Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More Insane Bain

Does it strike you with a sense of skepticism that “Skadden”, one of the largest “Leveraged Buyout” law firms in existence today and for eons a democratic party “only” clearing house for political support donations, isn't it odd that this entity has deviated from its historical track record and allowed $thousands$ in political donations to a single republican, namely Mitt Romney? Along with $thousands$ in campaign bucks to Barack? Now what is going down between both “Me President” camps, it is not by any stretch of the imagination chump change, but money enough to tip the election scale. What side are the “Skadden's” on? Both, is the answer and for reasons secretive. But the connection is becoming clear, that Romney may be a closet democrat. Actually, this “offshore man” doesn't really have a party affiliation or party line dedication, just wants “to be on the side that's winning”. His “GOP” inklings are just a front, this is made clear and convincing his affiliation with “Skadden” and the “Bain” beginnings. Unfortunately, his ties with “Skadden” through “Bain” have gone under the radar. And not only is “Skadden” a high profile “LBO” law firm, it also prides itself in “offshore taxation” consultations. And yes, “Bain” through “Skadden” supported John Kerry's presidential campaign against George Bush back in 2004, at a time when Mitt Romney was the “General Partner”. Look, not a single penny goes unaccounted for this type of venture, especially on the “donation” front. Mitt as GP is the signatory of all expenditures, or through a confidant, endorses any political giveaways, including “political donations”. Fact of the matter, Mitt must have been in support of Kerry back in 2004. And even though Mitt tries to convince that he has no longer any ties to Bain, the affiliation doesn't go away, as there is too much loot involved and the contracts are very specific, breaking ties is not allowed. It's like this, once “made” in the Mafia, only death destroys that link! Mitt Romney and “Skadden” through Bain held a very convoluted and complex arrangement, that is still in existence today, way “offshore”. In ending, the political contributions by “Skadden” today to Mitt's camp, it is payback because of the relationship, alive and well!

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