Sunday, January 3, 2010

Missing Bird Mystery Alert

I am not a scientist. When puzzled with fuzzy logic, slug mass math or big bang theorizing, I resort to the expertise of Phineas J. Whoopee for advise and advice, as his 3-D BB seems to always find a simpleton answer. Sorry, the 3-D BB is not a brassiere sizing! And I believe in the almighty equation made famous by Newton, the “Zero Root” equation, which seems to define the sum intelligence of all of Congress when gathered together under one roof in efforts to do something about Health Care. Actually Mark Twain held the best possible solution for Congress – Jail! Things never change towards the positive with politics. But there may exist a health care issue of serious concern, consequences and importance needing immediate government funding. Hey, if Alaska under Ted Stevens’ reign of corruption could get Federal assistance to study the penis size of the male Musk oxen…. And this present concern may be an issue upon “Global Warming” even though the Gore Hypotheses was tainted. There appears to be something rotten in Anchorage. Sure we have rape out of control and homicide out of control and obesity out of control and a mayor out of control and discrimination out of control, but there appears something wrong in nature. My New Year’s Day bird-count was devastating from previous years’ beak counts. We have overcrowding in the skies by Ravens, but what ever happened to the chickadee population? It has crashed. Down almost 90% from historical estimates according to my present feeding records. It is scary! Even so with the more secluded mountain chickadee species, wherein the woods are void their merry song. And I saw a bird that was really difficult to identify, as it had the body of a chickadee but the head with beak that of a nuthatch! Any help on this one from local bird watching aficionados? Now it seems that in the past when hundreds of chickadees would bombard my backyard feeders, a few nuthatches would intervene now and then, like they hung out with the chicks. But this early season I would see days wherein it was just nuthatches, no chickadees whatsoever. Nothing had really changed around my neighborhood that would upset the normal bird patterns this time of year. I live a stones throw away from Campbell Tract, so that wilderness still persists with some semblance of “unchanged”. The weather has been the same, normal. And whatever happened to all the damn brown bears that once frequented this neck of the river and creek. Sure the BLM tract was off limits this past biking season, but there came zero reports when just the previous year to not see a browny in that backcountry meant somebody was asleep at the wheel. Something is going on. Now I work up north, where polar bears thrive. There has come a drastic change in the ecosystem up that way, the ice is disappearing at alarming rates. Polar bears are being seen all the time, when just a few years ago it was a rarity this time of year, as they would not dear lower themselves to human interaction, but now have a reason as they are on the look out for food that has disappeared from their normal hunting grounds. That change may be by contribution the fallout of Gore warming. But here in Anchorage proper, what is with the diminishing chickadee population? It has to be the meth that is entering this state from outside influences. Look, just the other day a 70-year old man was picked up in a sting, for bringing meth to Alaska. It was a capture of 23-pounds of this nasty drug. Who in hell here in Alaska is using this stuff? See, we blew it by criminalizing Mary Jane! This may be payback for conceited legislation. And here is my take on the birds. The woods in and around Anchorage have become safe haven for the “fake” homeless, those that need meth to support an existence of nothingness. At least “true” homeless have meaning to society as it makes people happy to contribute to the cause. So the “fakes” live in the woods, and it is the meth that is killing the birds. Now I am not picking on “true” homeless, as these drug addicts taking up residency in the woods seem not to care about their filthy ways and means. It’s an addiction, just like paying so much attention to Sarah Palin! When one walks through the woods, especially in the BLM outback, there is enough evidence that there exists refugee camps, and that is why the bear population has withered away to nothing, as bears are smart and want nothing to do with druggies. But we as a civilization are stuck. When we have wars that support opium farming where no poppies grew before, so the locals can buy weapons to defend their own territory we seem proud at occupying, what do we expect? We fight them, they poison us. Drug imports have escalated with the wars. I mean conflicts. The same damn thing happened during the Vietnam war. And the innocent are the ones caused the most harm. Look, birds cannot control what happens from some idiotic policy maker many miles away on the Hill. But we can. The fact that a defense bill contains massive “pork”, isn’t this a Constitutional crime? Sure it is. We as citizens should be gathering together as a posse to defend America and with handcuffs, dedication and determination marching on our individual representative’s place of business and performing a citizens arrest, a cease & desist, because what is happening today with a failed Congress is nothing short an execution of hate legislation. But if we remain complacent and do nothing, in the end we will all pay for it. The Constitution is not flawed, but the way it is manipulated is a dereliction of duty. What goes on today by our so-called body of representation is treason and unfortunately we give the bastards the license to kill, and at the same time pay for their shenanigans. Instead of the United States House of Congress, it is better said the United States House of Corruption. Congress today reeks of corruption. And it will continue down that road to ruins as long as America sits back and just wishes for true representation. Hey, the candy store continues to be robbed and with the seasoned crooks still at the door, do you really think there will be anything left when they are dead and gone? What a deal it is, but I remind you all, this in not what MY Constitution is all about. Sad days upon us, and it will probably get worse off before we wake up and realize that the imported Mexican meth and the imposter body of representatives have obstructed justice, that these wars upon us here and abroad threatens the safety of our children, as we have not a sober Congress to depend upon for anything, not even safe woods to walk in or safety for little birds. Treasury money is an addiction to the “Corrupt Bastards” ways and means behaving as Constitutional obstruction. We must cut off the spigot or else. Yes indeed, a country without a MISSION! And believe me, there is no damn mission being accomplished today accept maybe a mutiny upon our Bounty! Maybe someday the chickadees will return and with that rest assured that the arrests upon political corruption were meaningful. Mission Accomplished, the American way, “For the People, By the People”.

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