upon this soil and harmful to America - so the military must intervene. We can help, through the “militia” clause in our Constitution. Now even though no guns have been deployed, well the power of the subpoena is just as powerful to bring this conflict to an end wherein justice will be served and liberty secured. Maybe, just maybe through testimony we can find out what has gone on behind closed “board room” doors, finally an understanding as to where in hell our money has conveniently disappeared away too? Wow, even the State of Alaska is getting involved, as like already mentioned, Doyon is organizing an attack on the U.S. Taxpayers – and that upsets “We the People”! And I give credit to Alaska’s Attorney general, for getting involved to help out Uncle Sam. Yes, we taxpayers are under attack by unscrupulous business brats, trying to defraud the government, which if successful concludes with an attack on our hard earned income. Yes, Doyon Utilities is trying to rob the U.S. Treasury and the military has taken up the cause and with that the task to protect the pilferage. It will be a “mission accomplished”, as I have faith this time around that the legal troops will prevail. Maybe, if this works, maybe it means time to turn Medicare over to the military, for safekeeping against the same kind of rip-off con artists. This battle began when Doyon Utilities tried to defraud the U.S. government, with ransom demands of $millions$ in back payments and future payment increases also in the $millions$, all without any justifiable justification – except the fact that greed is involved. On a historical note of interest, Doyon Utilities is a venture between Doyon Limited – an Alaskan Native Corporation – and Fairbanks Sewer & Water. Now anybody that is familiar with FS&W, it is a limited shareholder privately owned business under the auspices of what is considered the “Fairbanks' Mafia”. Ten shareholders only all total, strutting around in pin-striped suits, black leather coats and suede Manitobah Mukluks. If RICO – Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act – statutes were implemented in the utility sector, FS&W would have already been indicted. See, Doyon thought it could bombard the state “regulators”, demanding “expedited” treatment in its request for more loot, when all the time it had not the slightest evidence that warranted something in the neighborhood of an additional $25-Million, on top of $75-million already cashed in. In fact, when analyzing this outfit’s financial disclosure statements of record, the ratio of “Administrative” costs are way out of proportion a “normal” utility. Look, this means money confiscated from the taxpayers going not to “Operations & Maintenance”, but loot being rolled over to pay for possibly other shenanigans, like to bolster the value or “preferred stock” options agreed upon by the Mafia, to pay for the planned take-over of the sewer men's assets, because the Canadian investors saw “gold in them thar hills” with respect to this “Utility Privatization” and Uncle Sam relationship! This blitzkrieg had worked before for the sewer brats, and they thought “precedence set” would prevail, then once signed sealed and delivered, it would have been very difficult for the ARMY to reverse horses in midstream. This time around, the ambush failed, and the ARMY was there to protect America. Also in its “nightfall” plan of attack, Doyon Utilities - which finds 50% ownership by a Canadian investment firm - there was an attempt to perform a merger, just more crap before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. It failed as the “Commission” found the new owners “unfit”, as FS&W has basically worn out its welcome with this state’s regulators, especially after FS&W was caught cheating the consumers in Fairbanks. So the tides of change have swamped Doyon's attempt to rip-off Uncle Sam, and when I see the ARMY go to bat against this kind of interest, to protect the “American” interest above and beyond, this is something I can be proud of. GO ARMY!

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