Sunday, January 3, 2010

Richie Rich Kid

There exist a whole lot of things that extend without merit in messing up my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness these days. Congress out of control is one of those messes. But what about outside interests with nothing better to do then try to disrupt my peace and quiet? Lets take the “underwear” bomber that tried in vain to take down a plane full of happy travelers with some contraption he purchased while in Yemen? First and foremost, there may be a trend occurring herein this latest situation to bomb innocent travelers. Hey assholes, we peon class travelers packed in these planes like sardines, we are not the reason this country has wars of occupancy and secret wars going on abroad. “We the People” have been hijacked, so please leave us alone. You want revenge, seek out those that are not only trying to destroy your world, but at the same time their actions or inactions are taking a toll on my liberties! And so what is the 1st thing that occurs when the administration finds out that this dirty “underwear” bomb was fabricated and sold from Yemen? Increase spending. Basically, pay them off for practicing killing field restraint, by taking pity upon innocent Americans. The world has become sick. If only we put our energies together for the good, the Creator would reward. What is wrong with this administration? It appears that it is nothing short of a Bill Clinton dereliction in disguise. Let’s face the facts; Hillary is not doing one iota of good dressed to the hilt as an ambassador. The squirrel that resides in my backyard practices better diplomacy! And Bush was not anything close a president, so the last 8-years have been discounted as comatose! For Obama’s first year, the verdict is still out but it appears when working with a broken Congress, nothing is possible. This world is closer to nuclear holocaust now then ever before, it is so close towards a meltdown. Like the cold-war relics still have reason to believe that it wants to test the ultimate authority, an all out strike. Get over it Ollie, give peace a chance. And to everybody out there in the 111th Congressional cesspool, “war is over if you want it”. Now the “underwear bomber” was a Richie Rick kid. He went to grade school that cost his old man - a banker - $50,000 a year. Then it was on to some Richie Rich kid college and when he graduated, his inheritance or weekly allowance allowed him the luxury of a million dollar flat in London. This kid never owned up to a real job, a sweat type job that builds character. Putting it in perspective, this kid had a whole lot of free time on his side and money to cause pain and suffering upon others. Basically, since he was spoon fed since birth he became bored with life, as there existed no challenges. I have kids, kids that have not the time or luxury to behave like Richie Rich kid as they have more important things to do, like paying back college loans and working their butts off just to get ahead. So there may be a moral in this almost sad story that ended up a warning. The rich are the doom of this country. We often make fun of inbreeding, but what is coming out of the cradle from rich bastard bedrooms, it is pathetic, dangerous and if we don’t put a stop to it, it will postpone peace on earth. Bottom line, when we allow the rich to get away with bundles of cash wherein they will breed generations that will never have to work for a living, wherein these spoiled kids can through boredom do as they please, we are breeding hoodlums. And when we allow Congress to giveaway the Treasury to CEOs, theses failed idiots who dress well, eat well, these idiots I re-iterate who seem not able to even balance a cork never mind billions, well we may be getting what we deserve, for letting Congress get away with thievery. There is a solution. Bottom line, anything over the Federally mandated trinity wage defined as that amount of cash necessary to live like a Congressmen - namely approximately $178,000 - it should all be taxed at 100%. Anything below that amount, no taxation. Hey, Congress sets their own salary in efforts to reach that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness – the so-called trinity. They know what it takes, so are not they supposed to set the stage so “We the People” can have an equal opportunity? Of course, that is what is behind representation. So when and if we feel obligated to take hold of the out-of-control system that is causing a dereliction in fairness, then we may start to see people afraid to even think to cause this country harm. When we see “Defense Bills” that no longer contain enough “pork” wherein even Congressional delegate kids have to start working for a living, instead of just giving away the henhouse, then maybe there is hope. See, the wars - both the un-Constitutional Iraq and Afghanistan wars and private CIA wars - all have become nothing more then a murderess ways and means for corporations to make a bundle. Peace? Forget it as that doesn’t make money for CEOs and the money saved from not killing could be used for more beneficial things, like fixing this country’s dilapidated highways infrastructure. It is pathetic, if not criminal, the way Congress behaves nowadays. Look, the old outdated lame excuse that they can do as they please because they are elected by the people is crap, as we don’t know what they do day in day out in efforts to blatantly giveaway the Treasury., or behind closed door secluded meetings to fund secret CIA atrocities or bilking the Americans out of their inheritance. Bernie Madoff was nothing compared to the Ponzi scheme that the representative body resorts too, in efforts to keep their cushion high paid jobs for a lifetime. See if we knew upfront what they planned to do, we may say “NO”! So there exists problems and readily available solution. But as the rich get richer and the middle class hard working salt of the earth Americans get weaker, there will come terror, from rich assholes who will use all their money to get their kids out of jail free, when caught red handed with dirty underwear. And just wait and see how many true American lawyers will come to the expensive aid of this idiot, saying that everybody deserves a fair trial. They are un-patriotic Americans in it for the buck, just like Congress. Money hungry crazy bastards that give not a rat’s ass what the history books will say, as there is always another side of the story, it is called bipartisan bickering. So, if there is one clear-cut reason other civilizations hate America, it is because of the rich bastard image. This is not an attempt to shame capitalism as the latter can work as long as the strings attached are controlled by those whose contributions follow the American standard, of love thy neighbor and share as you cannot take it with you when you…. Too much money is dangerous, and it appears that Richie Rich kid deserves one line of credit, for some new underwear, please make it a thong to wrench his golden sweat missing neck. Talk about a proud Dad! Maybe Mr. Banker should have spent time with his kids, teaching them about life, instead of letting them learn by themselves how to take another’s innocent life.

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