Monday, July 23, 2012

Precious Metals

Wow, the price of bronze is tanking! Something must have occurred over the weekend to crash the stock. Glad I sold off my precious metal “bronze” stocks, after receiving some insider trading information a few days ago - that bronze would be getting hit pretty hard. I have a contact that works in Congress, so they know what is coming down and have immunity from prosecution with respect to “insider” violations. See, the bronze market has been glutted with recycled bronze, ever since Penn State authorities started melting away a legend. Take that back, Paterno started his own fire storm, and retreat isn't an option. Hot down there Joe? Why would JoePa be so idiotic and selfish, to not come forward and turn in on-the-loose Sanduskey, turn the pervert over to the authorities? Well, for one thing - good “Hail Mary” jock or not - it shows a very insecure and non-caring individual, especially for an icon. Sad, that when men in such positions feel that they must bend over to the buck. It had to do with “image”, and imagine had Joe been honest with society! Now I don't care about the $60-million fine imposed by the NCAA upon the Nittany Lions, as that money will come from “hidden” tuition increases, so it is not a deterrent. And the fact that Penn State is banned from any “bowl” time for several years, maybe it has some merit instead as “toilet bowl time”. But it is sanctions against the players, those that most likely had not any control over Sanduskey's fascination with little kids. Can you imagine a young quarterback trying to tell Joe what to do? Talk about sideline opportunities, just like Joe did with the victims, sidelined justice by turning a blind eye. Now what is indeed a fine, finding the definition of a deterrent, it is the fact that Penn must forfeit all game “wins” from 1998 through 2011. This basically places Joe at the bottom of the barrel, the “Most Loosing” coach of our times. Wow, from the top to the bottom, because of greed. In this case, crime doesn't pay! Bottom-line, with such fines and the fact that Joe's statues and statesmen like status are coming down, Penn State is toast, now and forever. I guess if this nation needs a test site for a nuclear bomb, latitude 40-32'24”N and longitude 078-24'31” will do fine, as it will be no great loss. Maybe napalm will suffice! Joe left a scorched earth for many, so an eye-for-an-eye, well why not. And I understand that reputable firms have told their recruiters to shy away from hiring anybody that has a Penn State sheepskin, bad portfolio publicity! See, the alma mater grey matter is insisting that Penn is innocent and that Joe is still a hero? Look, the campus security had to equip itself with tear gas and riot gear because people were so upset, when the jackhammers started tearing down Joe's wall this past weekend! Instead of a college campus, it looked like more coverage of Aurora, Colorado! Sorry Penn graduates, as you should have learned that one bad apple still spoils... If you didn't, demand your money back!

1 comment:

  1. You can really never know when those metals go high or low. You should be very careful in all your decisions just like when you sell silver or gold, you should gather as many information as you can to do the right thing.
