Saturday, May 26, 2012

Vote for Mitt

Yes, I am changing bosses in midstream and have decided already, so early on that Mitt the “Tax Cheat” will get my vote come November. Sure he is a “Treasury Thief”, as anybody calling themselves “American” and getting away with a smile enjoying only a 15% garnishment on personal income when the rest of us are paying 50 times that, if it ain't cheating then “pardone me”! Look I am a liberal independent, and through my 40-years of voting rights, have abided and abetted the democratic movement. I hate war and the out-dated War Machine, as it makes the Dick Cheneys rich, for investing in the “killing fields”. I also embrace “socialism”, as that makes for a more perfect union and provides friendly neighborhoods – the kind without gates wherein roots rock Reggae “block parties” are not outlawed by creep like “Homeowner Associations”. My Creator has whispered to me many a times the merits of a happy society, through sharing. And I voted for Obama back in 2008 and continue to support his ideals to some extent – I guess the lesser of evils. But this country is at the pivot point, wherein we need a shakeup. Mitt at the helm would sure shake out and away what tranquility may be left, as “happiness” seems to be but a commodity for the wealthy folks to bargain with. Here it is in the nutshell. Can Mitt and company do a better job? That is a very debatable question with probably a zillion excuses, especially when explosive diarrhea fills the airwaves of freedom, Rush to judgment hypocrisy. Is Obama performing that bad? Find me a single Limbaugh ass licker kisser that can say one good thing about Obama! These idiots can even spin the spin off of sin! So let Mitt have it all, just to see what his ideals can do to restore hope, and get us back on track to prosperity. I forgot, that is for the 1% faction only, so it means slave labor for many. Still, let us see what he has in that bag of tricks! Now one very interesting facet that must be given credit upon success the current presidency under Barack, it is the fact that the Obama administration went smart early on, with the Bush dysentery dynasty vacating the oval office. Obama inherited a nightmare, with the yellow cake wars and an attempt to throw honest working Americans out into the street, to make homelessness a new American pastime. With the trumped-up and fabricated economic doomsday approach, Bush’s going away present, Obama and his “Men in Back” were quick to provide a panacea, with the “Stimulus” money infused to keep at least an amber wave of hope on the horizon. Yet today, the economy is on hold, not caving in, but limping along, because of the quick thinking by Obama. It is the 4-years of stimulus money that has kept the U.S. from declaring bankruptcy. And guess what? That money will cease to exist come November, this year, just after the election results have been disenfranchised to allow Mitt the dream. So instead of getting road raged over the election scam possibilities and what is in store for democracy, just let Mitt try on Hilary’s thong. Then it will be doomsday! The “American Recovery and Re-Investment Act” was a 4-year stimulus program, very transparent and guarded against waste and aimed at helping out the middle-class, the working class proletariats – the class hit hardest by the Carlyle recession. The “Stimulus” sent money to every state, to keep the schools open. It sent money to every state, for road construction. The list goes on and on. Texas received billions, the 1st place winner. Followed by California wherein billions went infused into the economy. Yes, it was a bailout that benefited the “People”, from all walks of life, from sea to shining sea. It was the fair distribution – a sharing of the wealth - that made the difference, and the reason we see very little negative rhetoric against it, like has followed the auto industry bailout, which was Mitt’s plan stolen away by Obama – so says the Moron. All told, not only did it help the working class move forward through dire straits, but it helped the private sector move ahead also, wherein many companies with ties to the GOP found benefit. But it worked, maybe not politically bipartisan, but bipartisan in practice. And it has continued to work and is far from over with…unless! Talk about a meltdown coming our way, as there is no way in hell that this country would approve another round of ”Stimulus” money programs with Mitt in charge. If Obama gets back in, it will be a slam dunk affair, as he has no qualms re-signing a bill that keeps on giving, as it is still needed. With shivers starting to indicate that the economic slump is global, without a stimulus extension, we will lose what little we have left or gained from a very delicate maneuver. See, it was planned this way, as it is just a game in Washington. The “Stimulus” program was well crafted, with re-percussions to surface, just about the time of the election. If Obama wins again, no problem. If Mitt wins, a big problem! So my sentiment is let Mitt take over, and in the end, with no “Stimulus”, we will once and for all see the end of the elephant party, which gives my party the IN! My predictions, vote Mitt in and within 30-days time there will come a self-inflicted impeachment, not only upon Mitt, but the entire Rush Limbaugh fan club! It is the only way forward, as this nation cannot stand “4 more years” of legislative stalemating wherein the only position taken by the losing party is destruction upon the winning party. Let Mitt have it, so his wife can be the star on a new series called “Oval Office Wives”, let Limbaugh have his final orgasm, Hannity his wet-dream and let Bill O’Reilly share in that climax along with the rest of the population that has seen too it that we no longer savor the glory, of “Independence”!

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