Friday, December 25, 2009

Serial Rapist & Killer

Has anybody seen Joe Hazelwood in and around Alaska? I know he completed the mandatory community service sentencing penance after running hard aground on Bligh Reef back in 89. But another marine vessel collision upon the best known navigational hazard in Prince William’s Sound? The same rock hit by Joe? Look every 3rd grade student in Valdez knows about Bligh Reef and its inherent hazards to safe navigation! Stay away, it is that simple! Maybe there is something magnetically biased about this reef that is causing navigational interference and attracting vessels bent on spilling a cargo of oil and other types of hydrocarbon atrocities, like diesel fuel, upon the ecosystem just starting to regain a foothold following Joe’s mistake! Anyway it may be interference of a different sorts that has placed a high-powered oil spill response tug “hard aground” and causing extensive damage to the steel hull, one so designed to withstand the rigors and dangers of an iceberg littered sea channel used in efforts to transport Alaskan North Slope oil south to refineries. Ironically called the Pathfinder – a 136’ rescue vessel that calls the Sound home – this modern day “once” seaworthy vessel that recently won an environmental award was equipped with hi-tech navigational eavesdropping equipment along with an able bodied seamen crew of six, all found without a trace of any mind-altering substance abuse following the ship’s off course collision, with that, the generosity of yet another environmental nightmare. Chalk up another! And this vessel was part of an entire contingency of men, women, vessels and oversight commissions that could catch and prosecute somebody pissing in the Sound! On top of that, the United States Coast Guard tracking system designed and utilized to prevent exactly what has happened again, well officials are without words as to why this sophisticated system failed again, in efforts to avoid such collisions. Was somebody asleep at the wheel again? Now 33000 gallons of diesel fuel has or may find freedom in the waters of the Sound, which is casting an escaping sheen of death over 3-miles long just days before the Christmas holidays. Hey, it means there is money to be made for some! Now this mess is a whole lot smaller then the EXXON Valdez’s payload, some 11-million gallons of gooey crude oil. It doesn’t matter, oil is oil, just ask the sea-life that was starting to come back to live and thrive in the Sound. Sound ironic? It is! Regardless, how in hell does something like this happen? Weather? Not when the National Weather Service predicted a 6-foot sea, that’s normal. So, does it appear déjà vu all over again? Yes. And like it or not, love it or leave it, there is only one way in which this could have occurred. Just like the same fate that steered the mighty EXXON Valdez on a collision course of doom – a.k.a. SABOTAGE. The EVTV wreck was a sabotage attempt that worked. So whomever was behind it back then, is at it again. Look, Exxon got off pretty cheap. Now though, with another catastrophic ecosystem event, EXXON can never again be blamed for how the Sound is or is not recovering, as the Lee Raymond corporate lawyers can use this present incident as a defense. “Gee, the Sound was doing well until…” Poor Crowley, the outfit that owns the Pathfinder! So the Sound finds itself once again the victim of misfit shenanigans. Bottom line, back on March 24th, 1989, during a moon bright night of calm seas, the EXXON Valdez was set on a collision course of destruction through a “get-even” planned event. It was pure revenge back then and today's wreck with the Pathfinder may signal a continuation of that revenge plan set in motion some 20-years ago. Look, the EXXON Valdez’s crew at the helm was not aware that this behind the scenes sabotage was about to make the tanker, captain and crew famous. But nobody ever bothered to realize that this could have been a revenge sabotage attempt, yet this newest accident should be the catalyst to rethink what is really behind another grounding on the same damn reef rock. My friends, it is sabotage, and not through a terrorist but somebody in the know – call it “Home Grown” if you like! It is like a serial killer at work, who attacks then sits quietly, keeps quiet but sooner or later wants the attention. He or she is out there, and it appears that it means success again. The MO of this scumbag is impersonating an environmentalist, a gadfly, or somebody bent on destroying the oil industry here in Alaska, not realizing that it is a sick way to revenge. And no matter what excuses the Pathfinder’s crew comes up with, no matter what excuses the Coast Guard come up with, it will most likely be the same excuses that followed the EXXON collision and in the end, somebody will get a paycheck, a settlement, and eventually the serial masked murderer killer, rapist, whatever, will find that he won some more attention - like a long overdue orgasm. And with such success again will eventually strike again. For those interested in reading about the true fate of the EXXON Valdez, and why it was sabotage in efforts as a revenge plot, go to under Alaska novels and read all about it, titled “From the Fifth Floor”, a true enough story of what led up to the EXXON Valdez wreck. And maybe then you will realize that there is a monster in disguise out there, waiting to strike again, like a rapist, like a serial killer!

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