Sunday, April 1, 2012

Alaskans for Jaundice

April Fool's - 2012
Chalk a win up for the GOP “Gotcha”! Even before my morning mug of java directed cognizant behavior, I was attacking the computer keyboard, pushing out a rebuttal. See, according to U.S. Senator from Alaska MoanaLisa MurCowpie, she wants to float a bill through Congress that “aims to keep prosecutors HONEST”. It stems from a million dollar report – paid for by the U.S. Taxpayers – and demanded by Ted Stevens' defense team, a team that includes an attorney that also defended Oliver North when the ex-marine acted as Ronald Reagan's scapegoat and was found in contempt of Congress for lying under oath about the Iran-Contra affair! With respect to the Ted Stevens' case, now MoanaLisa thinks the Justice Department was on a mission of “conviction at any cost” and is quoted: “Instead of justice being blind in this case it was blindly ignored”. Poetic justice isn't it! Look, the prosecutors were “out-of-bounds”, but only for reasons in efforts to protect America at any cost. Yes, this case needed an indictment, regardless if it targeted a long time sitting senator. Ted was corrupt! Alaska benefited from this corruption, it went hand-in-hand, as what was good for the goose was good for the fleecer. Case in point Ted's own conviction to corruption, when he received millions from his cohort in crime Rubini, for “privatized” housing out at Elmendorf Air Force Base. Ted used his influence to steer a $450-million dollar project his friend's ways. Sure it created jobs, but at the same time it made millions in excessive income for the “buddy” network and in the end cost the taxpayers a bundle of extra loot. See this housing was so fancy, at an infantryman's salary, it was basically un-affordable housing which meant subsidized rent assistance was required to fill the vacancies. Are you with me still, shit like this is criminal, no way around it. And Ted was smart and knew exactly what was going on around him, but thought his “goodwill” intentions to help out Alaska allowed for the “Corrupt Bastard Club” mentality to give way to unethical decision making. And yes, with the Rubini caper, he was caught red-handed with his “gimme gimme” in the cookie jar. Now if giving the money back is the only fallout, what if he had not been caught? Talk about “HONESTY”, it works only when there occurs an inner sanctuary that understands what honesty is all about, as today we see a whole lot of extra curricular activity on the opposite side of the fence, as ethics in government service is but a suggestion only. Look, Congress continuously forgets that “Honesty is the best policy”, as this creative forgetfulness gets one re-elected, time after time after time. I wonder, in this day and age, if an honest politician can get re-elected? And for MoanaLisa MurCowpie to talk about honesty, remember the land dealings she went involved in – by forgetting about the “honesty” clause during her swearing in ceremony – a deal too good to be true down on the Kenai River orchestrated by her own cohort in crime, Bob Penney – a very, very close friend of Ted's. The filth associated with the “Corrupt Bastards Club” here in Alaska is mind-boggling! Honestly. See, we only get to harass the bastards with the “honesty” policy when they get caught at something. What about all the good'ol boy network things that slip through the umbrella of honesty and righteousness? And there is this “bowel” movement planned for April 4th, by a bunch of bozo bus mentality fans of Ted called “Stand Up for Justice – Tell the Justice Department they will be held accountable for what they did to Alaska's Champion”. Champion? What a joke, but this gathering is for real as there exists an entire faction of Ted supporters upset over how Ted was treated. This shindig includes a barbecue with the famed VECCO grill, so I am sure Bill Sheffield will be on-site as the MasterBader chef. Damn, is that nose-bleed blood in that burger? In fact, if in need of a nausea fix, just visit the web site, Alaskans for Jaundice! Maybe the entire month has been dedicated to “Fools”, as is the case those individuals that think Ted deserves retribution. If MoanaLisa's “Honesty” bill and this “bowel” movement - wherein the bozos behind this fantasy are listed - are not part of an April Fool's joke, a bad dream joke seems to fit the conditions. Lets face the facts. MoanaLisa MurCowpie knows not anything about “honesty”! Ted, he knew what it stood for, yet thought to act differently. And in the end, Ted got what he deserved, a tarnished reputation. You get what you play for! If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Once again, if a botched investigation by the Justice Department, with no illegal or criminal ramifications upon the investigative team and merely some borderline mischief, it was done to protect the American interest. That is what the FBI and CIA and AFT must resort upon to protect that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness when members of Congress violate this clause, those that are exempt from prosecution due the immunity clause. It is not an easy task to indict a U.S. Senator. In fact, it takes the permission of the sitting U.S. President and at the time Ted's investigation was in motion, that was George Bush! So justice has been served in the Ted Stevens' case. In fact, it is good that the outcome proves to disgrace the Congress, as maybe it will allow ethics to once again be a powerful force to make sure the representative body plays no favorites with the likes of “Corrupt Bastards”. Look, they think they can get away with murder, they do, everyday when “war” is fought by American kids when there is no damn Congressional approval. So it is par for the course, as MoanaLisa MurCowpie retains that image of a corrupt member of Congress as does long time U.S. Representative Don Young. If anybody, especially the signatories of the pathetic movement scheduled for April 4th at the PenAir hangar, for those so inclined to attack the U.S. Justice Department demanding punishment upon the investigative team, if those so inclined believe Ted was not a crook, then debate this writing, as it is by no stretch of the imagination an April Fool's joke. And the way Mark Begich is miss-behaving, he will end up in the same vote as it appears the CBC is still alive and well in Alaska. But in reality, why in hell is MoanaLisa wasting the taxpayers' time and dime on sleaze-bag legislation? Look, I am all for “honesty”, but if and only if it starts at the top! Maybe, just maybe if the Congress acted with even the slightest bit of “honesty” their dealings with the American citizens, then maybe we would see the trickle-down theory work and erase away what has happened towards ruin the one governing body we once respected above all. Today, it is not the “Approval” rating that is mind boggling, tanked at 5% approval, but on the other end of the scale it equates to the “Corruptness” rating, wherein simple math points out a rating of 95% corrupt. No wonder this country is the laughing stock and candidate time after time for Mad Magazine. But to inn-act legislation targeting the “Justice”, for a “JOB WELL DONE”, it is pathetic. Look, the Ted Stevens' case was a brilliant discovery and outcome, as it is very difficult to hang a member of Congress, due all the immunity they receive when sworn to uphold not the Constitution, but hold open that secret back door for the “Lobby”. Ted hung himself, by thinking his power made him an infidel. I forgot, Congress changed the name to protect the thieves, instead of “lobbyist” it is now disgraced as “Political Consultant”, same thing when Newt Gingrich was listed as a “historian” for Freddie Manson! Smokescreen for pilferage. In ending, I hope the GOP is just playing around, with some good old April Fools fodder, but they have not the IQ to relax and laugh even but for just a single day, as their time is spent destroying what decency is left from sea to shining sea! Fools? Wasn't the VECO barbecue confiscated as evidence?

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