Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where’s the OUTCRY?

I’m embarrassed. I’m also outraged. Where in hell is the outcry?  Today, even with kindergarteners romancing the rock of knowledge and figuring out what is hindering progress, it is realized that bipartisan bickering at the highest levels of government furnishes a detriment along with negative side effects in efforts forward to appreciate a reasonable political society. American citizens from both sides of the isle have gone sick and tired over the fighting in Congress, climaxed through a cry-baby attitude followed by lie after lie from those that are supposed to represent this country. And the trickledown theory is alive and well, as this dereliction finds its way into local government, demonstrated by state legislators and witnessed at assembly meetings, wherein it remains the elephant against the donkey. Even the grange gatherings find debate this disconnect, instead of bickering over apple pie recipes. For the most part, it is pettily cat and dog skirmishes with the representative body, or in Don Young’s case, rabid skunk attacks. If you are not aware Don’s episode with a rabid skunk on the “Hill” in the Hall of Congress, you are out of touch what has been going down in Washington. I guess snare traps are banned from the chambers. But there is one thing front and center finally wherein the republicans and democrats are in harmony upon, in agreement upon and embracing bipartisan support - it is called TREASON. Yes, seduction through sedition, as the Alaska GOP seems to be rallying behind U.S. Senator Mark Begich, a democrat, at the expense of our men and women in uniform. The republican heavies affiliated with the Fairbanks’ economy - FEDCO - are siding with Begich and glowing with smiles  over the fact that Begich is holding the ARMY hostage, by placing “holds” on military promotions because the senator cannot get information from the military brass as too why Eielson Air Force Base is on the chopping block. Look, here it is in a nutshell. The military brass has been told to cut the budget. That is a mandate from the Hall of Congress, from the GOP still in control, due a deficit that is running this country into the ground. So the military brass have been given a mission, by the Commander-in-Chief, so they act or else. And one of the things that the brass look at when making decisions to base closings or a reduction in “Force” through joint scenarios, like has already occurred at Ft. Richardson and Elmendorf, front and center is the cost of keeping the age old beasts running. And it is “energy” costs that play a major role in the equation of doom, or continuation. And that is where it is at, as Alaska finds the highest costs for energy procured by the military. In Alaska, we can blame Usebelli for reasons why the interior military infrastructure is under the microscope. Greed, because of competition lacking, it is what has forced the brass to look at closing or scaling down this costly infrastructure in the 49’er. The Defense Logistics Agency has the task of buying fuel to keep the bases warm at the same time procuring fuel for fighter jets. The last time the DLA went on a mission to sign, seal and deliver fuel contracts, the entire United States found cost savings, in “fuel” delivered that realized reductions of 5%. With the billions spent on the fuel costs courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers, that meant a major victory celebration for 5-year contracts – billions saved! But in Alaska, the cost of delivered fuel – especially coal from Joe’s hole – that commodity saw increases of 14%, increases from the supplier to the delivery boy, the Alaska Railroad. So the mine made humongous profits and the added costs for transportation kept the Alaska railroad CEO well fed. Now with new contracts in the bidding stage due expiration, guess what, the DLA could only secure a two year contract with Joe, which means it is costing more and more to keep the aging dilapidated military bases open. So, the blame game finds Usebelli coal and the ARR the culprit as too why the brass see it fit to save money, by cutting back where it hurts. See, when the last BRAC attack rallied the citizen workers and allowed Eielson a breather, we went stingy and thought that we would never again have to worry. Instead of sitting down and saying what to do now so it won’t happen again, like getting a natural gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay south to feed the base power plants, we chose to continue to waste and ignore destiny and let somebody else worry about the future, and now we see the fruits of those efforts, lost jobs and the fear that there is no future for the military in Alaska - wherein it supports about 1/3 the jobs for Alaskans. And brace yourselves, as it won’t be long before we see similar reductions at Ft. Wainwright! Why, once again it is attributed to the greed factor. When the brass realized possible cost savings with “privatization” of the military base utility infrastructure, the winners of lucrative contracts like Fairbanks Sewer & Water, they were not in it for anybody but themselves. “Ask what you can do for your country” was trumped by how much is rape worth. The “privatization” has become a “gold plated toilet seat” folly, costing the U.S. Taxpayers three times as much as it should, which means the coast savings have not been realized. Take the fuel cost increases and the the utility costs out-of-bounds, which is paid to the “privatization” contractors by the ARMY, well the picture is well defined. See, everybody was there for the handout. Especially with the vulnerability of the military infrastructure. See, they are here to defend and shouldn’t have to worry about getting ripped off. It is that American thing that has now been turned backwards, as to “do unto others as you would have done unto yourself” is but a helpless cry in the desert. With the “Privatization”, the property that was at one time “eminent military domain” and exempt from local taxation, well once it changed hands the local tax assessor saw the opportunity for more money income, which means the U.S. government must shovel out more money! It all adds up and in the end, it paints a cloudy picture as too the worth these bases have nowadays, especially with the cold war on “Luke” warm status. And another thing the brass look at, it is the employment opportunities that may be available to troops, once their terms of endangerment come to an end. In Fairbanks? There are no jobs, especially for troops. So we can blame the high costs associated with greed that has today promoted a dilemma here in Alaska and a laissez-faire attitude by the representation to not care about the future, except caring about their own future come re-election time. So what about that “Treason” thing eluded upon early on in this blog broadcast? Here is the really McCoy doozy. Begich is doing everything in his limited power to keep the bases off the curtailment list or adamant that there will not even be reductions here in Alaska. Begich is fighting for his life, with respect to any re-election opportunities for that job for life with “premier” medical coverage and unlimited ED medicine. He realizes that should Eielson Air Force Base get the shutdown notice, then Mark will have to find another job. He made it to the senate on a technicality, the lesser of two evils as Ted was under indictment. So, Senator Mark is hanging on by a thread, to keep his job. And here is what irks me and puzzles me as too why we are not seeing public outcry his tactics to satisfy his political ego. And the GOP is rallying behind him, like there are indeed things that will allow bipartisanism, but I had no idea it was “Treason”! See, it appears that the threat by Begich to hold hostage military personnel promotions, it is gaining momentum from the right, from Lisa, and from Don. None of the Alaska delegation has spoken out and up against this sinful ridiculousness, holding back those in uniform expecting and deserving promotions - held back for reasons unrelated! It is TREASON, no doubt about it. To allow this to occur in America, we have turned against those that take an oath to defend. I voted for Begich, now I am sorry. This is beyond decency. Where in hell is the Sergeant-of Arms? Doesn’t he have the power to arrest those of the representative body that practice treason? Was the guard “black mailed” into leaving his post? The bottom line, I am not in favor by any stretch this tactic and have filed a complaint against Begich, with the Senate Select Ethics Commission. Will it go anywhere, most likely not, as TREASON is rampant in the Halls and defended by that body that has hijacked the Constitution. Sad it I, that we have so-called representation that thinks the military, the defenders, is but a punching bag. Just wait, maybe Begich will keep on this rage against the military, next we may see him taking away the troops’ guns. And with Don Young floating a bill that mandates all future base closures the discretion of Congress, it will mean the crooks will get richer and richer, those that seen to think Capitalism means ripping off the Americans. Look, what does a Congressman know about military? When we see this kind of takeover, this mutiny, it is just another pathetic sign of unreasonableness that shows all too well that Americans have lost touch with reality, and that my friend is when we must “fear something besides fear itself”. It is called TREASON, practiced today right on Constitution Avenue, as the Red Lights have been turned off!

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