Thursday, December 31, 2009

Splatting vs. Blogging

If you are an Alaskan “Blogger”, please read on. It appears that the Alaskan Bloggersphere has been overrun by “Splatting Splatters”. Defining “Splatting: To scatter scat.” Instead of using this modern day hi-tech at your fingertips correspondence as a ways and means to voice and broadcast true 1st Amendment Right concerns, of value, the crap that fills the spectrum is trespass like rhetoric. It is not a punching bag forum and should be policed by those that feel it necessary to contribute. What I am talking about is all this foolish crap like “Sarah Palin” book banning and SP this and SP that crybaby bull-crap! When is enough truly enough in this crap category? Look, leave her alone and she will go away, along with Levi and the rest of the cast that have gained the undivided attention of many to “crap” and nothing more. So to all of those individuals out there that think they are doing something constructive, to all those Olbermann wannabes, start publishing things of necessity that have meaning to this state and its present state of affairs. If you want a schoolyard playground bickering and beating place, or a pageant stage, go twitter or utilize some other means to further your agenda. Please don’t use this forum as a ways and means to incite childish behavior, stone throwing, aggressive lying and ED frustration upon things that don’t really matter in the big picture show. I am serious with this matter, which seems so far to show a lack of intelligence. I have spoken to many others who enjoy the possibility of corresponding with others but become frustrated with the crap that overwhelms the limited postings page, especially with the freedom of “”. So we need a truce, a New Year’s resolution. This “scattering” is not what was intended of this forum, and this is understandable due its infancy. Sure it is a right, but what comes from so many is nothing but pure adolescent like behavior making it appear nothing short a Patton Place episode. We all get roped into it, as it is easy from the confines of our secure homes and only a “Send” button away. But there exists far more important issues of value above all the blarney. So can we, for just 1 day, see no crap published about Palin. See, if you can stay away from this monster attraction and post something meaningful for one measly day, than maybe it will transcend into a habit, or away from such. If not, we loose the opportunity to make available a forum with meaning! In fact, the postings will be graded starting January 1st. This is a non-partisan attempt that will give viewers and easily identifiable grade, a stamp of approval, so they can make the choice to read-on or decline, based on the grading policy - which is a completely voluntary maneuver. So on a scale rating similar to the Beaufort Wind scale, many if not all publications will find a partner posting. Not an opinion type posting, just a grade stamp. But instead of the Beaufort, that is replaced with Crap Slinging:

Crap Slinging 1 - No Scatter, truthful & worth reading.
Crap Slinging 2 - Light Dry Scatter, some reservation to truthfulness & worth reading.
Crap Slinging 3 - Light Wet Scatter, mild reservation to truth & worth reading.
Crap Slinging 4 - Gentle Dry Scatter, moderately compromised, read with caution.
Crap Slinging 5 - Gentle Wet Scatter, truth really compromised, read only if bored.
Crap Slinging 6 - Fresh Scatter, truth missing but read for comic value.
Crap Slinging 7 - Strong Scatter, Not even funny, reserved for idiots.
Crap Slinging 8 - Near Gale Scatter, will incite riots, no truth.
Crap Slinging 9 - Gale Scatter, lobotomized followers only reading.
Crap Slinging 10 - Explosive Diarrhea, Ding Dong the Rush is Down!

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