Sunday, February 13, 2011

Post Super Bowl Sunday!

Sunday Morning Laughs!

Want a good laugh? Have you found boredom on the weekends, now that Super Bowl Sunday is history? Then “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”! Start looking into this Recovery Stimulus gig - officially know as ARRA for American Recovery and Resurrection Act - and find out where your money is being spent. It is indeed a laugh, but at the same insane time a crying out loud shame. Its intent was proper and righteous, but oh my God, what have we done for we know not what we are doing! We need to stop the WARs now, today, as these leftover Bush nightmares are placing an unnecessary and unhealthy drain upon the Treasury. The economy will no doubt limp along no matter what until we bring the troops home, which means our money stays here also. Do you have any idea how much is being spent right now to rebuild both Iraq and Afghanistan? Why not go after the Bush dysentery dynasty for some pay back. Why the hell should we have to pay for his playing around? Look, did Bush start these quagmires so we would not forget about his despicable presence at the helm, upon what was at one time the greatest nation on earth, with respect to freedom? And is it true that Bush is coming out with a cook book, co-authored by Dick “Shoot'm In The Face” Cheney? It's called “Our Favorite Yellow Cake Recipes”. I guess after his 1st mistake as a looser, not as manager of the Texas no-hitters, but with respect to his presidential memoirs a waste of a printing press' time, he needed more dough. I understand that Clemens has set in motion a legal challenge against the assholes of Congress – like Waxman the Watchman – that feel they can referee baseball, go get'm Roger! I hope he sues the hell out of the G-men goons, it would be taxpayer money well spent! Our representation has more serious things at hand to contend with then to worry about America's favorite pastime. And we need to get back that money that we loaned Mubarak, all $70-billion. Can you imagine how many “stimulus” projects that would support? But back to the ARRA and all of its inherent transparency. Herein lies the facts. Over the years, with porkaholic abuse by the Congress, the blatant waste game today has taken on a whole new MO. Yes there is transparency, but all it does is prove that we have become welfare slobs, as there is no longer any reason to hide waste! We learned it from our representation. They became the ultimate hoarders of the taxpayers' loot, then distributed it out for votes. Therefore there was no reasonableness to where and what our hard earned loot was being re-directed towards. So take the time to visit, and tag the fire engine red “Search Recovery Opportunities” to start scanning the Recovery Projects, wherein your hard earned income is being burned away faster then the solid fuel of a booster rocket accompanying a space shuttle launch. Like a quick and premature orgasm. Look, the recovery stimulus is putting money back into re-circulation. With that, it is keeping the economy above the drowning out loud water line. But is there anybody out there observing what we are getting for such expensive habits, short a lukewarm bang for our buck? We as the proletariat class, the salt of the earth, we work hard so we should be able to spend hard. We don't save for a rainy day, nor does our representative body. So what's the difference? Let me spend my own money, it is that simple. See, with the Bush Doctrine, that of screw thy brother and ridicule thy neighbor, the rich have found tax havens that allow their money to be hidden away, keeping it out of the circulation, and thus they get richer and richer and the American economy falls flat on its face. It is a simple economic model, we need to keep feeding the fire. The rich are not helping at all this situation made famous by the rich, WAR! So in the interim, wherein the “stimulus” is needed or else we will become part of Canada by default, or China by default, as we own nothing but IOU's, I guess the ARRA is doing what it can. But honestly, for the good of your fellowman, take the opportunity to see what is coming to a Federal Stimulus Office near you. It's crazy. In Alaska, it cost us taxpayers' almost a million-dollars for two 15-minute nature films. And more fences for G.I. Joe? Can't the dense fence guys come up with a fence that can last at least one Alaskan winter? It is like road paint, buy cheap sell it to Uncle Sam at a premium, because nobody is watching. It is pathetic, as the whacked out economy has everybody running for cover, under Uncle Sam's umbrella. From banks to the lonely worker ranks. Like we have all been sucked into this quagmire of a worthless economy that has no balls, no stamina, no momentum and is in need of a fix. But remember, if an erection lasts longer then 4-hours, e-mail your Congress as they are looking for some good news! And like is said about “don't eat yellow snow”, don't eat any of Bush's yellow cake, as it most likely contains Constitutional toxicity.

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