Monday, November 21, 2011

Nothing for Nothing

August 2nd of 2011 is another historical date that should not be remembered by any sane brain inventory. No, it was not the date wherein Congress was to be abolished, due record breaking approval ratings in the dirt, as they have fallen to even lower levels of mistrust since then. Blame it on the holidays? The 2nd was the inaugural date for the Super Debt Committee following the Congress finally passing a long and over-due debt limit ceiling. And it has been three long months since the bill's inception, and the single priority effort of this committee is supposed to enlighten our Thanksgiving holiday spirit, as the day before we gouge ourselves on the bird and all the fixings, this committee is supposed to have a “fix” for the debt, deficit, lack of taxation upon the wealthy, whatever it is called. Yet low and behold, it appears that this bipartisan bickering committee is still trying to define its own “mission”. Does “Mission Accomplished” ring a bell of patriotism gone astray? But did we really expect to see a compromise from an equal opportunity committee, made up of 3-reds from the Senate, 3-reds from the House, and the same defense for the other side? And all that was heard all weekend long was this horrible outcome of doom, if there came no compromise to cutting $1.2-Trillion dollars away from special interests. Now I blame a whole lot of tensions these days on the news' media, as in efforts to make things interesting to the few souls that still try and keep informed, which means either a link to FOX or a link to MSNBC, since this stuff is boring, there comes this effort to make it exciting. Talk about spin, it is out of control. Here it is in a nutshell, and a realistic bipartisan approach to erasing the woes of too much debt. First and foremost, eliminate all “Corporate” taxes! Just do it, as then there would be no excuses for a pathetic employment picture. If it is the “Corporate” tax burden that is causing a strain on jobs creation, do away with it, or at least suspend any collection of taxes upon corporations to see if the GOP was on to something. It would indeed be a litmus test and it is something that the Mitch McConnell race could indeed shed tears upon with joy, “I did it MY way”! And Grover Norquist could go into retirement. So this doing away with “Corporate” taxation satisfies the Republican ego, it is that simple. Now we have eliminated half of the “Super” committee and they can go back to work, as they have a job to perform as members of Congress – trying to keep the pig sty afloat. With that in mind, since “Corporations” are known to get rebates from Uncle Sam when the “Balance Sheet” is manipulated, thus doing away with the “Corporate” taxation would be a windfall for the U.S. Treasury, as there would then be no need for this “Corporate Welfare”. That would account for an increase of about $600-Billion to the Treasury, according to Phineas J. Whoopee. That eliminates half of the cuts required under law! Wow, we are making headway and nobody is complaining, so far it appears to be a credible cost cutting program. Now this next option is what allows all of us to enjoy across the board cuts, as the “Corporation” has received its fair share, so should the individual taxpayers. Every American taxpayer then has to decide what to give, just like going to church, how much is it worth? Now this may bring out some dishonesty, but all in all, it may provoke some true patriotism, as when one has met the desires, has succeeded in the goals promulgated with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, what is leftover should be consumed by the tax collectors. So that is why it is not an across the board “Tax Rate”, as everybody's goals are different. If after the 1st attempt at this, if there is not enough to run government, then Uncle Sam passes the hat. Now here is where I get serious to make sure there comes enough income to fuel government. Tax the income from the shareholders of these corporations at a 50% rate! Eliminate all the existing “Tax Code” preferential treatment to “shareholders” income. In this working plan, a model of a new-age system dealing with taxation, a corporation makes money and if there comes no taxation upon that “income” due this new structure, then that money must be continuously re-invested, for new equipment, which creates jobs all around. Yes, it is spent or else! And it could and would support new wage structures. Now any income that is not part of the “Balance To Zero” - the leftovers - then those profits must be stockpiled away, as dividends to the shareholders and before it is distributed, it is taxed at the 50% rate, that is the only responsibility afforded a “Corporation” with respect to Taxation under this plan. And most CEO's get paid through “Stock Options”, as do many of those in the executive ranks when it comes to retirement and “Golden Parachute” type binges, that excess in “Options” will be no different then taxation upon the “Over Balance”. So the American corporations make out, as they will no longer be required to hire creative accountants, as the money saved, it will be re-invested to do what a business is supposed to do, grow. And as a business grows, so does the entire infrastructure. And Americans, now enjoying a bonafide system of taxation upon their own income based on “merit”, after the “Trinity” is accomplished for themselves and family, then the leftovers are sent to the Treasury. See, this works because it is well proven that Americans love to spend, so it keeps the economy bailed out, something we can feel good about instead of Uncle Sam coming to the rescue. It affords us the ways and means to have control our destiny with respect to what takes “loot” to accomplish, be it war or highways. What would you rather pay for, a highway renewal project over here or a highway robbery project in some other country? It is a simple answer when you see what condition our transportation system is under. So if a business must send money outside, it can only end up in one other place, the shareholders, and with this legislation, it will be taxed at 50% and sent directly to the U.S. Treasury. Look, shareholders don't read the yearly statements, so they won't know what hit them. And according to Phineas, this will bring in an extra $2.1-Trillion, which will easily offset the taxation on income for the working class. And since corporations are growing and thriving under the plan, there is a lack of workers, which means a future for this country, as our kids will have something to look forward too, instead of the un-employment line. And without that line, it is even more money for the Treasury's safekeeping. This plan works, for the Corporations, for the working class and it also works for the shareholders. But it doesn't work for Wall Street, and therein my friends exists the biggest excuse for liberty being degraded each and everyday through greed! Tear down that Wall, let's do it sooner then later! Bottom-line, we can not have it both ways any longer, it is US or THEM. But there is a saving grace outcome to look forward too, soon. The Wall is a self-destructive mechanism, we are seeing that occur today and it is beyond a fix, just like Humpty Dumpty found out. The “Wall”, it served its purpose, and we should all be thankful for that, but like anything else good, it must come to an end. And in that end, we will see a new value system arise - For the People - wherein “Honesty” finds itself back in check, as the “best” policy above all to live by!

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