Sunday, January 2, 2011

Anchorage Bird Count - Alarming Statistics!

S.P. Magee News Bullet: The New Year's Day bird count in and around Anchorage has suffered Armageddon like decreasing numbers – down considerably from previous years of record. On all accounts prior to this year's count scheduled to begin on the 1st day of the New Year, it looked like another promising year, that the bird activities confined to the city limits continued to be healthy - as the documented count has been on the increase over the past several years in a row. And a “test count” on Christmas Day indicated the same sentiment! A healthy bird count means a healthy environment and participation in the “count” acts as an awareness program, as an educational family affair program. But when numbers drop drastically and suddenly, like has occurred this year in just a few days due some yet unknown dilemma, it sends out a warning. It sends shivers down my spine! How can parents explain such to their children? They can't, as when this type of situation occurs without warning, it starts out as a mystery until research can pin-point the culprit of devastation. Act of God? Inhuman treatment? Most likely the latter excuse survives, as it has so many times before with the test of time! The count crash today is even lower then what was recorded following the time MTBE was secretly added to the motor gasoline, as a means to limit benzene annihilation upon the human liver, from this pollutant entering the breathing air through auto emissions. The problem with MTBE? It was lousier then BETX, as it concentrated the toxic soup recipe with scary names like benzene, ethylene, toluene and xylene along with additional ingredients, like butyl, something used in rubber manufacturing. All cancer causing byproducts of motor gasoline refinement and manipulation, from crude oil. But following the ban on this outrageous additive, that made the gasoline producers extra rich, the bird count that had suffered so was on the increase. This was back in the 90's, when a warning came front and center as follows: “Methyl tertiary butyl ether has caused the following cancers in rats and mice: kidney, testicular, liver, lymphomas, and is prudent that this highly dangerous chemical be promptly removed from gasoline and comprehensive studies be conducted to assess the long-term effects that humans may experience in the future from past and current exposure.” So something else is bothering the environment, and I see it now not so clear upon the winged species that used to frequent this place, right here in Anchorage. Remember, in days past, canaries were used as the guinea pigs to test the air, before miners ascended down to the deep and dark underground caverns. But today, there is something terribly wrong, as I did not see a single bird at one of the numerous feeders that line the perimeter of my home, on the lower hillside and in close proximity to the Campbell Tract, a piece of wilderness that sidebars the Chugach Range. There are always some species of birds present – even during the furiousness of an Alaskan Chinook. Today, nothing! And it has been the same for two days gone by now. Even the once healthy local Raven population is threatened, as I saw only a single winged one on high. Even the dumpster refugees were lacking in number, down at Fred's . Something is terribly wrong. Maybe it is time to open up the underground shelter? Do the authorities know of something gone haywire but are keeping quiet? See, since the M.V. Susitna is a no-show, we have not an emergency evacuation vessel, to get people out of the Anchorage bowl. Wait just a minute, something is beginning to look and sound suspicious! And once again, we see the Anchorage assembly as the culprits. Yes indeed, its not another secret treaty with the gasoline producers, but this time it appears a secret treaty with the Gorilla. The Chinese are making a killing, at the same time, it is killing or scaring away our wildlife. Instead of “Big Wildlife”, how about “Running Scared & Shitting Everywhere Wildlife”. See, this misfit of goons decided on lifting the “No Fireworks” ban, for one night, and that was the night before the “bird count”. It is the same imbeciles that allowed for MTBE once upon a time. And a single night alone, it has been enough to devastate tranquility. I have chickadees - at least once upon a time so - that stay at my place all winter long. Nesting in the trees at night, because they feel secure, and with the bird feeders properly maintained and filled with nourishment, it provided a secure food depository and winter hangover place of worship. But when a misfit representative body falls prey the “gorilla” and allows pain and suffering upon the winged, upon the family dogs and house cats alike, we would be better off shoving “MTBE” and an M-80 up their you know whatchamacallit, and asking politically, “How does it feel?”, after ignition occurs and the dust settles away. Silence would be golden! Honestly, it was the scare of fireworks and fallout pollution that has scared the bird population away, maybe there has come an annihilation upon the once healthy population that called Anchorage, a “safe haven”, not anymore though. Lift the ban once, there will come pressure to do it again, like when the M.V. Susitna finally arrives, way delayed and way over-budget! And fireworks are more then loud and dangerous. Now I have no qualms when the authorities are in control of a yearly extravaganza. But letting the masses loose with PFD leftovers to buy the works, it is a pathetic sideshow of how Alaska has changed towards the worst, going further and further downhill and over the edge ever since John McCain was successful as Doctor Lame-Brain, in creating Sarahstein. Now get this tidbit: “In the US some states and local governments restrict the use of fireworks in accordance with the Clean Air Act which allows laws relating to the prevention and control of outdoor air pollution to be enacted.” So before us now, we see evidence that the birds are that bonafide warning sign, that man cannot be trusted, nor be allowed uncontrolled noise making activities. Besides, who do I blame for that schizophrenia that has pin-stripped my house, from the next-door monster dog digging in for relief during shock & awe all night long, sending not only chunks of ice my way, but frozen dog feces here, there and everywhere, Maybe I will contact my house insurance carrier, to see if this “Non-Act of God” covers the new covering? Regardless, the Anchorage assembly once again performs without researching the fallout of their actions, or inactions. So now we have a “bird count” that is pathetic, just so a bunch of egotistic adults can get a rush, burn their fingers and prove to their kids they are not fit to protect America and at the same time pollute the environment with heavy metals. No wonder the baby is crying, the breast milk is too heavy! But this is the same assembly that kisses the preacher's ass, Jerry Prevo, with tax relief and relief against equality and diversity, at the expense of decency. Hey M.V. Susitna, got any extra seats out of here?

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