Friday, June 1, 2012

About Face!

Janis Joplin once sang out, “nothing ain't worth nothing but its free”! Maybe she was talking about the future, with this Facebook stock wimp-out – or whimp-out if you like treading water while losing money. Talk about a “ball'n chain” affair, as Sukerberg can't be found – it ain't his problem! But those that lost money on the opening bell are threatening to use the ball'n chain in a public hanging! Yet in retrospect, with the “Face”, it is merely a reality mind-game on steroids. So is the IPO affair, just another reality hit wherein too much Cialis & Viagra went ingested before the 1st inning opening and as warned against, if an erection lasts longer then 4-hours....With this so far miserable face off, does it really have a worth on Wall Street? When I see adults especially, “tuned in” and "turned on" to this “Face-booking” phenomenon, it backs my theory that it is basically the biggest human video game to ever come into existence. “Social Networking”, did Sarah Palin coin this defining movement? It is made easy, comes equipped with a display and game control all in one, and you can carry it with you. Toilet time, not a problem. And it can be programmed to wake you up in the middle of a peaceful night's sleep, when somebody on your list of degenerates defaces your ego. Even dogs are beginning to hate this instant messaging, as they think the wake-up call is time for the business. And with the options available, like dating through digital transformation, we have become walking fools addicted to the greatest “scam” reality show of the century. And real-time connectivity, at 4g's, whatever the hell that means. Is the “g” for acceleration? Or is it a measure of how fast we are wasting our time with staying in touch. Look, the modern day connectivity does have merit, but like any addiction, it must be used with caution. There does come a limit, sane or....And game “control” rings a bell of interest. It appears to be great entertainment for most, and its “free”! So who is getting screwed over this wimp-out upon this long awaited IPO? Remember, it is free. What assets? Probably the most valued assets are the David Choe murals at the Face's Headquarters, estimated value at $200-million. Hurry up, place the paintings in receivership. As the lawsuits are flying from the stockers and brokers that thought they could become Zukerman's pen pal overnight. He's enjoying his honeymoon. That “ball'n chain” thing, give him a little breathing room! Class action suits? Look, only the law firms make a killing with this type of litigation – the class action with a no-class outcome for those in harms way. I was once a client for a giant law firm, in a class action suit against SEARS. Wow, the firm made millions, I was awarded a gift certificate, to SEARS. But due to my outward rage over the fact that the SEARS accountants had manipulated my credit, I was banned from entering any of the SEARS branches in and around Anchorage. I tried giving the coupons to a homeless person, he laughed! So we can thank Sukermen for something very heroic in this day and age of class warfare. I would wager that it is the muddle class – not a typo – that enjoys the benefits of something for free. And how many of the proletariat class called in orders for the stock, when the “Bell” sounded on that long awaited day? Look, I haven't called my broker for a long time, as he went missing in action many years ago, when the “bubble” busted. In fact, my stock portfolio went missing in action, and am I really responsible for the “negative” debt? How can you take something from nothing? Here is my take on it, with todays gambling – the stock market. When somebody loses money, doesn't it mean there is somebody on the gain? “One man's loses are another crook's gains”? The money isn't set afire, it goes in somebody else's wallet – or offshore bank account. So it was the greedsters that thought there was a ways and means to make a zillion on the Stuxnet stock, I meant the Zukerberg stock. “Berg” rings a bell, like cold as an iceberg! And I am glad to see it tank, and continue to tank, as it ain't worth its weight in dog crap – except for the “murals”. There is a lesson to be learned. As once it was decided to send the company's worth – the murals - into the public domain, there came rumors that the shareholders were already looking for a way to get blood out of a turnip, by selling out the “freedom” clause and showing interest to charge for using the “social network”, now that a majority of users had become hooked on this craze - of facing off with others with breathing room and for the most part, a safe distance away. Call it Face Rage, as it is so easy to fire a shot off, like shrapnel, it goes in every direction, then some. And since the advertisement benefit of this craze had been wanning, due the fact that nobody gives a crap about stuff of interest any longer, going public is the biggest Madoff bluff of all times. Look, I haven't seen a commercial of interest that has caught my interest for eons. Watching a Budweiser commercial is like reminiscing the days of teenage marathon pukeathons. Companies still in tune to the ways of old are fools, see we are a modern society – that is why we embrace new technologies. Advertising is an outdated ritual! We already know what we like and want in life, and it is something that is of hereditary - like a religion, like beer likings, like father like mother like son & like daughter followings. Don't need advertisements. So there is no need to advertise in this day and age. Imagine if the money spent for ads was used to uplift wages? Instead of a hoarding of the wealth, as what was supposed to be behind this IPO offering, but now the losers are crying “wolf”. Thanks Yuk, for showing us the fact of the matter that “You can fool most of the people most of the time”! Good luck, and enjoy your “Ball'n chain” moon!

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