Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jail Bait

Here is my take on another pathetic, so sinful like pathetic, Alaskan style rip-off and a definite crime scene - extraordinaire. Newly ordained crook Corey “Head Hunter” Rossi and Not so-Reverend Jerry Prevo can share a jail cell down in Seward! And on the sidelines Jerry can preach the advantages of gay wedding crashing to the incarcerated population while Rossi spends time culling the rat population that has infested the prison. Kill two birds with one stone! Now Jerry Prevo has been a property tax cheat way too long. He is getting away with murder! Look, had he paid his fare share of tax, then maybe the city could have hired a few more police to police the crime ridden streets of Anchorage. Maybe it would have meant less murdering marauders, so he is an accomplice these crime sprees and is in essence getting away with murder. Guilty by association he is. But low and behold, just like how Ben Stevens took down daddy Ted for the count when the going got rough, so is Prevo’s son spilling the beans upon this illegal tax fraud franchise run by daddy dearest and made possible under the umbrella of religious freedom, that separation of state from church wherein there appears today no separation left between church to state. So this time around, Prevo was engaged in a scam designed to purposely cheat the tax system, yet he enjoyed all the benefits of taxation paid out by the citizens for the citizens, like street maintenance and snow removal. See, he relies on the municipality maintaining the roads, clearing a way to his temple of devil worship. It takes taxation to accomplish this feat, especially here in Alaska. And since this is his second go around with the tax assessor, he is guilty of tax evasion and should be evicted away from freedom and held accountable this crime against the citizens, with a deterrent sentence and punishment behind bars that will forever send a message to other podium pushing snake oil salesmen that corruption will not be tolerated, even when under the veil. I mean sickle in Prevo’s case. This guy is so far removed a religious icon that he makes George Bush appear intelligent in comparison, even though it is well known that George was an experiment gone awry wherein grandpa Prescott paid for a brain transfer, and somehow George ended up with the brain of an amoeba, a single cell. It was all part of a secret society experiment, wherein the Skull & Bones club tried to transfer Geronimo’s intelligence to George, but Apache Indians are smart and rejected the offer, so George was left with a void, as an amoeba doesn’t take up much room and has very little to offer, except “mission accomplished”! In actuality, we would have been better off with an amoeba at the helm. Back to Alaska. Now along with Prevo testing out the ball and chain, Corey Rossi should be put away for life as a member of the Seward chain gang. How many Class A misdemeanors for illegal hunting and then becoming the acting head honcho for Alaska’s Wildlife Conservation, as director? The judge in this case should throw the book at Rossi, one year is appropriate for each crime demanding 12-years behind bars with Prevo as a running mate and the maximum fine allowed by law, $120,000 big ones. Which means garnishing his retirement, state retirement! About time we get back some of the waste! And yes “Running Mates”, as they will be sought after by the inmates, for various reasons inhumane. These two idiots continue to pollute the Alaskan scene with apocalyptic shenanigans wherein they think they can do as they please, that the laws are just suggestions and not for them to worry about. This goes to show that we have been infected maybe forever with the Corrupt Bastards Club filth and mentality, practicing and preaching that corruption is acceptable for those in power positions. It may be one of those things we may never free ourselves away from, like a leprosy, and it smells like crap and sticks like crap. So I hope to see Rossi and Prevo behind bars, sooner than later, as any other punishment will just allow more of the same, and when is enough truly enough? Dear Jerry, if enjoying the comfort of the Seward chain gang life and next Christmas comes along without time off for good behavior, please don’t worry about sending me a Christmas card as that unsolicited “Hate Mail” greeting thing that showed up in my mailbox had your fingerprints of guilt all over, it looked like a crime scene and smelled like. . . And if Rossi gets that job culling rats, you best hide! Dirty RAT ring a bell?

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