Saturday, January 7, 2012

Don Young's Vomit

History will show that Don Young left vomit as his legacy upon this state. See a Fairbanks' magistrate has ended the battle, between the National Park Service and the Wilde man. He is the guy that fingered and cursed the wildlife agents and was then forcibly arrested for disobeying an order, when the agents wanted to board his boat – for a simple safety check as allowed by the present day law upon “navigable” waters. This arrest occurred while he and his wife were maneuvering along the Yukon River and when approached by the officers, the Wilde man decided to go joy riding until captured through pursuit – basically evading arrest! In fact, it caught the attention of national news, as it appeared that it was indeed an overbooking of force upon an American citizen by a government law enforcement entity, which is being scrutinized today more then ever with the Tea-Party following. Look, government agents are up and down the Kenai river, and never have a problem with those out enjoying the river. Sure we may not like it, but if it's for a safety check, then it is well worth the effort and my taxpayer money is going toward a good use. But the State of Alaska magistrate has found the Wilde man guilty, and justice served by a $2500 dollar fine, which is fine by me, even when the defendant was defended by one of Fairbanks' best civil litigators - at a cost of $40,000. Wow, what a waste and imagine what kind of boat engine that waste could have purchased! And sure U.S. Senator MoanaLisa MurCowski and Congressman Don Young went angry over this matter, voicing concern that the “navigable waters” are jurisdiction the state, not the federal agencies like the National Park Service. Trying to opinion the fact that the Park Service was orchestrating law outside its respective domain. But in retrospect, we can thank Young for the reach that “Big Brother” has now upon us, especially here in Alaska from the mountains to the oceans! Yes, Don “Coconut Grove” Young is too blame this intrusion upon our peace and quiet when floating down our rivers. See, Don worked the system well when he was a member of the Three-Stooges, along with Ted Stevens and Frank MurCowski. Anything that could be manipulated in efforts to get more government “pork” headed towards Alaska was “manipulated”. In the case of “navigable waters” so defined by Uncle Sam, if not “navigable”, then there could be no “pork” associated with such as it was not under federal jurisdiction and under the auspices of state laws only. Like when Don wanted money to fix the bridge to nowhere, that eyesore that was supposed to link Cordova with the mainland. See, one section of the trestle fell into the water after many years of neglect. So to create jobs in the wilderness, Don wanted money appropriated to fix the bridge that still goes to nowhere. But in order to get the “pork”, it had to be defined as a navigable waterway, which would then be under the oversight of the Coast Guard and if something was treacherous to navigation, like a trestle submerged, then it could find funding to fix things up to standards, courtesy of Uncle Sam through an appropriations' bill rider – a.k.a. “Hidden Pork”. So Don was quick to get “all” waters in Alaska under the “Navigable” umbrella, as it opened up an entire avenue for more loot. This state has seen and enjoyed millions in the form of “pork” due this redefining moment. It worked, and is how the “Bridge to Nowhere” concept took off. And today we suffer the consequences, as before this interference which was outlawed since statehood, very few waterways throughout Alaska fell under this domain, of “navigable”. Basically, the Fed.'s didn't care as it was a state of Alaska only problem, therefore fell under the rules, laws and regulations of Alaska's statutes. Then it all changed, and not for the good of freedom. So it is like a shot in the foot. Sure we have benefited tremendously with the waterways re-defined as “navigable”, but at the same time we have been hand-cuffed, as that is what goes with the territory. The saying “you can't have your cake and eat it too”, it is catching up on us here in Alaska, because we have continued to vote back in representatives that could bring home the bacon yet have also brought onto this once “Last Frontier” law enforcement interference. So remember this little tidbit when comes before us another Don Young running away from reality and seeking re-election. We can have the money for jobs - even if it constructs a bridge going nowhere - or we can have freedom, but one comes with a crucifix. And this my friend is political “vomit” the fallout of a hangover for too much forsaken greed! Yes that vote counts, but is it worth voting in someone that will forever find a ways and means to ruin freedom's sake?

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