Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Heart Break" Alaska

National Geographic Freak Show!

Bravo Jeanie Greene! We salute you Jeanie Greene! It is about time that a prominent and wise Native Alaskan stood up and voiced a concern that ethnic cleansing through ethnic stereotyping is alive in well in Alaska. I am talking the arrival of some off the wall TV series called “Alaska State Troopers”. Really, if this sort of show does not lead to increased risk of suicide and domestic violence, then it will nevertheless erode away upon the true value of Alaska, especially with respect to life in the bush. Look, most of us have no idea what it is like to live in a bush community, wherein life is so different then what most city dwellers are used to, wherein most of the time it means a subsistence like lifestyle. Bush life is the “true” heritage of this state. It has meaning most city dwellers do not or care not to understand. So to pick on the bush life, it is a crime against decency when untrue crap shows up on TV, as a reality nightmare. Anybody that would waste time to enjoy such crap must be a candidate for a lobotomy. Now in the beginning, when first advertised before the show’s debut, I thought this show from its cable title - Alaska State Troopers - was too be some sort of Christmas special, maybe a show wherein the brave men and women in uniform take up the cause to help out their fellow men and women – instead of showing off that there is an intellectual IQ test missing the prerequisite qualifications for wannabe troopers, before engaging in law enforcement activity. But it is a reality TV show, and Jeanie is right, this show stereotypes Alaskan Natives and is more then borderline discrimination, it is discriminatory and those responsible should be lead away in handcuffs, including any law enforcement officer that provided time or efforts to invade the privacy of others. Remember, this state has a Constitution! In that Constitution, a right to privacy! That seems to have been violated. I am not a Native, I am white, and whomever allowed this state asset to be filmed for a profit or not, they should be held accountable. Right now, the Attorney General should be calling for the resignation of the top brass, Commissioner Masters and Deputy Dog Commissioner Gorder. And this outfit - a division of the Alaska Department of Public Safety - it has to be on a joke free-for-all, as its home site advertises “Loyalty, Integrity and Courage”? “Loyalty”, yes to producers over citizen’s rights. “Integrity”, must be a spelling mistake. And yes, as to disparage your fellow human being behind the protection of the badge, it takes “Courage”. Maybe it is time to review the divisions “Strategic Compass” as it seems way off course. And I guess it is a career that’s “Anything but ordinary”! This is not free speech by any stretch of the imagination. This is more then sensational garbage, as mentioned in Greene’s letter to the editor and published in the Anchorage Daily News. But airing of the show, it was allowed and thus polluted the airwaves. Why? Because this is fallout of what’s to come, from the Sarah Palin fantasy follies that has turned this state into a ridiculous state of affairs. As Sarah continues on her selfish reality binge for profit, of course the scam artists are coming north to make a quick buck. The producers of this show should be banned from ever coming across the border into this state. They should be struck with felony assault crimes, hate crimes and any other things that would forever stop this sort of un-necessary nonsense. I am appalled that more people are not speaking out over this trash. Hey, do you really think an episode could be filmed in a city like Anchorage or Fairbanks? Of course not, because there are many more cities around with way more interesting crime scenes, so it meant heading out to the bush. Wherein the bush citizens could not fend for themselves and were probably told a bunch of lies on what the episodes were supposed to involve. Maybe we need a tribunal, to take the Troopers and this TV outfit to court, a real court wherein the bush jury can have jurisdiction over this sensationalism. It hurts. It should not be allowed, but when nobody is watching, it gets broadcast, makes advertising merits, cashes in on those merits and then people with nothing better to do can make a biased opinion based on crap. Hey, garbage in, garbage out. Blasphemy it is. But what does one expect in the “Corrupt Bastard State”, as our legacy has been set in stone! So, if we can’t beat them, join them appears to be part of the “mission” of the AST and supported by National Geographic. Dam, what would Jacques Cousteau say? Now if the imbeciles that put this crap together can plead not guilty and wash their hands upon any affiliation with this outrageous broadcast, that it was all fictional fake, then it is fraud, and that is a violation. And what if maybe this stuff doesn’t exist on the scale and magnitude portrayed? Is this some nitwit’s 15-minutes claim to fame? I bet you won’t see the National Geographic crap artists at the film festival in Anchorage, as they would be hunted! Really, a show depicting vagrants and vagabonds, it stinks. But like mentioned before, we all know how Sarah managed the public safety department, just ask Walt. So maybe this is the fallout, the "monkey-see, monkey-do as Sarah does” mentality. In fact, if the National Geographic Channel is hard up for business, then why not do it honesty instead of picking on Alaska’s Natives, again, this state’s heritage. Now I have always enjoyed Jeanie’s “Heartbeat Alaska” show, which shows the uniqueness of the Alaska Native culture, but maybe with filth like AST being broadcast on NGC, how about “Heart Break Alaska”, as that is what is going on here. If there isn’t a law against this, there aorta be a law, a very strict law at that. Honestly, everyone should be filing a complaint with the Alaska Attorney General, at the State of Alaska Department of Law office. The number: 907-465-2075 or

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