Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alaskan Quiz

Question #1: Name at least one Alaskan U.S. Senator or an Alaskan member of Congress who has not had to employ a crooked office aide, since statehood?

Question #2: Name at least one Alaskan U.S. Senator or an Alaskan member of Congress who has not had to employ a crooked office aide, since CBCI?

CBCI means “Corrupt Bastards Club Inception

The 1st one-hundred "correct" entries to this Alaskan Quiz will receive a tape recording of Don Young's famous House speech wherein he calls Nancy Pelosi a "Rabid Skunk", with skunk calling sound bites and all. Truly a collectors item!

Contest not open to Lisa Murkowski's office aide Arne Fugvog

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