Friday, November 27, 2009

Sarah Baitfish

Bait defined: To torment or persecute, especially by verbal attacks, to feed, to lure, entice…First and foremost, Sarah Palin is not an author, she is not by any stretch of one’s imagination a writer! Robin Williams said it so well with words to this effect, that “Sarah was voted the most likely to burn a book then write a book”. For anybody out there in la-la land that has invested time trying to write a novel, a memoir, a poem, it isn’t an easy or overnight task. Sometimes poems can take years to perfect. Just recently, Vermont Poet Laureate Galway Kinnell finished a unique poem several years in the making, called “Why Regret?” Like already mentioned, writing is not an overnight success! In Palin’s case, her ghostwriter is the bonafide author, as defined under intellectual property ownership. Now there may be a long arm good faith contract with signatures that testifies differently, but upon the bottom line, Palin did not write anything. She may own the thoughts, but what appears in ink is somebody else’s fantasy in print, through the thought process of another. Brain chemistry, like DNA, does not find an exact duplicate in nature. Ghost writing is borderline identity theft, if not plagiarism. The same thing happens with many sitting Senators and ex-representatives in retirement or expulsion, who feel the urge or rage to prove something. When Viagra or Botox doesn’t work all that well, as advertised, maybe…. They think authoring a book will get them noticed, so they sit down with some editor and then get their mug shot taken, some snazzy title that has nothing to do with nothing and then the crap hits the best seller’s list for a few weeks. It doesn’t make any money extra, just a breakeven proposition. It is crap, because it is not authentic. And such crap takes away the true penmanship efforts of genuine writers, because this crap sells fast and furious while stealing away valued customers, as there is only so much to go around. Bottom line, crap in print abandons what should be in print! It alienates the reading public along with the bookshelves, wherein crap fills the voids, just to make a buck. Even though one should not judge a book by its cover, covers sell. But Sarah has smarts, maybe not upon the writer’s tablet, but she is a pageant queen extraordinaire and has one ultimate agenda, keeping an audience. And it appears that this audience, of followers and critics alike, has taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. Some like the bait, which is lousy spoiled smelly crap, wherein others have been fooled through the stench that there is noting else on the plate. But there is evidence that the Palin “comedy” legacy is coming to an end, or a luke warm existence. She is no longer the main fodder for late night comedians, just a sideline when such stuff is required to fill yet another void. She tried to smack down Letterman, it failed. Followers are no longer coming to her defense. And now that Beck has choked upon a Palin & Beck ticket, insisting the fact that women’s rights is a laughing subject, move over Sarah, let Hilary take over the kitchen chores! Soon we will realize all the wasted time upon a subject matter that never really mattered to begin with, when all the time there existed more pressing issues that should have invited our undivided attention. Just the fact that Anchorage’s Mayor Dan Sullivan decided to cut the Muni-tranist for one day following Thanksgiving, it should have incited riotous rebellion upon the local bloggers’ community. But it appears Sarah continues to hold center stage over pressing issues, even in her own state. In the end, Sarah wins, we loose. Now I will admit that when the McCain & Palin ticket was alive and well, I took to arms - the pen - to defend this country, by using the power of the pen to ridicule, as there was no way in hell that this country could survive with McCain at the helm and Palin as his vice. The toilet seat mentality was not good for this country. But the race is over with. McCain is pretty silent, as he must have better things to do with his time, like represent, or still trying to find a ghostwriter. But Sarah is the gift that keeps on giving, to those desperate enough to want such fantasy presents. She quit, so she has nothing better to do with a whole lot of spare time. In the end, she realizes that all that is left is “honey money” to be made, and she will use that successful baiting technique to lure in more and more lemmings. So what, as this is still America and she has that right. But there are rights being eroded away upon, because many of us are too dam busy minding another’s business. We need to divest away from the fantasy, as there are indeed more important things to rally behind. Health care, the economy and right here in Anchorage, a mutiny by a Mayor bent on instituting discriminatory policies and procedures, because nobody is looking. So remember this, the Sarah and Levi state of affairs, it’s just a marathon soap opera worth its weight in gold to the participants and worth fools gold to those interested in wasting time, their own precious time. Oops, time to catch the bus. Hey, its not on time, in fact it looks like apocalypse now around the town of “Discriminatory Love”, a real “Black Friday”. In fact, the roads are not even plowed for emergency services; another cost cutting guilt trip, courtesy Mayor Dan. See he hates union contracts, so let the people burn! Anyway, a good-ridden goodbye Sarah! And let us not forget Palin’s true legacy, that of “Drill Baby Drill”, coming to a sacred and pristine area near you. The real “Black Friday” is alive and well, right in our own backyards.

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