Monday, April 2, 2012

Bigotry - Alaskan Style

After reading the Anchorage Daily News' COMPASS of March 31st, “Prop 5 Will Encourage Discrimination” and authored by Anchorage's Archbishop Roger L. Schwietz, I must admit that the scorecard that writing fails not a bigot's view on Proposition #5. Just how in hell can a proposition against discrimination “encourage” discrimination? Too bad the reverend didn't have his office staff edit this writing, as I cannot believe this is the Roman Catholic Religion's consideration upon this bill. In fact, maybe enlisting a member of the Gay Lesbian community to lend a helping hand the bishop's reasoning would have benefited mankind, for the true facts of the matter behind this “mission” to end sexual orientation discrimination in Anchorage. What is wrong with advancements upon civilization over controlling oppositions – like the COMPASS message appears to achieve? And why not use one's stature in society to help out such advancements? Look, the Bishop could send a piece of used toilet paper to the ADN and with that hand-cock of religious authority it would get published. That position has merit, but to use it as a means to further a bigot agenda, I must agree with most of the Bloggers that challenged the Bishop's “bigot” message - maybe it is time to tax church! As the pulpit has become a “controlling” interest on matters of civility. And the examples published by the Archbishop of how passing this proposition could compromise an already accepting society, all the examples are pure evidence that what is preached at the podium is pure blasphemy. As quoted; “Anchorage is, in fact, a tolerant place now to live and work”? Only if one keeps quiet his or her sexual preference and orientation – the closet syndrome! And that in itself is “Res ipsa loquitur” discrimination - on it face - when a citizen of your so-called “tolerant place” has to fake his or her identity. Look, do you really think “gays” are excepted in the oil patch? Up in Prudhoe Bay! Remember, “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” was a failure. Proposition #5 if passed sows the seed for humanities advancement, for a more tolerant society – exactly what Jesus preached to his disciples and followers. What is your problem with “Brotherly Love”. Why not look at that instead of a stuck-up premeditated crucifixion your addiction to limit the sanctity of marriage to one woman, one man. With Lent upon us, my sentiment finds not that Jesus died for my sins, but was crucified for your sins of “bigotry” upon humanity. Your sermons, your opposition this proposition's passage with its inherent obligations to limit bigotry along with discrimination no longer a practice, it keeps the torch of bigotry burning bright. And Reverend, you are not an Alaska! It takes time and commitment and from your non-compassion upon your fellowman this proposition, your message to the clergy and congregation to fail it, it appears that “compassion” commitment is in somebody else's pocket, like maybe you have something in common with Jerry Prevo - and he is a bonafide tax cheat! Someday, when you meet your Creator, you will find the true answer to “Love”! I feel for you, that in your position so ordained that you continue to preach a cowardly message. Yes, your definition of Love seems out-of-touch with reality, something I have experienced and learned. So yes, I can challenge your message. This writing tries to share that with you. Take it or leave it, as it is your CHOICE!

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