Friday, December 2, 2011

Wanted: Janitor Named Newt

Newt by definition: “A small amphibian of the salamander family with short legs and a well-developed gut along with a demonstrated talent to smile and laugh when tearing another amphibian's head off.” So Newt Gingrich continues to play games with the Janitors of America, convinced that those individuals who are not gainfully employed should just pick up a broom and toilet bush and take the initiative to clean up America. Sounds like the Soviet Union, wherein the women at one time in history found the same chores. Here is my take on it. Newt suffers from janitorphile, in love with little kids slaving away with mops and brooms, as he has nightmares wherein he thinks he must clean up after Washington. Newt was part of the culture of corruption that has this nation embarrassed upon a tanked approval rating, so he feels responsible for what has happened. It is no different then what a pedophile goes through. This guy is sick and should be retired away. See, Congress 104 through 112 has “shit” on America, so there is indeed a need for a big sweep. But “We the People” didn't mess our pants, so why should we be the ones to clean up the mess? And like a snowfall, don't waste time yet with the elbow grease, as what's plopping down upon civility, not only does it stink, like the energizer bunny Congress keeps on giving! But wait theres more. Today the senate held a hearing on their own “legal” but questionable insider trading. It was entertaining watching the members pick on themselves. But it was just a hearing without any sacrifices, nothing accomplished for a reason. While this hearing was in session, at the same time most senators that practice this preferential eavesdropping on the stock market in efforts to enrich themselves - an illegal activity for those of us on the outside – some Congressional members were taking recess away from the hearing to swap stock options - as it was on this same day at the stroke of midnight that Congress allowed “Obesity” to be covered by Medicare. See, Bill Frist is still at it, as his family now owns and operates the biggest health care provider in the universe, not so until his reign as the Senate Majority Leader wherein he made convenient loopholes to promote the family business. Bill's family didn't need a lobbyist, he was that and a U.S. Senator all at the same time, how convenient and convincing! Like there is a difference? Now with that “mission accomplished” he vacated his seat and with all the loot now directed to his estate, he became a philanthropist! Look, he's as close to a “Good Samaritan” as Newt is too an “Honest Samaritan”. Had this country employed equitable taxation, the Frist family could not shine in the humanitarian circle of friends, as a majority of the money confiscated by the Frist generation comes from Medicare and Medicaid payments, which is still the most abused system of all wherein U.S. Taxpayers' are scammed, loot abused greater then the FreddieMAC scandal when Newt was involved and employed as a “Historian”. But the time has come for “Obesity” to enter into the “Greed Foundation”. Yes indeed, “Obesity” has found a way to make a profit. So with Uncle Sam now footing the bill for “Obesity”, with Medicare, it will only be a matter of time that it is covered by all providers wherein out of fairness Medicaid will also find a piece of this action. So HMO stocks fueled the stock market to its biggest gain in 3-years, because of the American overweight problem that hits a record breaking mind-boggling 60% of Americans. And it is close to being considered a handicap, eat more, get more - America's new motto. Now with an estimated 65% of the 52-million qualified recipients of Medicare welfare, that means treatment for 30-million, wherein weekly visits to the doctor will find reimbursement courtesy Uncle Sam. Yes indeed, where billing attendants find the lucrative Medicare formula that allows a 5-minute visit to be treated as an hour's long visit, as MD's get paid by the visit, not the actual time performing something that is in actuality nothing upon this “Obesity” training. Here we go again, more suffrage upon the taxpayers. Look, obesity should not be considered a health risk but a Ponzi scheme. See, while the senate was voting on the “Obesity” issues, that Uncle Sam is responsible for this pandemic, at the same time Michelle Obama - as chair of the “Partnership for a Healthier America” - she had teamed up with industry leaders, like Walmart, to find a ways and means to lower the price of healthy foods, like field greens and heirloom tomatoes. But the Colonel and Ronald McDonald, they know how to sabotage any good attempt to make America healthy, as you can now buy crap on a bun or deep fried road kill for 2-bucks a meal! And if the clown can now sell the kid choking toys instead of giving this landfill junk away, if it only cost 10-cents, there has got to be Chinese slave labor behind this cheap thrills. And with Congress allowing “Pizza” to be re-categorized a “vegetable”, junket food is here to stay, because we have an AWOL Congress. Today, we find that Congress has the controlling whip and gavel but have become crippled upon any righteous behavior that helps Americans, as what comes out of the Mitch McConnell and Sun Tan Man Boehner's orifice, it is pure “crap”. Does anybody know of the existence of a “Congressional Warranty”, as we need to get our money back! We are today paying the bastards to make our lives more miserable. Are we that weak a society, wherein we continue to allow this self-inflicted punishment? What happened to America? It is simple. As most Americans continued to have faith in the system of merits, faith and hope upon ethical representation, while we were busy trying to employ our services to enjoy the American dream, the robbers raided the hen house and instead of putting up a fight, the Congress bent over and said take it all and if not enough we will find a ways and means to get that “blood out of that poor turnip”, which means abuse. Congress has become a dysfunctional institute and there isn't a whole lot “We the People” can do about it! Why? Because the originators of this institute that was supposed to be in it for America along with the inherent power bestowed, they never thought it could come to this, as they realized early on that “Revolutions” work wonders, so devised a system that should have prevented AWOL and dysfunctional representation. When a Senator or House member takes that oath, it states upholding the Constitution, it doesn't say anything about bending over for lobbyists. So why is Congress wasting valuable time placating the enemy of the people, as it never should have gotten to the state it is in today. Something has gone terribly wrong with the representative body that is supposed to be looking out for the good of America. Now here is an interesting Wikipedia moment: “When Congress returned for its regular session in December 1861, members who believed that the Union had as much to fear from northern traitors as southern soldiers again revised the oath, adding a new first section known as the "Ironclad Test Oath." The war-inspired Test Oath, signed into law on July 2, 1862, required "every person elected or appointed to any office ... under the Government of the United States ... excepting the President of the United States" to swear or affirm that they had never previously engaged in criminal or disloyal conduct. Those government employees who failed to take the 1862 Test Oath would not receive a salary; those who swore falsely would be prosecuted for perjury and forever denied federal employment”. Wow, what a concept this “Ironclad Test Oath”. Then what the hell happened? Maybe it is time again to breath life into this “Ironclad” oath, as the oath taken nowadays seems to be but a suggestion, forgotten about! Here is another thing. There should be a law against an individual calling himself or herself a philanthropist if the money they give away came about through thievery! Using this “Mr. & Mrs. Do Good” title as do so many crooks in efforts to paint a righteous image, many that held the “House “ hostage as a representative, it is but a ways and means of false advertising. Look at what is happening today with NPR, time outs for Jaguar commercials? Look, the price of an uppity-up vehicle like this could provide affordable living for a few American families having to scrounge for street corner liberty. So this again is one of those deals wherein people with wealth have too much disposable loot, and it is disposed of as a “gift” only because their tax accountants have it figured out, as it is done for no other reason then to protect other assets. It is such a fake us out mentality these days, with crooks thinking they have humanitarian instincts. Bar Humbug is my sentiment. So I guess it doesn't pay to be healthy as I know my health care premiums will increase, to cover the obesity issues. And my taxes may stay the same, to cover this problem, but the money spent too cover this scam is money taken away from areas I find interest upon, like the construction of bike trails. And like anything else, it means money will be spent by the health care lobbyists to find a ways and means protected by Congress to make all Americans unhealthy. Just like the prison system was infiltrated, it became a business in which the wealthy realized that keeping the cells filled meant income, so came the 3-strikes your in for life factor, as it meant uneasy time for easy crimes and no freedom forever, just no vacancies allowed. Yes indeed, “No prison cell bed left behind”, so build another incarceration facility, and if vacancies disrupt the flow of that Don Perignon & caviar income, just shove a little payola down the prison lobby's throat to get Congress to incite new legislation, like maybe a 2-strikes your in for life law. And maybe one day we will see “Obesity” a crime. Wow, we can build new jails with “Over-sized” beds, imagine the possibilities of how much we could charge for the “Obese”, just like the airlines, now requiring that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to purchase 2-seats as he gallivants around the country bashing Obama! How pathetic, how lame, how imbecile this nation has become. Not because of the role the proletariat class still finds as a mainstay our liberties, but to what has happened ever since taking an oath of office, to protect the Constitution, became words with laughter. When that message went corrupted, for preferential treatment beyond any American defined decency. And by the way, that “Insider Trading” hearing before Congress, it was learned that due to “fiduciary responsibilities”, all members of Congress are held accountable to the same standards as “We the People”, so this “Insider Trading” scam is Jack Abramoff illegal - it means jail time. But due to “ambiguity”, which is just another word for “Congressional Immunity”, they get away with it! What a word, this “ambiguity”, sums it all up.

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