Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ditto Man Released!

Well Rush is out of the hospital. I wonder what’s in his wallet, with respect to a Health Care plan card? It was so airwave quiet from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans when he was incarcerated away and under quarantine. But it wasn’t a heart attack, thank God, as I don’t know what the Conservatives would do without his day in day out ED – explosive diarrhea of the mouth. Maybe he was constipated from head to toe. Talk about a hand grenade of doom if his big gut ever burst open under such pressure. It would give a whole new meaning to the word “Crap”. I dread the thought of his replacement! So stay with us Rush, please…..If not serious, he offers entertainment. I watched the Three Stooges the other day on the last day of the year, it was a marathon display of old fashion slap-stick comedy. Rush plays all three roles at the same time. Moe the boss, Larry the idiot, Curly the fat guy, and Shemp the lunatic. How rewarding a role model Rush is! And since this “Stooge” comedy entertains by a show of force, somebody beating up on others, even a brother or friend, it is Rush! Anyway, Rush doesn’t know what caused the “pain” and his staff infection staff doesn’t know what caused him to miss out on the New Year’s festivities. What a way to bring in the year, drugged up. Maybe that was his approach, as he is known to dabble behind the counter. But he gave a press conference upon his release and was missing his cigar! Rush without his stogie is like Palin…Sorry, I am not supposed to go that out-of-bounds direction as there still exists a “Palin Moratorium” upon bloggers to not placate her fantasy of the world’s worst book writer. Anyway, the missing cigar must have a story behind it. Remember when there was that book called “An Emergency Room Horror”, or something to that effect? There was a story about a “big lady” getting hauled into the ER. Medics were dropping like flies, as there was some kind of reeking odor coming from the patient. Low and behold, it was from a decaying corned-beef sandwich stuck – or hidden – under the flab of her stomach spare tire – Cat 980 size. True story! Evidently, she had forgotten about it or was to embarrassed to state the truth of the matter as to why this secret no mans no soap land had become the depository for a sandwich. See mayo deteriorates at 85 degrees! Is it that bad in some parts of America wherein even refrigerators are not safe from pilferage? Really, there was a reported home invasion on New Year’s Eve wherein the crooks didn’t want anything except what they could carry away from the victim’s refrigerator! Even the booze was left behind. Anyway, maybe Rush’s pain came from something in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe that is the truth in this matter that has found no definitive reason as to why Rush was rushed to the hospital after feeling a pain. Put it in perspective, missing cigar, constipation, pain? Then again, maybe that discomfort he is feeling is a subliminal pain, realizing that one day his reign as king pin discriminator and border line treason inciter has cost this country a lot of backwards like pain. His ways and means to demoralize have not a constructive result. Maybe it is payback, and maybe though he should call it quits, there is this underlying scary thought that should he retire and a woman beat all others to the finish line as his replacement, then everything he ever stood for is now balless! That my friends is a true RUSH!

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