Sunday, August 29, 2010

Impersonating an Officer

So some guy, legally insane, gets 70-months in prison for impersonating an ARMY officer! This occurred when he found it worked, when a bridge collapse required 1st responders to the scene, so he impersonated an officer, in efforts to help out. Hey, when a bridge collapses and 14 people find death, help is needed and welcome from any available source. So heeding the sound for help, he became the liaison between state and Federal on scene commanders. Maybe this temporary occupation merely fulfilling a dream and or fantasy, that he could help his brothers and sisters when needed. That sentence for helping out, it meant 5-years plus! I guess it meant 3-squares a day. It seems maybe a medal would be more appropriate. But that is the fallout when the justice system gets approval for privatization, as it is a business that relies on incarceration terms that are indeed cruel and unusual. So again on the lam, he was found up in Deadhorse, Alaska, oil country, for outstanding warrants, for once again impersonating an officer. So, why is it that this guy spends time in the slammer, when at the same time a bunch of crooks are “impersonating a Senator”? Look, Mark Twain was right-on our representation – derelicts! The only problem, he held that sentiment some many years ago. So we see a continued erosion upon this seat holding legislation making system that has become fit for those qualified as bonafide “crooks”. Here is a solution. When you are driving down the road and being tailed by a police, you drive a little more appropriately and cautiously. Straight as can be, abiding by the speed limits and traffic signals, realizing that the individual behind you has the power to make life miserable. So maybe that is what is needed, somebody to police the Congress. That is US, it is already in place. But why has it failed so miserably? We take Pride in the fact that we are Americans under the almighty Constitution. We have Integrity, but not the Guts to reign in this cowardly and abusive club that allows the “PIGsty“ representative body of today the power to consume the good of America, to spit out afterbirth legislation that sees ethics as a suggestion and with no idea what this country is all about. There is no Constitutional representation today, not with the democrats, the republicans or the tea-leafs trying to impersonate GOD and his disciples. How come Glen Beck isn’t in prison, for impersonating a human? The sad thing, we pay the crooks of Congress for doing what they do best, freeloading. And yes, impersonating is the name of their game, so maybe jail time is indeed needed as a post-requisite requirement, for those pre-occupied serving time being un-American while the same time at the helm. And the insane find that helping out “Good Samaritan” style is unacceptable. Hey, didn’t George Bush impersonate a U.S. President, Commander-in-Chief, why is he still a free man today?

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