Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Transparency? Bouncy? How about lunacy! At this very moment “lunacy” can be defined as a lunatic mayor using the power of the platypus to perform a lobotomy upon sensibleness – a.k.a. rape upon the meek. A platypus abandons its kids after an erection, so this seems to define the city of Anchorage’s Scrooge mayor’s MO – Midol Officiating. Now meek herein defines the U.S. taxpayers, as “We the People” have become so weak, that there will be nothing to inherit - as the rich bastards continue to steal away this country’s worth. Hey AMERICANS, we, us, you, whatever, just paid some failed investment firm CEO crook a $338-million dollar bonus! That is the equivalent income corresponding to 6,760 gainfully employed American breadwinners! Basically, what has been squandered away from the bail bondsman – Uncle Sam – could have allowed you and your family to have a decent holiday and a life, liberty and pursuit of happiness future, especially if out of work for a spell. Just think if you were unemployed and fortunate enough to get a job made possible by the 338, had not those resources been given away, signaling once again that government mandated preferential treatment is alive and well. And all the time we learned that the Constitution frowns upon “special” treatment. I heard someone say, “What Constitution”? Ask it again, louder! Are there left any “true blooded” Americans in any political office today? Maybe this country would be better off with a Palin & Beck ticket, at least the entertainment would be realistic! I guess the rich are indeed a sick breed, as they just don’t get it and their despicable disease of greed keeps sticking it to us – the countrymen. Someday, the tides will turn and the meek will indeed demand retroactive lobotomies upon the sleazebags. Hey, such giveaway money, if properly disposed of, it could indeed help in the un-employment ranks. What kind of American, or so-called American, sees it fit to rip off another American? Answer: 1) Terrorist, 2) Anchorage Mayor, 3) U.S. Senators. Bottom-line, these CEOs that think their shit don’t stink, well it would be nice to hear the town crier in celebration, “Hear Ye, hear ye, there’s a stoning on the Hill”! Just look at the lines down at the food shelters! Anyway, Mayor Sullivan just received some stimulus money. What for? How about $2.6-million to perform another study of a commuter rail between Anchorage and the Matanuska Susitna Borough! This is not the 1st study in efforts to get “green”, but the 12th study that has historically proved failure, as the thought of a commuter rail has long been the dream of a nutcase following. See, the word commuter is too close to that “commie” word, originating from that place Sarah can see from her toilet seat bird’s eye view. Sidebar: When the lunatics first conceived this stimulus stuff, there was all this hype, hope and promises over transparency. In fact, those so concerned about thievery made it clear and convincing that there would be accountability. So there came these Uncle Sam web-sites, where ordinary everyday citizens of the meek race could follow along. It was made easy, as the HomeLand Transparency site was one click away and allowed the citizens - the meek - to click on a state of interest, say one’s home state. From that click there would exist a link to the state’s handout, where a transparency link was available in efforts to follow the money trail. But that was too simple, because the meek found interest in it - which meant real accountability - so the crooks made it complicated. See, it started off in the right mood, but like everything else, it was soon outsourced to a lobbying firm that was instructed to make if difficult. Why? Because from the beginning the “stimulus” program was not supposed to stimulate the economy of the meek, but the wallets of the rich. Answer me this. Has all of the zillions in loot helped you one iota? Over the course of less then one year since the U.S. Treasury went on pilferage alert, my medical insurance rates have gone up a 1/3rd. Gasoline price-fixing continues to erode away the dream of family weekend getaways and plain old cereal remains at an all time high! A pay raise? It isn’t a laughing joke any longer. My boss has warned that if I ask one more time for a raise, its termination! Really, sad times at Obama High. Now the entire human population understands that Sarah Palin cannot read aloud and according to Mork, “Sarah was the high school queen most likely to burn a book then actually read one”. So we see lackadaisical representation at the top, from those that can supposedly read, which amounts to just giving our inheritance away. Why save! And the sentiment of out-of-control government, it is no different at the peon mayoral levels, with respect to what is going on higher up. So Mayor Sullivan signs a resolution, it goes like this: Resolution No. AR 2009-261, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage appropriating $2,6888,900 in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funding(EECBG) from the United States Department of Energy(DOE) as allocated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as a grant to the Federal Categorized Grants Fund(241) to the Department of Neighborhoods to administer for energy efficiency improvements to municipal facilities, retrofit park and street lighting, and commission a Commuter Rail study between Anchorage and the Matanuska Susitna Borough. What a mouthful. Money appropriated for another study? This guy has to be a lunatic, as this is waste beyond waste. And I am sure “stimulus” money has better things too do then fund failure. Like maybe helping out those in need of a little help! So now the Scrooge, the Non-Diversity Mayor cancels the Muni on Friday, like it is his Thanksgiving gift, to prove that lobotomies upon elected officials are being performed without a 2nd opinion. This is outrageous, not that the lunatic acts as if the lobotomy was successful. This is sickening. This is Mayor Sullivan’s attempt to show the working class no class whatsoever. You know what, maybe the Fed.s’ Should sue this city, to get back some of the money that is supposed to stimulate the economy. To cancel the transit even for one day, it is pure crap political bullcrap. See, it is “Black Friday”, the biggest shopping day of the year. And many people rely on the bus stop in efforts to get over to Best Buy. So, it is estimated that retailers around Anchorage will loose well over 4-million dollars by eliminating the bus traffic for one lousy day, and it makes this city not so green especially when Anchorage has received money to go in that direction. I hope the retailers remember this come the next erection. So on the day before “Black Friday”, being Thanksgiving, lets sing a song to the Diversity Mayor: “Its not easy being green”… And people tend to pass you over ‘cause you’re not standing out like flashy sparkles...or stars in the sky…And green can be cool and friendly like, or important…” Dam Sullivan, Anchorage’s IDIOT mayor extraordinaire. Matter of fact, Anchorage is the only city in America that has decided to cut transit for even a day, and there are cities out there in worse off dire straits then Anchorage. I guess his lobotomy was a 1st class act!

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