Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ted Stevens' Memoir

Ted Stevens' Memoir

The late Horrible Ted Stevens' memoir has hit the press. OK, for this one time I will refrain from “Horrible” in exchange for “Honorable”, he deserves it. But it bothers me that Ted was had, he was made evil, by greed seekers bent on befriending him for a favor. And that friendship was for one and only one thing, camouflaged wealth exchange and maybe a Bill Allen cigar. Would you smoke a cigar from a gift horse? Ted didn't pass on enjoying retirement. He died playing the fool for GCI's Ron Duncan. I hope Ron enjoys for the rest of his life the millions he made by using Ted, but that scar in the tundra will be there for eternity. Look down Duncan! Bottom-line, in all cruelty, I have no problem a businessman that makes it on his own, that's the true American spirit once alive and thriving in this country. But when a businessman must resort to favoritism, it disenfranchises the true business model, wherein ethics is but a suggestion. It tips the balance! Ron knows what I am talking about, with his political whore house “fishing lodges”, wherein elitist and lobbyist alike were wined and dined for you know what. Anyway, the memoir is over 3000 pages in length! It is a historical rendition of the “Corrupt Bastards' Club” and should be required reading by all Alaskans. It reads like a Spy vs. Spy novel. About the only other home-grown crime mystery that comes close to reality the ways and means of Mafia like tactics played out in the 49er is the 1991 publication of “Alyeska Pipeline Service Company: Covert Operations”, prepared for the 102 Congress by the House Interior & Insular Affairs, and printed by the Government Printing Office. In that writing, one learns of the wayward ways that Alyeska Pipeline Service Company promoted justice, wherein this “Big Oil” agent had its own Wakenhut to deal with “whistle-blowers”, with threats of broken legs, threats of being thrown out the door of a crew-change plane and it is through this publication following a Congressional investigation into the “Cash Cow”, it is where members of Congress herd about the “black-ball” list that was passed around at the monthly Human Resources luncheons in Anchorage. A whistle-blower had no chance of ever being employed again in Alaska, not with any industry. But Ted's new memoir, courtesy the FBI, it finds an appropriate title of the “Corrupt Bastards Club Files”, now in print. Most of the 3000 pages are reprints of news' worthy articles, but all told, it tells piecewise time-wise what went on in the most corrupt of times with the most corrupt gang of local and remote politicians ever assembled, individuals and greed seekers alike, the worst of the worst ever possible under the red, white and blue. Talk about crapping on the Constitution, both the state and that of these United States! The corruption was so widespread, so accepted, it is easy to realize why the FBI fumbled during its investigation. There was just too many action figures to allow a justifiable, accurate and timely indictment. And the attorney posy that was afforded by the crooks, through “War” chests of powerful crooks that were supposed to be representing the “salt of this earth”, it was no match for Uncle Sam. It was David vs. Goliath, and the outcome was chalk up one for the crooks! So if you are interested in a recap, take an interest in this memoir as it instills the fact that we should never again let this kind of shenanigans get in the way of ethical representation. But what have we learned? Nothing, as when we see enough evidence that may not provide an indictment but places those in the lime light in the spot light of justice, if they cannot take it upon themselves to be honest, then we will witness continued erosion the principals of equality, in that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. What went on in Alaska is the ultimate disenfranchising, a separation of the wealth. Most of it taxpayers' loot, distributed with no equality at all. And even with some finding the penitentiary as their new shelter away from the crime scene, the corruption has not stopped here in Alaska. As if the momentum has enough to go around and around and around. Case in point: Ted's memoir reeks with article after article about the “Alaskan Gas Line”, yet today all we see is an endless money funnel wherein resource dollars are being pilferaged upon, by the same band of crookedness made acceptable by Ted, Don, Frank... And look what the fallout is, as we now have Sarah Palin making a run for the Presidency? We have today these unfit reality episodes hitting the airwaves, about fake artist con-artist so-called Alaskans. The gold rush bullcrap. The deadliest catch bullcrap. The state-troopers picking on the native population. Maybe it is all for the best yet to come, the “Corrupt Bastards' Club” series. By the way, according to Webster: “Bastard – an illegitimate child, a sham”, and they took pride in giving themselves this namesake, that is how pathetic it is!

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