Saturday, January 2, 2010

IOI - Alaska State Troopers

Issues Of Interest for Alaskan Bloggers: Alaska needs your help in getting an interest brewing up upon several subjects of interest. Bloggers have an audience and know how to get the word out, for debate and meaningful discussion that can lead to change. The bloggers forum sets the “stage of today” and the voice of change that can make a difference, especially if the locals corral the individual energies as one upon meaningful things challenging our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. There is life after Sarah! So for Alaska and Alaskans alike, what is needed is a boycott upon the National Geographic Channel’s new reality TV show called “Alaska State Troopers”. This show tries to make Alaska look really bad, stereotypes discriminatory broadcasting and is ethnic profiling at its worst. Quotes from NGC advertising: “Where anyone they encounter could be armed”, “When we contact people we know a few things. We know that they will have guns, they will have knives, and they know how to use them”. This is profiling! If there isn’t a law against this type of harm, there should be. How and why Alaskan assets were allowed to make this crap is beyond belief and makes me wonder if anybody down in Juneau is guarding the henhouse. Where the hell is the AG ? Missing in action! Anyway, the new episode is supposed to air Saturday, January 9th. Alaskan bloggers need to get the word out to boycott not only this series but to boycott the commerce that supports this ridiculous and lousy broadcast. I am not sure what corporations sponsor the episodes, but when it airs again, the recorder will be monitoring the lunatics trying to make a buck on others hard luck. From that broadcast, a list of sponsors to boycott will be published. Also, another show needing a boycott lesson is found on the Discovery Channel, called the “Deadliest Catch”. This show glorifies a smoking habit as a condition of employment as a deckhand, captain or greenhorn. Any kids watching this show finding an interest as a possible career builder, well it appears that it could incite smoking at an early age, or any age, which is a backward approach to this unhealthy habit that has cost the taxpayers and individuals a lot of loot to combat. And lets face the facts, most of the celebrities that appear on camera for this show when not in makeup don’t even live in Alaska and some of the deckhands are convicts! Really, one of the hands shown gainfully employed by the “Wizzard” was on the “Most Wanted” bulletin board. And Alaska was getting the smoking habit under control, but when a reality TV showing with popularity demonstrates that smoking helps make the show, by filming this almost outlawed behavior, there is more too it then lack of morality. The smoking is highlighted to gain a demoralizing attitude towards those in the business, which applies negative emphasis to this work and makes the reality show a couch potato addiction, another unhealthy habit. Somebody must be directing such filming to include it, as it could easily be cut out of the final product and not shown to viewers. Now we are all free to “not” watch such crap, but at the same time we can also boycott the sponsors, so they realize that what they sponsor in efforts to increase commerce their way, it will be tolerated if they police their own actions. Anyway, these are the things of interest that Alaskan bloggers can grab onto and incite debate with the possibility that the perpetrators of such ridiculousness will change their bad habits, change their ways and means wherein this state looks like the Alaska we know it is and not what some outsider with very little knowledge tries to portray with 30-minutes claim to fame, framing us all with the real truth “missing in action”!

1 comment:

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