Thursday, July 26, 2012

Alaska Jerkonomics

Simon says! The other morning on NPR, some wacko named Simon was on the interview bandwagon, a corporate Public Relations “retard” that must have woken up to a bad hair day. I guess freaked out when the mirror shattered. Look, I usually refrain from using that “r” word, but in this case it is justified, as to attack Obama at least a dozen times in a 1-minute interview, there must be something wrong with this dude. What you mean she’s a woman? Couldn’t tell from the interview, maybe it was from the background noise or pollution out at Joe’s mine. I get tired of hearing these idiots blame everything on Obama. I bet this girl, or whatever it is, would blame that monthly “only women bleed” period on Barack, that’s how bad it is getting. It’s raining, blame Obama. Stock market blues, blame Obama. Neighbor’s dog shit in your yard, blame Obama. High gas prices, blame Obama. That town in Texas still  missing an idiot, blame Obama! Anyway, the attacks came about with respect to the Fed.’s Office of Surface Mining requiring Usibelli to apply for a “permit” to develop the Wishbone mine – another controversial development project. See, Palin left this state a legacy, called Parnell, wherein the entire “regulatory” infrastructure designed to protect what Alaska once was proud upon, well today in the aftermath “regulations” have been busted, so the state doesn’t require a permit - even to pollute. Yes, state regulators are asleep at the wheel, as to perform to protect the environment over the business prospect means one thing, a furlough – a.k.a. “pink slip”. Don’t believe me, look what occurred out at Pioneer’s Oooguruk Island, as the “regulators” were AWOL. What do you think is killing off the seal population – what about thousands of gallons of contaminated glycol thrown overboard? The dereliction list is running out of room. Is Sean Parnell a vampire? Honestly, I heard some little kids asking this question. So when the state violates it’s “statehood” and goes derelict in protecting this land, I’m OK with Uncle Sam stepping in. Here is my take on Joe’s empire. We see very little with respect to income from that “black lung” resource. And here is the sad fact of the matter. Joe has a “gold mine” in his backyard. A majority of the coal from Joe’s mine today is destined for in state use, to fuel the heating plants around the interior, at military installations. When most coal contracts secured by the Defense Logistics Agency for military use has seen on average a 5% decrease in “Delivered Costs”, along with 5-year fixed contracts saving the U.S. Taxpayers $Millions$, well stingy Joe, he realizes the virtue of “NO Competition” and screws the hell out of the Taxpayers. Last go around, Joe swindled a contract that realized increases upwards 14%, for deliveries, Joe in cahoots with the Alaska Railroad. And today, it appears that new contracts between Joe and Uncle Sam will see outlandish one-sided dealings, due the lame excuse of unpredictable fuel transport costs, making the government negotiators totally frustrated their efforts to “fair deals”.  This is highway robbery. Taking advantage of Uncle Sam, it will backfire. Now some may blame this on Obama. Just like Simon found so convenient the moment to attack Obama from sea to shining sea. But here is what is happening in Alaska today. It is the cost of energy that sets the stage for the horrid realization called “BRAC” – Base Re-alignment and Closure. When this military commission looks at consolidating, this rip-off will have a devastating effect on whether or not the bases in Alaska’s interior stay warm. That is why Eielson’s flight line “will” move to Elmendorf. Greed will be this state’s death blow upon the military infrastructure, which supplies how many jobs? So maybe this is payback, the “G” man getting even, making sure Alaska plays by the rules. Now talk about rules of engagement, how in hell can the Koreans purchase Joe’s coal at a discount, cheaper then what the military enjoys? There is definitely something wrong this picture. So Simon, go back to bed, roll over and wake up on the other side, maybe then will you see the true picture. And please, STOP blaming your miserable outlook on Obama!

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