Monday, July 9, 2012

Con Artist State

It appears the Con Artist State – a.k.a. Alaska – is alive and well still with CONvicts. This state changed its motto from the “Last Frontier” to that of the “Corrupt Bastards' Club” when all of a sudden it was not the beauty of the outdoor wilderness that defined the 49er's interest to the rest of the world, but Sarah Palin like “crap” fantasies taking over decency. The “Sarah” era was the icing on the cake, doomsday for Alaska. And yes, con artists! As all those “Reality TV” shows, it is all about “Cons”. And even though the Alaska political scene was run amuck with criminal activity, which amounted to some time behind bars for some “little fishes” akin to what the wealthy pay in taxes, we found the outcome was fine tuned to the sentiment that in Alaska, “crime pays”. It paid handsomely then, and continues to pay off for those still finding immunity behind any semblance of ethical behavior. According to Alaska's late U.S. Senator Theodore Fulton “The Hulk” Stevens, once upon a time the Senate Pro Temper and very powerful, “we might have to pay a fine and spend a little time in jail.” when he went caught as a member of the “Club”. Even though Ted tried to convince Bill Allen, his accomplice, "They're not going to shoot us. It's not Iraq”, they received what they deserved. With all that in mind, don't forget that we are also to blame as accomplices to what went wrong and continues to go wrong in a “once” great state. Ted's dead, we killed him! And it appears that there never came a purge upon the Alaskan style political corruption, that it continues to invite crookedness. Just like Mexico, we keep reinstating the bastards of corruption, through re-election, time after time after...because in most cases, we are addicted to their ways and means of “Trust Us”, “pork” it is called. Look, it has become a pathetic citizenry in Alaska, blame it on the fact that Alaska has enjoyed the label as the kingpin “Welfare State”. Even with Obama's stimulus money, loot that Governor Parnell continues to receive under the table and dish out, Alaska is the No.1 contender when it comes to $dollars$ per household, topping the scale at $3500 per person. Utah, which received about the same amount of stimulus, well it sees about $750 per head. Texas, which received $17-Billion and the 2nd biggest recipient of “Recovery” money, it comes down to about $700 per head. But back to the con connection to corruption here in Alaska. How many innocent bears have been killed just this year with the poor excuse of protecting one's “life and property”? What a cop out. Hey, I came face to face with a browny, so close that I could see dental work was not an issue, and that beady eyed glare when so close to..... I survived without a scratch, thus a memorable affair, by playing it out without a weapon - through woodsmen like maneuvers, and I am a city slicker! OK, 35-years a resident, from Fairbanks to Valdez to Anchorage. So I am qualified to score and grade what is occurring today in this state. The increased “dead bear is the only good bear” count is based on the fact that these wannabe “Alaskans” want their 10-minutes claim to fame in front of a camera of “discovery”. What's with these woodsmen that dream and act out mountain men fantasies, for that cameraman? What's that “buzz”, its a damn chainsaw! And down-loading photos of moose from unmanned “bait” cameras! I bet our tax dollars are paying for some of this “crap”. Calling themselves “Mountain Men”, it is a crying out loud shame. Deadliest Catch? Take the camera crew out on a real fishing trawler, not a factory ship. But outsiders filming this seaside “crap” probably cannot take the action – puke! And that “Ice Road Trucker” crap, with all those outsiders like “Pork Chop”, hey time was good in Alaska when it required residency, an Alaskan drivers license to go “North” beyond the security post on the Yukon River, when those that braved the Dalton were real Alaskan men and women. I drove that road many a times, even when it was “Closed”, not by choice but as a condition of continued employment to work along the “pipeline”, when critical remote gate valves were stubborn to work to protect the environment. I had to jump from whirling helicopters, climb a communications tower 180-feet high during a pitch-black winter's day when the wind-chill scale went pegged out – at negative 90! Not to mention walking across the tundra with “zillions” of blow flies in pursuit because there was no safe landing for the recovery chopper – actually it was a “stranding” attempt by Alyeska to get rid of “vocal union supporters”, so Queer Eyed Joe dropped me off for supposedly a no-return trip - he was just carrying out orders! I could go on, but what does it all mean? OK. How about the time when the state DOT had a hard time keeping this critical oil field link open, so the guys in the orange jump suits without the proper equipment would sit around drinking coffee and wait. Yes wait for Alyeska to mobilize its heavy construction equipment, to fix the road! Now though, that “highway is for gamblers”! It sucks. Remember the good old bumper sticker of pipeline construction days, “Happiness is a Texan leaving with an Okie under each arm”. Hey, pardon my “profiling”, Okies are excellent craftsmen, but either come here to stay or go away! Texans, what can I say – nothing good. There is an invasion going on here in Alaska, so I am glad to have raised a family when fishing was still good, and Alaska had “individualism” character, was missing political corruption and Sarah Palin was a nobody – she still is in my book. And those gold miming thugs, same sentiment, a bunch of con artists that perform nothing of value accept show that the Department of Natural Resources is asleep at the wheel of fortune, as talk about committing environmental atrocities, right on TV! The evidence to prosecute these idiots is steering us point-blank in the face, in fact this “crap” being filmed in Alaska is allowing tax credits to be sold, so Alaskan corporations can get by for pennies on the dollar! So the content is meaningless. It could be a George Colin silent, and still make for a tax haven. This new age “discovery” has no reason to provide a meaningful relationship, between Alaskans and Alaska, as it is like selling bridges to “Nowhere”, or ferries that never show up – a.k.a. M.V. Susitna. Look, I am offering a reward, for the whereabouts of this long overdue marine vessel that was supposed to be already ferrying passengers between Pt. MacKenzie and the Cost Overrun Port of Bill Sheffield. Just more of the same “coning”. So I guess it is a state of affairs that just keeps on giving, this “Con” stuff. Case in point is the sabotage upon the traffic signs around Anchorage and the idiots in some “official” capacity of authority saying it was sabotage. Look, you may act stupid in efforts at trying to fool the people, but just be honest with the people, this is just more of the same Sarah Palin fallout. These signs cannot be broken into that easily. Even if left unattended, the crooks trying to deface “Obama” would have to know the program code and most likely the password for entry. This was a premeditated and preplanned attack against the Obama administration, most likely thought up at the “Defend Ted” rally held at the Ryan Air hanger a few months ago. And how ironic, as the “defacing” went into effect just about the time Obama was handed a victory by the high Court! Look, we cannot trust the GOP for anything, except destruction! I place Ted in the same category as Joe Paterno. Not because of Joe's record as a football coach, but for not going on record to find Sanduskey a pervert. Look, Ted most likely knew what was going on with Bill Allen, his “little girl” affairs. Yet, nothing was done to stop Bill's perversion on our “daughters”. Yes, the crooks got what they deserved, including a “legacy” of corruption. Do you really think Ted will ever be cleared of wrongdoing? Maybe in Alaska, as like already mentioned, something has changed. Back to the traffic jams, as the defacing of the traffic signs caused for motorists to have to think for a change. Funny yet suspicious, that this traffic signal sabotage was successful, wherein several large and can't miss text like neon signs went altered, with one calling out for “Obama's Impeachment”. “Honk for Boobs” was another. Of course that could have been one for the GOP, ha ha... See, I told you so, that it was the idiots aligned with Ted's shortcomings behind this display of a “cowardly lion” agenda. It is a Ted Nugent mentality. I am glad this asshole has been banned from Alaska. Look, to all Ted's “Defense” friends, you are the ones guilty for his indictment and early death. Instead of letting things go, the Ron Duncans' continued to use Ted as a whore, after years of abuse, all for lobbying issues. Ted was indeed a “back pocket” politician. He died not happy, but angry because so many had taken advantage of his “goodwill”. He personally called me to discuss his take on “pork” abuse, and it was about the only time I found something in common his political beliefs. Yes, he was aware of the “abuse” by Alaskans and at the same time didn't believe Nancy Pelosi was a “rapid skunk”. See, Congressmen Don Young was trying to trap the speaker, so he could mount her! And Ted didn't believe anybody would be successful at measuring the penis size of a male Muskox, wherein money through “pork” was supposed to accommodate this “science”, but when nobody in their right mind could be found to attempt such a crazed idea, the money was used to build a comfortable hunting lodge! Abuse it was. And the fact that this sign sabotage occurred when Mayor Dan “Bigot” Sullivan was AWOL, it is suspicious some more on the conspiracy front. Imagine, taking the oath while vacationing in Hawaii. I stand corrected, he is always on vacation, even when here in Alaska, in Anchorage, the rape capital of the North. Lets see, we have head-on collisions on the highway south because even after years and years of handouts from Ted, the road system still sucks. Why? Most of the money earmarked was pocketed by unscrupulous road contractors that contributed to Ted and Don's re-election “war-chests” - what goes around comes around. We have a rapist on the loose using a bike and trying to impersonate Bill Allen, dead bears, dead zoo bears, rotten weather in Anchorage, the fishing sucks, the halibut meat is mushy, damn - same disgusting news as last year at this time, and the same as the year before that. OK, I stand corrected again, Dan Sullivan keeps busy making sure that the “Equality” ordinance never sees a chance of passage. Mind you, a ”City of Brotherly Love”? Maybe Sullivan is scared for his life, as Anchorage has become also the BB gun capital, so maybe Sullivan went scared and went on the lam. And talk about the “Con” men alive and well, as it appears that Kodiak Island has become a safe haven for Al Capone and company. I will make a bet. I am ready to gamble away some loot. I will bet any qualified Alaskan my PDF check against their welfare check, that there will never be a launch of a rocket from the island, with this new crazed idea of the Athena, with Lockheed. Let's face the facts, that project has been a failure since inception – just another failure on the list of “things that didn't work” in Alaska. Every “Alaskan Corporation”, set-up in efforts to secretly steal money away from the residents, all have more failures then successes. The only thing that doesn't appear to find credibility under the failed “definition” is the salaries paid out from the Constitutional Budget Reserve for the CEOs of these “Corrupt Corporations”, that is basically a shell to hide away malfeasance upon the people. The fact that this state held at one time the biggest producing oil fields but at the same time we continued to be the biggest “welfare” recipients through representative “porkaholic” thievery, it paints a sad reminder of how we as citizens get blinded by the might from the Right. And it will get worse, so best find that rainy day fund! What do you mean it was spent? Look the Koch Brother's refinery in Fairbanks just furloughed 30-workers as two of the three gasoline making facilities have been mothballed. And to make matters worse off as too what may be on the horizon, lurking on the horizon that is, Koch is selling its interest in the TAPS, a meager 3 percent, but that will cost us more in the long run. Every other refinery that set up shop in North Pole has made money, and lots of it. It has nothing to do with the price of crude oil. See, every last penny in production costs are passed on to the consumers, and it allows for at least a decent payback - that profit margin. So what are the Koch brothers up too? They can't hide the fact that they are able to buy refined products from foreign countries, ship it to Alaska, place it on the rail, and still get it to Fairbanks cheaper? At least a boat nobody wants can hide its bow. Anyway, in ending, Alaska has a great history, except it went sour when the CBC came into being. Ted allowed it to get out of control and we have today a bed-wetting nightmare to contend with – called failure at developing a sustainable jobs infrastructure. We could have and should have gone it on our own, but we blew the chance of a lifetime, as corrupt politicians made it fail. Because we thought that is what the local leadership wanted, and in the end, we cheated Ted out of his enjoyment upon life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness. We “killed” Ted. Killed his political aspirations because we became so damn greedy. Then when it was said and done, that corruption indictment, death was a short-time coming. Killed in one of Duncan's planes! What a pity. And now those responsible want blood out of a turnip, they want what? Look, the Justice Department did what was right for America! The time had come to turn things around that could have blown. Look there are things about Ted that are better left “hidden” away, yes “skeletons in the closet”. Some things that went on with the “buddy” system that would be disastrous to this nation should it ever come front and center, stuff orchestrated by and through Bill Allen's VECO connection – like the IRS and VECIO bookshelf. What tax problem? So, Alaska will never be the same. Times have changed, not for the better, but towards the “much worse” with respect to what it was and could have remained had we been policing such evil ways and means fostered through a dysfunctional political regime. One can't expect it to ever be the same, so I am glad that I saw and enjoyed that opportunity when Alaska held a “spirit” new! When corruption was corraled, allowed to exist in a few whore houses and some gambling joints down on Anchorage's seedy side, or in downtown Fairbanks on “2” Street. When it was safe to walk the bike paths in and around these towns. When we had responsible leadership, in state and city officials, that could be trusted. When religion was but a silent undertaking, not like it is today with Jerry Prevo trying to do something evil, his attacks upon the LGBT. I still have a hard time understanding why he finds such a following, but like already mentioned and maybe warn out this writing, Alaska has “CHANGED”! It ain't for God! So, good riddings Alaska, once enjoying the “Last Frontier” status, where men and women were down to earth and proud with qualifications to be heard as true “Frontiersmen and Frontierswomen. Where all the men and women were strong and all good looking, and all the children above average and not afraid to say “No” to corruption!

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