Saturday, October 1, 2011

WAR Machine

I don't get it! Why all of a sudden is the military mission capturing with execution style raids the top camels of Al-Qaeda? And why in hell is the stock market breaking new ground into the ground, soon after Obama announces his re-run for the presidency and creation of a “Jobs” bill? Commonality, these things? First and foremost I watched a document on what was required to sniff out Bin Laden, plan the attack, plan counter measures in the case something were to go wrong, and succeed at the mission. See, it doesn't matter one's party line when it comes to answering to the Commander-in-Chief, as the brass behind this mission have one and only one commander and mission wherein failure is not an option. Too bad the Congress couldn't act the same way. This was a professional military mission that was accomplished with a 50% chance of success. But why did it take so long? Was it due poor planning when Bush was at the helm, or was there something else getting in the way of progress. And Bush was known to play against the odds, so with a 50/50 chance, Bush would have put on a uniform himself to carry out the “Mission” accomplished. And with the market tanking, didn't the war machine try this once before with attempted failure upon the Obama administration only to be trumped by “stimulus” recovery? With the “War Machine” I am talking a class of wealthy individuals that seem to think they know what is best for America, what is best for the proletariat class when they have no idea what it means to work for a living - “Good morning America how are ya” paycheck to paycheck. Caviar, what's that? Hamburger Helper, a staple across America nowadays. And above all, they think also they know what is best for all mankind. So something is wrong with what is going down, lopsided upon these issues at extremes – or are they? Now this country employs the greatest technology available and when not available makes it so and when hi-tech doesn't work, we pay off the stool pigeons. And money talks, as it did yesterday, today and tomorrow the same. So why did Bush fail at taking down Al-Qaeda's top camels? Maybe Bush and his dysentery dynasty didn't want too, or couldn't make such a move, due certain behind the scenes affiliation. Maybe some things were off-limits, as Bush was a cowboy but ended up with a presidency that was nothing short a cow-pie roundup. And with the markets, who controls all the wealth? So it is rather fishy that Obama has succeeded in taming the market, capturing and killing Bin Laden and just today, word that a drone attack has taken out another top official of the camel regime, Al-Awaki - an American born cleric. Bush had how many years to accomplish this take-down when this goon Bin was still playing out his fantasy as a mountain goat and with a $25-million bounty around his neck, to fail this mission is suspect. Look, for that kind of money in a 3rd world, a rat could turn in the most wanted, take the money and become that country's president. But there came no takers this reward. Is there that much loyalty amongst the camels? And there exists rumors still that Pat Tillman, a great American hero, he supposedly had Bin in his gun sights but was taken down by an informant working undercover for, not Uncle Sam, but for the “War Machine”. People with guts have figured out what I mean by this “War Machine”. It was at one time in history called PNAC, the Project for the New American Century. It backfired and we ended up tangled up in Iraq and now Afghanistan. It was supposed to be the beginning of the end of non-democratic regimes. This take-over plan was conceived during the time period when Bill Clinton was still in office but fortunately with his preoccupation with Monica, PNAC found no ignition. Clinton was being bugged by the PNAC signatories to take over the world as it was a time in history in which America's military superiority and strength went unsurpassed, but the plan of attack went ignored. The signatories of the PNAC invasion plan include the Doctor of Doom, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, George Bush Sr., Geronimo's Shull, Rumsfeld, Dan Quayle, John McCain, James Woolsey, Paul Wolforitz and a list of misfits bent on annihilation of civility and a dereliction upon true democracy. I am glad Clinton was more interested in Monica, so PNAC's plan went unanswered. But when the Bush Family had the opportunity to disenfranchise the “vote”, there came the weapons of mass destruction from the “War Machine” to make sure the puppet president won the helm at any cost, and today we see what is meant by that cost. For the most part PNAC has disintegrated into the woodwork, but believe me, it has not disappeared. In fact, when you look at the “War Machine” employed overseas today, it is controlled by corporations owned and operated by PNAC members, so do you really think that our best interests are in tune to their best interests? No, as they still believe in the takeover and today PNAC is under disguise of the Foreign Policy Initiative – a think tank still thinking “doom” and bent on taking over the world. It is PNAC alive and well with the same cast of characters, many involved in the “War Machine” efforts and making huge profits to further the agenda. But there has to be something fishy upon Obama's accomplishments verses Bush's accomplishments. So to those that believe there was something fishy about 9/11, best take the time to research this PNAC, as with the kind of wealth this membership can sport, anything is possible. But hail to the Chief, as he is determined to bring home the troops, maybe not as fast as we would like, but at least there is a commitment. So stay tuned to what is happening around you, as the PNAC wants the “occupations” to continue, and the next few months may be rather interesting considering it is an upcoming election year. In ending, why is FOX questioning the drone attack on the cleric? According to sources from that network, the bimbos are voicing concern that since the cleric was an American born citizen, he was due a fair trial? Now can you imagine had this occurred when Bush was at the helm, there would have come a Wall Street celebration! See, Obama is under attack, and this is all part of the PNAC plan, so it is alive and well even today after its failed plans have sent over 5,000 kids in uniform to Arlington and wounded close to 40,000 fighting Americans. One last thought. Can you imagine what it would be like if the GOP congressional delegation for once gave credit where credit is due, to Obama. Can you imagine if this same membership addressed the nation giving credit to Obama for his economic machine. Can you imagine if Congress respected the Commander-in-Chief? It is called the real road to recovery - based on RESPECT. The problem seems that Obama can do no good, when there is plenty of good coming from his presidency, which points a finger to one and only one issue – that of prejudice and to that I know you know what I am eluding upon. It is that simple!

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