Monday, July 9, 2012

My Griswold Vacation

I decided to take a different kind of “family” vacation this year, as everything seems to be booked up already at the “traps”! And what is so odd, there appears to be not as much available “outdoors” as there used too be! Did the sly FOX steal the wilderness? So instead of the National Parks, why not deviate the routine summer vacation and instead opt to visit the “Vacation Homes” of the 1%. This is no joke and it appears that what has gone down and out-of-control, most likely started with the George Bush “Puppet President” dysentery dynasty, there is something gone Willie Wonker wrong with the “Income Tax Code” as it applies to a fair & equitable system. As to have this “extra” in your wallet to squander away the beach-fronts, lakes and rivers - for personal benefit and enjoyment - it just doesn't sit too well with this American. Look, we all work our ass off, that is the American spirit. It doesn't matter if you bus tables, or clean up after those that cannot for themselves - not talking about the wealthy - we are all in this together, or at least I thought so. Now if this “all together now” is out on “Tilt”, then we need to get it back in sync, or else! Maybe I learned it all so differently, that America was supposed to be the nation of “Brotherly Love”, where equality was paramount above all a healthy and free-spirited nation. Where the “equality” concept, whether with respect to relationships or equity in wealth, it was something embraced by all as the “only” way to go. But what has been cast down upon the “cast” system, it is an atrocity. “My belly full but me hungry” is beginning to find meaning outside its intended audience of affliction. When I was growing up, a child in the middle class with a dad like most dads that was once a military man, we had not the disposable income to have a hideaway vacation nest. That in itself was a rarity my neck of the woods. We lived a rather comfortable lifestyle, not a whole lot of “extras”, but “Hamburger Helper” helped as did the fried veal loaf sandwiches. That stuff with eyeballs - not to forget the “SPAM”. And it seemed to be a payday to payday survival routine, but that was par for the course and it was no different for the masses of these New England city dwellers from Maine to Connecticut. Where the “Hamptons” still remained but a wasteland! I was no different “wealth to poor wise” with the other kids throughout the surrounding neighborhoods. We were not really “poor”, so that is why the “wealth wise” is significant. It was a borderline proposition, wealth over down right “poor”. Sure, those few and far beyond with “extra wealth” - what a filthy word in “wealth” - well they could afford an extra plot a land down by a lake along with a rustic cabin - but it still meant an outhouse. See, there was a disparity, but it was a manageable disposition. It wasn't by any stretch of the imagination a “class war”. They had extra, but within reason what my folks' income amounted to. It provided a realization that “hey, I can get there” sentiment. So every 3rd year, my father and mother would have saved enough through the use of “hand me downs” to get a “rental” cabin for a week or so – that was the American Dream. Look, my 1st bike was a ”girls” bike, so I had to fabricate a “ball busting bar” to go across the frame, as to venture out onto “Clarner Street” with the likes of an opposite sex bike, well it would have meant at least a few fist fights along the way. There were things wherein you didn't cross the line, this was one of those things. So, when times were good and it meant getting away to the lake when city temperatures hovered in the 90s with the humidity the same, it meant something – that Griswold Family Vacation American Dream! When a family could pack up the station wagon and head out of town, for that long drive up to New Hampshire – to Lake Winnipesaukee. We were lucky to make it to the lake without the car over-heating or breaking down. To be honest, I hated leaving the inner city summers! I mean we had our forts down at the Red Devil bridge, our Lucky Strike and Marlboro stashes and Claudette was at that age where she played with our imagination! But nowadays, what the hell has happened? Were we asleep at the wheel? Like mentioned before, most of the “Super-8” hotels at the popular tourist attractions went booked up so early this election year, like the pressure was on. In fact, one must start way in advance even to “reserve” a camp spot at most of the Nationals. But here it is in a nutshell. We are under attack by “Wealth”! “We” herein defined as the proletariat class of hard working salt of the earth bread-winning Americans. To re-iterate, “Under Attack by Wealth”! Now, to put this “Attack” into perspective. Mitt Romney and family enjoy a $10-Million dollar “retreat” on Lake Winnipesaukee, in New Hampshire. The same place that entertained the “proletariat” class once upon a time. That's a 1 with how many “zeros”, for a vacation cabin with how many bathrooms? And I use Mitt as an example of a cowardly class that has taken the opportunity to screw us all. Mitt is a bonafide member of the 1% elitist, those that see it proper to scam away as much of their income as possible, tax sheltering at its finest. Then when they find a whole lot of extra that went under the IRS radar, it is used to squander away what was ours to begin with, a ways and means to disenfranchise America - from sea to shinning sea. And I would bet that Mitt has not only a summer retreat, but most likely a winter retreat, that costs the same – millions! That is how this “wealth club” exists. And these “mansions”, yes that is what they own, are far from anything defined as a rustic cabin, but mansions. They have “our” wealth at their disposal due unchallenged tax cheating! Not because of how brilliant they are with the skills of an entrepreneur, but “tax cheats”, this is it simply placed were it hurts. Same with those that rake it in on Wall Street, it is somebody else's money! We have been screwed over once again. Our 401K plans remain worthless, our retirements are under attack, yet we stand not our ground on these issues of importance, like we have become impotent. Look, Mitt and the others, they use our highways to get to their luxury retreats, they use the infrastructure, yet don't pay their fair share – it is so un-American! It places a burden on the system wherein we must foot the bill for over-use, basically paying their way, in the end we find less and less in that “wallet”, which diminishes our pursuit to happiness. Look at another example of wealth run amuck. Ken Lay, the ENRON master, he claimed to have at least 10-different vacation homes, from money stolen away from others. Look, we live in a system of monetary merit that has a threshold, there is a definite amount to go around. But when one looks at the wealth hoarding, it is astounding. And this is pretty new, the squandering away the “outdoors” from Martha's Vineyard to sea to shinning sea. We find and see a rather disgusting trend, wherein the wealth confiscated points to a total dereliction in duty our representative body. The “rich” are not paying anywhere near their fair share, no matter what Grover tells you. And there is such an easy solution, it is called a sales tax. We cannot trust the leadership to find the “equality” clause in the Constitution, as it has been banned due to lack of enthusiasm. Bush looked after his friends and cohorts in “crookedness” through initiation of an “un-Fair Tax Policy”, his legacy, and it has cost us all. It was highway robbery, action unbecoming a U.S. President and an act of pilferage upon a once good system. Not perfect, but since the Bush years of endangerment, the imperfections have been ordained, with immunity. And he is still a free man? Look, I don't care that George & Dick could be and should be tried for violating the “War Crimes” Act, but what they did to America is by far an evil atrocity upon “Liberty” that “Tilts” the scale of reasonableness, as to fend for a few of their buddies where it hurt the “true” American spirit, this is “Treason”! Yet the ugly trend continues as we have before us “Bush Dysentery Dynasty” hypocrisy wannabes in the present Congress, with the John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Society. And if it is allowed to continue on, we will suffer even more above and beyond the consequences already – also called “cruel and unusual” treatment. And that has laws banning such aggressive behaviors. Greed is taking its toll, on the food supply, on the water supply, on the supply of “goodwill” towards each-other, we are becoming separated as a nation and what we stand for is on hold! Solution? How about we start this week off remembering what John F. Kennedy was inaugurated upon, what this nation was re-baptized and born again upon:
And so let us start anew. My fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country."
And Dear Mr. Mitt, that means paying a fair share! If you don't get this fundamental concept, then you are not deserving being called an “American”.

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