Monday, November 21, 2011

Don Young & Pizza

Just how can the crooked class stand crediting more crookedness to their portfolio? When is enough, enough? I guess it goes along with to whom one chums around with. Today's Congress-of-Corruption is trying to break new ground with respect to doing nothing and still receiving a paycheck. I am talking the Congress that is supposed to be the ”Servant” for the America people but whose membership from corrupt leadership has decided to become slaves for the crooked that dish out the loot of corruption. For our Senators and Congressmen, it has become an addiction - this Bogyman money - no different then the addiction aroused by “crack”. Look, today the main maiming problem upon America is not low employment opportunities, it is not the fact we have Obama at the helm, it is not due entirely from the Wall Street and K Street influence or from the Koch suckers, but it is the dysfunctional Congress in itself that should take all the blame for a disenfranchised nation. The buck stops there, so when things get out-of-civil-control, look no further for the cause and culprit. It is front and center stage, that ugly face of reality staring us all in the face, once again the ugly face of an “addiction”. Just the other day Don Young performed a 1st class act conniption fit when a well respected historian being grilled before Congress about the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve informed Young that it is the taxpayers that pays his salary. This followed some unintelligible questioning by Young who becomes supper aggravated and road rage furious towards anyone that believes the refuge is other than a wasteland. Just like he gets irritated towards those that believe bike paths are a necessity. Now this clearing the record by the historian provoked Don into a rage that was better then the time he called Pelosi a rabid skunk. Don couldn't take the “Disrespect” by someone questioning his position as “Alaska's Congressmen” and vacated the hearing – maybe due withdrawal symptoms and needing a fix. K Street is where all the pushers hang out, so getting the drugs of addiction is only a stone's throw away from the House. Now that is the common place exit strategy practiced by the crooks when the heat is on and somebody in the civilian ranks has the guts to call a Congressional bluff. But this retreat is practiced all too often nowadays, especially when the approval rating for Congress is stalled at the lowest rating allowed by law. In fact, with the leftist margin of error, today Congress enjoys a “Negative” approval rating. That ranking in itself, like the automatic debt reduction triggers coming your way with the Super-Committee asleep at the wheel, it should mean time for incarceration. So like a bunch of crybabies when they can't get their own way, they can excuse themselves anytime, just so they don't have to face reality, or confront a citizen that is right. The truth hurts! And John McCain performed the same kind of conniption fit during a Senate Armed Service hearing, when he tried to take down Leon Panetta. The Secretary of Defense read McCain the riot act. Sorry no match and soon Mad John was excusing himself, just couldn't take the heat of disrespect from an Obama appointee. And with Young's fit to be tried rage, the Chairman of the hearing, an idiot by the name of Doc Hastings, he tried to instill the fact that those called before Congress must act with manners, trying his best to defend Young. While Young was wearing some ridiculous “Beanie” hat, something proclaiming Obama's energy policy was a failure. Talk about disrespect! Look Mr. Congressman, you cannot have it both ways! Hey Doc, find then fine the PHD Historian in contempt of Congress if he did something wrong, and to come to Young's aid, to side with a moron like mentality wherein Don thinks his age old shit doesn't stink, it is evident that those in Congress should not be allowed to eat! What a waste of the earth's bounty that could be used to help starve off starvation. Look, if a dreaded disease hovered over the House and inflicted an outcome that revealed with living proof that these two faced idiots that swear on the grave of distrust, if indeed the two-faces were revealed and they had to pick one or the other, we all know what direction they would side with. What we have in front of us today is the corruptness gone way beyond return. If I were associated with a gang of misfits that held an approval rating lower then Richard Nixon, I would sneak away to a hiding place far and removed and well stocked by the lobbyist. This is what they do, then continue to practice their “predator” like existence. And when the news' media recently published the top ten family owned “wealthiest” business establishments, guess what, there came a picture of Alaska's Ted Stevens presenting Bill Frist the Senate Majority gavel. His family owns the biggest health-care provider in the universe. And guess what he accomplished during his reign as a U.S. Senator? Besides being voted in as a member of the “Most Corrupt Members of Congress” club by a Washington watchdog association, he payed special attention to changing the rules and regulations so the family business would thrive and he is now in favor of “Health Care” for all. Frist's family owned operation made billions when he held the gavel and continues to this day reaping the benefits of “disenfranchising”. See, when Obama's - the President Who Cares - Health Care plan went into effect, the health care providers saw an opportunity, to profit, not to help! That is why today a flue shot still costs only 10-bucks, as it is subsidized by Uncle Sam. But it costs another 20-bucks to have someone administer the shot. A 2-second chore, which amounts to the hourly wage of a lobbyist. See, they are all in it together. And that is what happened with ObamaCare, the crooks took advantage something that would have been good for this nation. And now that ObamaCare is being tried before the Supreme Beings, if they decide it is un-Constitutional, do you think the prices will ever return back to normal? Of course not, because Congress has more important things to do, like checking their “insider trading” stock option plan or wasting time voting on whether or not “Pizza” is a vegetable! Honestly, “Pizza” was about to find no place on a school lunch program that costs the taxpayers over $18-billion a year, in efforts to eradicate or at least control childhood obesity, by demanding this welfare food program finds more “vegetables” then French Fries on the daily menu. Pizza would have become a no-no. Guess what, now kids can enjoy pizza for breakfast! OUR Congress has voted Pizza in as a Vegetable! With the “stock” option crookedness, there came a ways and means wherein our representatives performed an act that was “insider” trading, for any of us outsiders that tried it, but not illegal for themselves. Why? They make the laws and find convenient loopholes called “immunity”. See, when legislation found in favor of a business or venture or licensing, it meant the stock would most likely surge upward, so the congressional aids made sure that Uncle Ted made out like a bandit. Uncle Ted is the official nomenclature for a Corrupt Congress following its origins from Alaska, as Ted Stevens was a bonafide member of the Corrupt Bastards Club, which had ties to D.C. Let us never forget Ted, not for his accomplishments in Alaska, but for his power of corruption that has made this country a sad state of affairs. This state of mistrust didn't start on Obama's watch, as a strong nation takes years to crumble. So in ending, here are some words of warning – courtesy Bob Dylan - to those that must get up every morning and realize that they were voted in by the people, for the people, but refuse to perform and continue to hold out their hands to the opposition, bribery it is and the result a continued attempt with contempt assassination upon liberty – wherein they seem to be winning: 

Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you ?
People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
You thought they were all kiddin' you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hangin' out
Now you don't talk so loud
Now you don't seem so proud
About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone ?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely
But you know you only used to get juiced in it
And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street
And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it
You said you'd never compromise
With the mystery tramp, but know you realize
He's not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And say do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone ?
You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns
When they all come down and did tricks for you
You never understood that it ain't no good
You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you
You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat
Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
Ain't it hard when you discover that
He really wasn't where it's at
After he took from you everything he could steal.

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone ?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
Exchanging all precious gifts
But you'd better take your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe
You used to be so amused
At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone ?

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