Monday, September 6, 2010

Joe Miller Lawbreaker!

The SYSTEM is broke. After so many years of lawmakers - a.k.a. politicians of today - taking on the role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, wherein they “hide” their true identity in efforts to fake out the general populace, to sway votes their way, it has weakened the U.S.S. America to the brink of disaster. Freedom at last is the political crooks slogan. As they gain, we loose out that freedom. America suffers as they go for broke and break every law of the land. The end effect, which we are seeing center stage nowadays, is that breaking the law is, it appears vogue! Case in point: Any American that wears the honor to be identified with the Constitution knows that there comes by virtue of citizenship rules and regulations for reason, like for campaigning. If it is my land is not your land, I can place about any kind of campaign stuff around and about “my territory” to show off who I admire, allowed under the 1st Amendment. But public lands and lands under the Constitution are different, as there exists a separation away from campaigning, as under the “public” is the domain exclusion, without political affiliation. Now Joe Miller is against welfare, against free handouts, against anything free, except his so-far free ticket in life. So here we find a Miller supporter, a freeloader upon the “public” domain, who spends his time during the summer accepting free room and board, as a caretaker of “our” land. It was once an elusive entry to the BLM Campbell Tract, but under protest was turned into a ball park, so with concession stands to contribute toward kid obesity – like 2000 calorie pop and 5000 calorie dogs – a caretaker is required to take care of the crap. See homeless people live nearby, as they were kicked out of the downtown area, for fear their presence would scare the tourist trade. So they were relocated to the neighborhoods. And when it comes to hunger… it used to be “Buddy can you spare a dime?”, sure! So caretakers take care of the hungry, by guarding the food cache at the park. But this freeloader “caretaker” thinks it is his alone domain, with that he feels free to break the laws, the campaigning laws. And this is a ballpark visited nightly by hundreds of would be Americans – with kids in tow! So right there in the middle of Abbott Loop Community Park – under the auspices of the Municipality of Anchorage Parks & Recreation – sits this monstrous 5th wheel trailer, covered with stars and stripes and showing off “Joe Miller” for something posters. All illegal campaigning and Joe gets elected! I wonder why! But this is what has happened on “our” watch! Politicians have made representation a crying shame game. It was too bad that Ted could not live out his life in peace. But he was still at it, a prostitute for the rich. Look, Ron Duncan was a whoremaster, wherein he used his exclusive “once public” fishing lodges as whorehouses for the rich and lobbyist like activities, wining and dining political clout just to get politicians to make laws upon communications legislation that made him rich, and he just wanted to get richer. Look, my phone bill is now more expensive then my energy bills, so why do people complain about heating and not about tweeting, or whatever it is called? Bottom-line, politics has placed upon us a grip, a disease of sorts. It a plague, like a true “black death”. If we all learned to obey and follow the rules and regulations, regardless of how such are abused by this country’s so-called and ordained statesmen, then maybe we could turn things around, by thinking differently that if you can’t beat them then join them. We need to take back what is right by right. If all of us started obeying the laws, obeying the rules, and realizing that the “mission” here is to make America what it was once all about, that brotherly and sisterly love is above GOD, is global, as that is all the Creator wanted, LOVE and nothing else - then maybe we could feel sorry for the Joe Millers of society, and spare a dime instead of them wasting our time!

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