Saturday, December 3, 2011

Black & Blue Saturday

Could be that December 3rd will go down in history as Black & Blue Saturday. In line with “Black Monday” and “Black Friday” and all the other days so colored to gain notoriety. But if it goes according to plans, Cain will retire his aspiration for a chance in the so far hilarious GOP presidential “Chumpster” race, thus saving the taxpayers some loot, as why in hell does he need security detail from the Secret Service so early on this race? What's that, because his wife is pissed. Look out Herman, here comes the pizza pan! Anyway, the news' media has been successful in taking down a viable candidate that could have challenged Barack Obama, it would have meant “black against black”, wow. Last time that happened was with Mohammad Ali and Joe Frazier. Today, the news' media is used as a vice, cheap thrills destruction, just plant the “Right” seed! Anyway, Cain had an affair, maybe more then one, but so did Newt. In fact. Newt held an affair with an office aide at the same time his 2nd wife was receiving cancer treatment. And Romney, he's a Morman, a religious following that believes in Polygamy. Even if Mitch was unfaithful, silence is golden this fantasy. So we can throw out the infidelity issues, as there is enough guilt to go around. What remains to access the top running candidates is job creation and wealth. Cain was a very successful businessman all on his own doing, and being the Godfather of Pizza, sure he created jobs. Maybe not high paying, but income for many that understand what “minimum wage” is all about. Mitch, he became filthy rich by cutting jobs, take that back, sending jobs to our enemies overseas. And Newt, he created a deficit and became a millionaire as a “Historian” for FreddieMAC. These supposedly successes stories, Cain's low paying jobs, Romney's job axing extravaganza and Newt's crookedness, because these idiots think it is a success to be proud upon, they will use it again if either one is successful in reaching George Bush status. So with Cain about to throw in the towel, it leavesNo man” that could challenge Obama. Mitch is toast, Newt has too much baggage. The other contenders, like the wack-whore, not a chance. Huntsmen, just too intelligent for the GOP mentality. So guess what, the Palin PAC is installing phones and high-speed Internet access equipment, right as we speak. Supposedly a van full of computers with technicians was seen unloading at what could soon be “Palin 2012” campaign headquarters. And Toad, Palin's trophy, he was seen conversing with Secret Service agents down in McCain country. At a strip club? Face the facts, it is a 3-party race. Sure we have the age old and failed GOP trying its best to make a comeback along with the failed and age old Democratic party wishing the same, so there is room for a 3rd party, like the Tea-Party. And that party of “Don't Tread On Me”, a motto stolen away without permission from the state of New Hampshire, this party has money, that is another reason Cain was such a threat and was taken down for the count. Cain is not what the Neo-Conservative think tank still controlled by PNAC wants at the helm, as they realize they have a lot more stroke when they can elect a “Puppet” to man the helm. What do you mean Puppet? George Bush was controlled by Dick Cheney who was controlled by Don Rumsfeld who was controlled by Paul Wolforitz who was controlled by William Kristol who was controlled by the “Doctor of Doom” who was controlled by the signatories of PNAC, a conglomeration of power composed of the wealthiest Americans alive today, then some. It is all part of history, so someday it will be learned. And Newt is not a puppet, and did not sign on to the PNAC as a signatory supporting this groups “Take over the World” directive, so he may be next on the slander attack, but we all know that “K Street sway lubricant”, a.k.a. money, can buy his ass. And he did support some of the PNAC initiative, but may have hesitations to further that agenda now that the troops are finally coming home. So this finds guess who to fill in the void, her Hienous Sarah Palin. Look, the Tea-Party realizes that the GOP cannot survive this election if the Tea-Party decides against Newt or Romney. The vote count held by that party is paramount for success, so it is the Tea-Party that is holding onto the reigns of success, through those “Puppet” control ropes, that second as strangulation mechanism for anybody that gets in the way. And Cain has brewed a storm like atmosphere upon the so far circus atmosphere, like those storm winds have provoked the dead, the Palin crypt has come alive. Somebody is behind this falling out with Cain, as it cannot be self-deserving destruction. And with the holidays upon us and once 2012 gets here, there is not much time left for Palin to find interest in the upcoming debates, as she will have the excuse she must campaign, with her “Witch's Broom Tour” bus, or whatever it is called. Bottom-line, the Neo-Conservatives want a puppet, as that worked in their favor with Bush, except they did not finish their business. PNAC has been taken over by the Foreign Policy Institute, basically the PNAC in hiding, but it is the same damn destructive mechanism trying to shove American democracy down the throats of citizens of other nations. It hasn't worked too well, but that doesn't mean this institute's “mission accomplished” mentality is sane enough to realize failure. So it is Palin, that is what the KOCH Brothers want, someone that appears to be in control, but is manipulated behind the scenes, a Sarah Palin trait. And that is what has happened to the Tea-Party. It started off with a message, but was soon taken over by other interests as a ways and means platform to further another “Hidden” agenda. It is like a leach or blood sucker catching a ride on a victim. And with room for more “leaches”, room for more “blood suckers”, the Palin campaign may find support, not only from the Tea-Party, but behind the scenes endorsement from the “doomsdayers”, the PNAC, as they know she lacks a whole lot and will infiltrate that weakness to “seed” their agenda forward. So with Cain more likely then not telling the world that he was a fool for not paying Mrs. White a million to stay quiet, he now must tell the world he loves his wife and the affair was nothing more than leach like behavior, like that “blood sucker”, catching a ride that ended up nowhere. In ending, if Palin does re-enter the circus, this carnival atmosphere makes me feel black and blue all over, as it appears America has been beat up once again by the wealthy class. Wherein the “think tank” knows what is best, for themselves, as we appear to be but a bunch of leaches and blood suckers hindering their movement, in their efforts to confiscate all the wealth, with that all the power to take over the World as they see fit!

1 comment:

  1. The circus.....goes on and on and on. And the guy who is twice divorced and had an extra-marital affair with his current wife hopes to gain the most from this. Amazing! More than ever, as I look at the sorry set of Republican “rivals” on the other side, I am THANKFUL to have Barack Obama as President, and as a viable candidate for re-election. Mr. Obama: your heart, your values, and your basic decency are all in the right place. BUT...your hands are tied. Unfortunately they were tied by us, the electorate.....when we failed to provide you with a Congress that you can work with. Instead, you are saddled with a don’t-tax-the-1%-do-nothing Congress that battles you at every turn, while the people suffer. God, they don't EVEN let you pass your own appointments. It's not Tea-publican gridlock -it's Tea-publican sabotage. Heck, it's Tea-publican treason....while the 99% BLEEDS. And then they try to pin the blame on Mr. Obama. These people have no shame...or else its been purchased by those who can afford to do so. In her last years, Grandma gets her meager Social Security check, and they DARE to call it “socialism”. Give me a break! (and Grandma too!) Thankfully, with Occupy Wall Street, America has found its voice: a voice that reminds us that people -ordinary down-to-earth working people- really DO matter. Not “corporations are people -people” , but REAL people! Tea-publicans want even MORE 1%-tax-break-corporate-loopholes....while these “job-creators” send our jobs overseas, and wish that we’d go away too.... as they buy every politician in sight. And if these politicians don’t have ENOUGH mistresses, I can hook them up with a few gorgeous -and rich!- oil companies. It would be a perfect blind date, except for the fact that they’re ALREADY in bed with them :-). But instead of talking about LESS government, and LESS taxes on the 1%, and MORE corporate welfare, and MORE painful cuts to those who can LEAST afford it....Occupy is a voice that demands a government that WORKS, a government that works FOR ALL OF US, not just for a favored few....not just for the rich. It’s a voice that comes up from the grassroots, and lifts us up in turn: because it insists that this land IS our land...and that we WANT IT BACK! It's a voice that will help us re-elect the President AND give him a more progressive people-oriented Congress to work with. Mr. Obama: I wish you well.... because you STILL give us hope!
