Thursday, February 24, 2011

Justice Served, Finally!

Justice Served, Finally!

This would not be front page news if Ted Stevens was still alive and kicking! There would have been some behind the scene way of covering up the truth, as Ted had the power and mentality to make things work out for his friends, especially those in trouble. Especially when the long arm of the Fed.'s was about to make trouble. Look at the facts, how many of the “Corrupt Bastards” ended up doing time? So maybe we are starting to see the fallout, that “our” government will prevail upon years and years of this Alaskan style corruption. We all know it happened, the corruption, as there was a private club for the bastards wherein they would sit around, smoke stogies and laugh and brag about their illegal shenanigans. Ted was the Godfather, the Don Coleone. But this just in news is justice prevailing today. WOW! I am talking the $1.6-million dollar fine that GCI will have to pay out, for taking advantage of the system of merits and violating the public trust. It has been happening for years, wherein yours' truly the American taxpayers have been screwed over. And here in Alaska, GCI's Ron Duncan used Ted Stevens as a whore, until Ted's doomsday, which occurred unexpectedly while entertaining lobbyists out at Duncan's private whorehouse. For years upon years of abuse, the telecommunication's legislation was pork-mocked and ear-mocked with greed seeking loopholes, with a little help from a friend here in Alaska who led a posy missing in action ethics to D.C., to take over righteousness. Zillions have been spent for bush communication upgrades, with stuff that we here in Anchorage don't even enjoy. Why? It wasn't for the customers, that they had to get “in-touch” with technologies, it was for the profits that could be made by those who have control of the airwaves, including GCI. The sad thing about it, Duncan made millions with Ted's help, just like Rubinni has done, with “privatized” military housing. It is “giddy up buddy up” all the way to the bank. With GCI having close to no competition and making a whole lot of loot courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers, Duncan bankrolled that money into his political “war chest” choice, making it available for outrageous campaign contributions. It was money stolen away from the U.S. Treasury mind you! That is where the system sucks, as in this day and age it is money that keeps the political system corrupt, and the rich are getting richer and getting more bang for their vote then the proletariat class. Look, my phone bill is more then my energy bills? Who and what am I subsidizing besides Duncan's habit to have political control over Alaska? And the sad thing about today's justice, the fine is but a small fraction of what was stolen away. That is what I don't get. We have rules and regulations, yet the Justice Department is always willing to settle for pennies on the dollar, like giving the OK to cheat, as in the end the fine will be less than the crime. There is still something wrong this equation! But today we can rejoice, a little. So great to the Justice Department that has fined GCI. And even though GCI will cry wolf, that they had nothing to do with the Ponzi scheme, then pray tell they didn't do their homework. GCI purchased controlling interest of the crooked business that was ripping off the Treasury because it was lucrative, from illegal activities, bottom-line economics persists doesn't it? If it is too good to be true... The balance sheets and books had to show this illegal practice, but that was all said and done when Ted was still the boss, so no need to worry was probably the ammunition to allow the takeover by GCI of some misfit organization that was bilking the taxpayers for millions. Regardless of the pittance in return for getting caught being crooked, today things may be a little different on this home-front. The sad thing, people like Duncan don't learn and that $1.6-million will most likely be secretly passed on to the customers, a few cents here and a few cents there. Pathetic it is that we have goons like this that think they are American when all the time they are just borderline terrorist, trying to change “My” America for their own greed seeking adventures. Just like the Koch brothers, and they now own Public TV through “money”! It is time to tax the hell out of rich individuals, for nothing else then to reign in control political clout that is disenfranchising America, at the same time allowing this “extra” income to buy favor with Senators and Congressmen throughout the land. America is being corrupted by wealth! We should have learned the truth and consequences of this kind of take-over in kindergarten, we did, that America is the home of the brave, wherein the fortunate are brave enough to share with one's fellowman, brave enough to say no to greed and corruption, brave enough to practice what it takes to be a true American – avoiding corruption. So when “dirty” money speaks and takes over ethics of government as appears to be the case when “collective bargaining” is under attack and in Sarah Palin's cross-hairs, it is time for Maggie's Farm to be auctioned off. And cheating your way to the top of the wealth tree is in no way shape or form a bonafide American tradition based on hard work and merit, it is a new age evil based on bribery and nepotism, wherein the rich get richer through cooperation our representative body and every day we see more of the same shame and sham taking over, but that can only go so far before it gets in the way of Democracy. And when that time comes, all the king's horses and all the king's men can not stop this pathetic wall of evil from falling down to hell, as the salt of the earth will definitely prevail, as “when you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to loose” and this America is getting very close to that “nothingness”!

1 comment:

  1. With GCI justice will never be served. GCI is the most corrupt company to ever engage in telecommunications. They have abused the regulations to reap massive profits off the backs of the Ilecs and the tax payers.
    And now they are doing it again. GCI gamed the broadband stimulus funding and was given 88 million to become a telecom monopoly out in Southwest Alaska. Not only is the taxpayer paying to buy and install the equipment, but now the tax payers will have to pay double what they are now paying to provide bandwidth to places like Dillingham. GCI has already stated that they will double the price of bandwidth, once they complete building the network that was bought and paid for with tax payer money. So ye Ron Duncan is raping the taxpayers.
