Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moratorium Day

Ding Dong the Rush is Down…. OK, this is supposed to be truce day, wherein no blogs are posted about Sarah Palin. It isn’t midnight yet, so I am still allowed to at least use her name in vain. So it was OK to pick on Rush. But with Rush down, what are his followers and staunch supporters supposed to do? I just watched a Hannity Special, a town hall meeting put together to discuss the most disgusting things of 09. And sure enough, Palin was one of the top subjects of interest. Now many Coinservatives – conservatives that can take either heads or tails on issues – especially coinservative women that think 30,000 troops equates to 1/3rd the 40,000 asked for by the Chief to the Commander-in-Chief, well they unanimously believe that Palin is not a viable candidate for any political office as she quit her job as governor in Alaska, so she has made not so good a show with her quitting in efforts to become a book signer. But these Conservatives also think that the more the Liberals pick on Sarah and her family, the more powerful she comes on and that turns them on. So those that would not vote the party line if Sarah were today in the running, could in the future if the liberals continue to attack and make her a martyr. That is why it is so important to stop gloritizing and glamorizing her ambitions. So maybe if we bloggers - especially Alaskan bloggers - begin with a single day of “NO SARAH”, then maybe like a virus this will take root, and forever put the gal with super vision down for the count. Try it, you’ll like what you don’t see. So tomorrow is the day of “No SARAH”, January 1st, 2010. Lets team together and make this a win for an end to Sarah, John McCain’s monster.

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