Thursday, May 31, 2012

Every Vote

Once upon a time upon this nation still young called America, it was heard out loud that “Every Vote Counts”! It required time and undivided effort to persuade this “charge of the light brigade” message, yet the citizens heeded that voice and “voting” became common-place as the voter turnouts have increased from sea to shining sea - Americans considering it their “Duty”. But when the poor and huddled masses started to show up at the polls to demand democracy, that started a cantankerous blitzkrieg to stymie the voters rights, as this class of citizens tended to cast votes as followers of the democratic movement. Democracy is democratic! Today though, due to the political wand of disenfranchising and voter suppression, it is warned that “Every Vote Must Be Counted”. Wow, it has gotten bad. And when we hear 10-years after that George Bush finished with second place honors in Florida during his 2000 bid as the “puppet” president – with the “chad” affair – we must realize that it was power through wealth that carried a fake to the Whitehouse. So we must be on guard of any and all takeover attempts upon our liberties. It is a war, on home turf once again. Now the pundits are going crazy, with Mitt and his friends on the campaign trail – like the relationship with the “Bloviating Ignoranus". And I thought it was Gingrich that was a zoo animal fanatic? This erection for the presidency has become nothing but a slug fest, wherein it is an election on the sell out, the winner will be the individual who can PAC it all away – that lobby money bent on buying the Commander-in-Chief seat. If I were a member of the Supreme Court, I would be sending out secret requests to other countries, for political asylum as with their victory upon Citizens United, we are seeing firsthand the destruction of the high court's “opinion”. How can a corporation be a person if it doesn't have a birth certificate? It is estimated that the 2012 election will easily tip the scale at $1-billion, per candidate. Add another billion from the SuperPac attacks, it is a shame upon the very merits of democracy “For the People”, as it appears to be a time not “By the People”. Money controls the greed factor, a linear relationship, but with exponential outcomes. With the Obama Team, it means members of the proletariat class scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with a donation, $1, $5 - it all counts. So it means donations by the masses, or money from one side of the isle. With Mitt, it is estimated that the billion dollar bounty to buy something he doesn't deserve, something that should not be “For Sale”, his “war chest” will find an easy income spigot, as it is estimated that 5 wealthy individuals will make it happen. And with Karl Rove still not satisfied that he was an idiot and ate too much yellow cake, behind the scenes he is once again placating false hope that the GOP can provide for a better America, that Obama is evil and Mitt is a saint - that Moron knight in armor ready to rescue the 1% faction and turn the rest of the nation into slave laborers. Here is my sentiment. I am going to cast my vote to Mitt, as we need to give the neo-conservatives enough rope to hang themselves for the finally deserving – the end of the NEO! The GOP stole the election in 2000. They were successful in holding hostage the United States for 8-years, wherein the “puppet”, George Walker Bush made the U.S. the laughing stock nation of the world. As other nations gambled on a future of economic prosperity, we went to war. Now when McCain failed at securing the “puppet pulpit” to continue the ignoranceehind the Neo-agenda, well the neo-conservatives hadn't finished their business, as Masters of War, a “build to destroy” mementalityent on taking over the world – the PNAC plane of attack. So for the last four years, under Obama, we have seen all kinds of nasty moves designed to take down Obama, in essence, too take down this country. It isn't Obama, it's the fact the GOP has unfinished business. They think they know what is right for America, with jobs, with defense, so let them have their organism by giving them the helm. It is doomed to failure, but we must take tis opportunity to see it through for the last time, as a ways and means to forever put the 1% faction away. Look, vote for Mitt. It is like “throwing the game”. But we must, to finally place to rest the patheticness behind a minority faction bent on age-old political assassination,. Give it to Mitt. Let Humpty Dumpty have a great fall, as all the king's men and all the king's horses....See, this country is a big nothing without the proletariat class, the hard working salt of the earth working class heroes. You know what I am talking about. Now this does not mean we are giving up! When we see what has occurred in Wisconsin, the movement “Of the People” was meaningful. but in the end it will be money that fails the recall of Scott Walker. Money buys the subliminal effect, that secret bombardment of the thought process wherein it is very easy to disguise the true facts of the matter. Many take the bait, and we see how money can change things. People Power, Movement of the People, MoveOn, it still works but we need a new recipe to success. We need to have more intellectual patience our stand this country's future and by voting for Mitt, to let the evil party enter into a self destructing mode of victory, it is all we have as a ways and means to circumvent the wealth party's destruction upon our civil liberties. And once Capitalism fails, as that is what will happen given enough rope for a justified hanging, then we will have it our way, wherein the wealth is no longer hoarded away by a few - but distributed for a fair and just society with a future. Call it socialism, whatever, it is our future and it will work to our advantage, if we get there! That means changing bosses in midstream, and casting a vote for the most likely candidate not to succeed, Willard Mitt Romney. This is not a crazy ideal, it is a calculated risk, but it will work. Let them have their cake and eat it too! Back some time ago, there came the voice from very well educated philosophers that warned against this Capitalism frenzy, when wealth would sink the ship of fools. When it appeared that the Communist Bloc was coming under fire and would eventually disappear due failure in the popularity contest, these forward thinkers warned that without the threat of communism, capitalism was but a dream with its horizon disappearing. It was called the “Cross Roads”, and that occurred many moons ago, when the antagonists realized that “War” and its machine was outdated, costly and no way to plan for a future bent on the human endeavor of survival. People were sick and tired of the bloodshed, when the word “global” was starting to ring the bell of interest. Since then, this country has walked down a very narrow path, as we have been teased to continue our evil ways and means, with war, the machine backed by the minority. But due the unhealthy distribution of the wealth here in America, the victory we are after is still missing in action. We don't know what to do, now that Russia is no longer a threat, militarily. We should have seen it coming, the end of Capitalism. It will come in time, and the time to help out it's demise, it is now before us. We must change the course of the neo-conservative hate train, by letting the GOP and the neo-conservative movement finish its ugly like business, which may bring great harm and suffering, but when the smoke clears, it will be but a bad memory. And then we can rejoice, that the meek will inherit th earth. Some may swear this is crazed thinking, but think about it. Why has the Congress been so inept? Pure white collar capitalism with the likes of the Karl Roves, the wannabe Grover Norquists, the Koch Brothers, all trying to hold off what is inevitable! They and the wretched wealth and power are fighting us with all they have, and money can't buy me love! Throwing the election? It would be the best pitch a professional could deliver, top of the 9th! Match fixing, sports fixing, thrown game, in the end the neo-conservatives will have to face destruction, upon their own mental illness! Think twice when you enter that booth this time around. We have the power to change what has clouded over this once great nation and our future, a change that can be made without guns, without hate, without destruction, without voter disenfranchising, not a revolution, but a revelation as today the GOP and the Neo-conservative movement has indeed become its own worst enemy! Let's help them on their self-destructive dead-end dead-beat path to obliteration. That means giving in, let them have the control, let Mitt have the helm, as we know it will be but a short-lived victory. And when the last drop of Don Perignon is consumed, and the smoke clears, we the “Proletariats” will be there to pick up the pieces and claim victory once again - the American way, “For the People” and “By the People” once again the only victory speech to be heard on high. With PEACE on the horizon and the GOP forever banned from incorporating its destructive ways and means, and the Neo-conservative movement but a reminder in the historical archives. Vote for Mitt as it is time to end the madness!

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