Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bush vs. Obama

Bush vs. Obama

Was it Bush or was it Obama that maintained real “capital” during their terms of endearment as Commander-in-Chief this great nation? Not a fare question you say as Obama still has time left on the elimination clock? That's OK, as the shortness of his term instills merit this question. For a while, it appeared that the Obama administration needed to find that warranty, as it seemed that the spoke was broken to begin with, not to mention flat tires causing delays on everything. But Obama had hurdles, and nothing was getting done except Mitch McConnell was getting uglier by the minute with time at the House pulpit, that glaring Hitler like stare I am talking about. When Bush was president – or at least he had that namesake minus the image or guts to perform statesman-like – he used the “capital” excuse to cause hate and discontent around the world. Like it was a credit card he could use at his disposal, at this nation's expense, for his own personal agenda. Which was, as we all know by now, just Dick's agenda, which was fueled by a neo-conservative “yellow cake” recipe, because Bush couldn't think for himself, a puppet government it was during those years so belittling this country t'is of Thee. So for starters, Obama was not gaining any ground and there was a movement to fail the Obama administration completely, that was Mitch “Little Hitler” McConnell's wishes and he made it his main job in life – on the taxpayers' dime and time. It failed. Time and money wasted during this humiliation campaign could have been spent on a more worthwhile cause, like getting the Secret Service to harass Mitch. What he was conceiving was treasonous like activity! But now, Mitch has lost, just like Bush and Cheney and the rest of the Rush Limburger rotten cheese crowd. See, with the rest of the world demonstrating that democracy is a home-grown thing, that it is the will of the people and can be done without taking up arms, even against a ruling dictatorship that surrounds itself with military security, this is “capital” that Obama can use to once and for all make that “Change” we all voted for back in 2008. And it is happening right on the heels of this worldwide democracy for the people uproar. Case in point. The Obama administration has voiced an opinion upon the Marriage Act, saying it will not support or uphold that age old mentality in the courts of law that discriminates. And the religious right lost another battle, over the Obama health care plan, something to do with Pat Robertson trying to bring God into the action. So we see two strikes just today against the religious right, and we all know what three strikes means, put them away for good. But they will not go down without a fight, and I fear that the next several months will bring out the worst in the worst of the neo-conservative movement, the TeaParty goons, who have not an agenda but follow their lemming leaders. What is brewing in the rest of the world is just a precursor of what is to come upon the shores of America. But a revolution is at hand, as we as a nation have become to darn dis-associated and disenchanted with each other and reality. Look, we can debate and continue to disagree on issues, that is OK because it stymies the free-will. But when we try to force one's opinion on another as law, we are treading on this ice, and a little heat is all that it takes to break through, and that heat I can feel!

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