Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mitt & Kerry Connection

“Extra, Extra, read and complain all about it”. OK, so Senator John McCain knows what Mitt Romney’s tax returns look like, as when John was contemplating the “Bain Man” as a VP tag team contender back in 2008, handing over the “returns” became a requirement. See it had nothing to do with nothing, except wealthy wives like to spy on each other. Mitt’s wife is rich, so is John’s “Budweiser Babe”. Supposedly Mitt turned over several years of books to the McCain camp back then, as each one of this rich man’s returns is about 200-pages long. That is the best way to fool the IRS, as with limited auditors, only so much time is allocated to catch crooks. As the saying goes in the legal arena, “the litigator with the most paper work wins”. When it was all said and done and Mitt was done with by the “Lame Man McCain for President” campaign, Mitt went into hiding, still the “General Partner” for Bain Capital. “Bain”, which is becoming a household curse word, this conglomerate is a complicated transaction and even though Mitt will tell you lies that ties had been cut, involvement in Bain is like “being made” in the Mafia, there is no retreat. In fact, just last month the State of Massachusetts revoked Bain’s license, for failing to deliver “annual reports” since 2005! Anyway, why in hell did McCain pick Sarah Palin over Mitt? She ain’t no babe but a twit! The comparison, it doesn’t make any sense. Here we find a successful business man, a religious man and more losing out to a bimbo that has magnified vision – she can see Russia from Wasilla! So what gives? Well if John saw something in the Mitt estate that was a threat to national security, like “off-shore” tax havens that were illegal and promulgating robbery upon the U.S. Treasury, then as a U.S. Senator he has a “sworn” obligation to turn the crook into the IRS agents. That never happened, so there exists the possibility that Mitt’s returns are not questionable. Maybe not ethical, maybe borderline dismal with respect to “I’m an American”, wherein maybe Mitt gave more to the LDS church then what was turned over to Uncle Sam for taxable income. Maybe, maybe and more maybe, but there has to be something of interest in those returns that turned McCain against Romney – as a running mate. So what could it be that continues to offer up the “zero” transparency and stubbornness? Well here it is in a nutshell, a “ship” sinker! Mitt and Bain were still in good company during the 2004 presidential race, with Bush as an incumbent and John Kerry making a run at the helm. It was the usual, a nasty campaign, especially when the “Swift-boat” episode surfaced. Now Kerry is also wealthy, like Mitt, as John is married to the “Heinz” ketchup lady. And doesn’t it strike as an odd note that Mitt would mention Mrs. Heinz, just the other day while out trying to defend his own wealth hoarding? Something about John Kerry’s wife didn’t have to produce her returns? This was a cheap shot, but Mitt had reason to use it during a campaign stump, as it is bothering him. The brain chemistry is working, as Mitt stumbled across the Kerry thing not by mistake, but something is bugging him. See, Mitt supported Kerry in 2004! And there is evidence that Mitt and his affiliation with Bain, it was a major contributor to John Kerry. So test the ice, if this is indeed true that Mitt - the now GOP contender - if he contributed loot to support Kerry’s run against Bush, the repercussions could be and would be devastating. But this is it, supported by evidence. To re-iterate, Mitt Romney was a contributor to John Kerry’s attempt to unseat George Bush! This is what is in hiding Romney’s tax returns, through Bain’s “Skadden” affiliation. This fact in itself, it would have more of a destructive element of surprise then any known facts about Mitt’s tax shelters, as the latter whether wrong or right, it is something that can be accepted by the “Right”. But what cannot and wouldn’t be tolerated by the “Limbaugh Right”, is the fact that their GOP hopeful is a traitor! Rush, rush in like a fool, go get him on this one!

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