Friday, September 30, 2011

Bravo, Bravo

Congratulation goes out to the Native Alaskan organizations that have filed “STOP” lawsuits with the 9th Circuit Court. The “STOP” herein relates to drilling for oil offshore the Beaufort Sea. Nothing against SHELL's plan of attack, but we learned all too well that spilled oil cannot be cleaned up at Latitude 61, Bligh Reef, due the climate conditions. So with interest further North, at Latitude 71, spilled oil will remain spilled oil and migrate about by hitching a ride upon an ice-floe. The reach of spilled oil from an arctic environment breach would be catastrophic, as currents would bring the “goo-mouse” to numerous places outside the spill's intended domain, eventually breaking it up but leaving a trail of destruction along the way. We may find out more this destructive ways and means as the same is occurring right now in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP rig blow-out in 2010. And no matter what those in the know say, oil development spills something over time! I've been there and witnessed a behavior that sends a chilling message that we have not learned from experience or through our mistakes. When jobs are on the line, things go by the wayside with respect to environmental stewardship. A company may have an open door policy for reporting things, but that “open” door is also the way to the unemployment line, for being honest! This nation's thirst for energy, which isn't cheap anymore, it is today out-of-bounds. The EXXON Valdez, the Macondo blow-out, crap happens doesn't it? And these things should have been prevented instead of the sentiment it could have been prevented. There is a big difference. When we place emphasis on “should” over “could” then we may be in the position to entertain exploration and exploitation in fragile areas like the Beaufort. But changing from the “could” to the “should”, it costs money and that is reserved for the profit margins now required by the shareholders. And since most of us by virtue of retirement plans are “shareholders”, do we really want to see less for retirement in efforts to do things better? No, we want what is ours and the next generation can fend for itself. Now even though the current lawsuits sends a signal of warning that there will come long delays and the possibility that there may never ever come resource development out on the fragile ecosystem of the Beaufort and neighboring Chukchi, that doesn't mean that riches will not be made. It appears that lawyers have found the ultimate solution of getting more blood out of a turnip. And since many Alaskan law firms are connected to oil development already, I guess if one wants representation, legal advise and advice, it means going “Outside”. What's up with local hire! So the lawyers are lining up to reap millions in litigations costs, even before a drill bit ever enters the frozen formation. Wow, now maybe this is the real McCoy of resource development, as this money doesn't have to be shared. Here is what I am getting at. Why has this society become so stubborn upon all issues and have to resort to the courts and lawyers and wasted time for everything and anything these days? Families fight the family, brothers and sisters litigate, a sick mentality. What have we become? But when one witnesses what goes on with Congress, the fighting and bickering, I guess if you can't fight them join them is the sentiment! But back to drilling out on the ice, it is beyond dangerous, to both man and nature. The profit squeeze upon energy extraction today is pathetic. The shareholders want more, so technology comes along to get even more blood out of that turnip. And this technology utilizes all kinds of nasty and experimental challenges. Since when have we as humans been given permission to experiment upon this earth? Imagine if we placed all efforts into alternative energy realization, or ways and means to conserve? Even with the case of blood out of a turnip, there is a breaking point. Do we really understand enough to what is going on down below to continue this “Frac” stuff that is taking off without any semblance of control? If so, why is it impossible for the “Frac” companies to give up knowledge of the ingredients used to “squeeze” the formations dry? They cry out loud that by doing so, by telling us what is being sent down-hole below the drinking water supply, that would be a disadvantage to competition. Look, that is what lawyers are all about and justified, it is called patent or intellectual property infringement. So the excuse that they cannot divulge the ingredients, it is preposterous and makes no sense except nonsense and the fact they may be hiding something. Let's face the facts, how can we understand what is happening in the cauldron? We cannot. That is why it is so interesting that states bent on allowing this technology and resource development through the squeeze play are stepping up testing of downstream NORM, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material - stuff that comes topside from “Frac” work. It sends a chilling signal that there is grounds for concern. And when Love Canal 20XX surfaces, lawyers will make sure there is some doubt instilled upon a competent jury called to court to trial an accuser, that it wasn't them! Just like in the case of the Exxon Valdez and most likely the scenario with the Macondo, nobody takes any blame! Didn't we learn it all in kindergarten? To admit defeat, and that is what it has come to with respect to this nation's energy quest, defeat and we should “STOP” now, count our blessings in conservation and imagine what it would be like staying home on weekends and enjoying the family instead of destroying the family! So Bravo to the Alaskan Natives with this “STOP” lawsuit, as it means family values over profit margins, something that has become lost almost to the point of extinction this American society.

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