Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dirty Jury Duty

Is jury duty really a random act of disenfranchising those that feel it is their duty to brave the court system of today to uphold justice? For some reason, I never get picked, anymore that is. So maybe there exists a “black list” kept hidden away for creative rejection upon those that are not afraid to scold even the court’s high priest, the judge. Contempt of court is not a dishonor if that penalty is in efforts to fix a broken system. Look, Nelson Mandela was incarcerated, for trying to fix a broken system. If people are afraid to speak up, or intimidated to step up to the plate by stepping out of line, then the bastards have won the war by committing communismicide against us. Has it come to that already? At least we put up a good battle, democrats, republicans and independents included! The last time I did my duty, I was thrown out by the presiding judge, because I questioned that authority for not officiating the ceremony and allowing chaos to rule the courtroom. See, there was this case. It was basically a waste time case wherein some old witch was trying to get some insurance money from a young girl that shared a nearby apartment. The young girl liked to party, and during a late night argument, the old witch threatened the girl and the witch sustained a battle scar from a kick. During the “civil” trial, the witch sat in the back of the courtroom, with a bandaged leg hanging high and surrounded by mourners - including her lawyer. It was as fake as could be. See, there was no cause for a criminal trial, as there was nothing that summoned a crime because it was guilt on both parties - so John Law said NO. But there is money in “them there hills” in a “civil” lawsuit and Alaska has more ambulance chasing scum-bag lawyers per capita then any other place on earth! Now when it came time for the jury selection process, the witch’s lawyer started asking some pretty ridiculous questions to those whose time had come under scrutiny to uphold justice. Hey, some us don’t get paid for the charades!. There came this nice lady in the jury pool selection, all proper and prepped for doing her duty. She was answering every question truthfully the defending attorney could ask. Then came the plaintiff attorney’s question time. Right off the bat, there came a question about her divorce, something that occurred many, many years ago. You could tell that this was a sad subject, as her demeanor quickly changed from outgoing to shy, like someone was pouring salt on an old wound. This boiled the blood of several in the pool, as this question had nothing to do with the case and was a first class act of intimidation and humiliation. The latter two traits commonly practiced amongst lawyers. And during this time, that was a prime example of why many Americans believe the justice system is a joke, the judge was filling out what looked to be his Alaskan hunting permit application and not paying attention too the questioning! Now this may be a boring job, but it comes with the territory. The lady was excused because there came just too many tears and then confusion. And she had moved to Alaska to get away from her past! The bottom-line, the lawyer should have been dejected form the halls of justice. But, the judge was busy with his subsistence hunting questionnaire and getting paid a 6-figure salary at that! Then came my time. The questions from the defendant’s lawyer were civil. Then came the goon’s questioning. He had this smirk. Like he knew my past. First question: “Mr. Greenjeans, could you serve this court in fairness”? “Of course not”, came my answer. And this aroused the dandruff of the judge, who until then had been focused on more important matters and now working his laptop, maybe it was porn. “No”, I reiterated, I could not serve this court in fairness because it is evident that the court system before us today is already unfair. The judge knew what I was talking about, and soon I was set free. Later on at a nearby coffee shop, I would meet up with two other gentlemen that had also been rejected, for speaking up about in-justice. Judges? Lawyers? Anyway, why is it that this city of Anchorage can build covered walkways that are heated for the clientele heading to the civic center that is never used and will most likely never be utilized but at the same time insensitive towards those that are called upon to serve? As those selected for jury duty must stand out in the brutal Alaskan cold, just to get into the courthouse. The Nesbett Courthouse cost a whole lot of money and there isn’t even a covered walkway? And when you finally get inside, you will most likely sit around, unfed, for hours while lawyers waste your time trying to make a name for themselves in the name of justices! Blasphemy it is. Now the Nesbett is a fashionable courthouse with a twisted history. Once upon a time there was this map that showed the un-inhabitable lands around Anchorage, due to unstable land that turned to a pseudo-plastic when an earth tremor struck. This map indicated in “red” the earthquake prone areas, so between “H” & “I” there was one such piece of property that stood vacant for years and acted as an un-official “greenbelt” park - for downtown kids and pet poop. But the property was owned by a very prominent and skilled Alaskan politician! The land was basically worthless. Had it not been for the underlying weaknesses, this property block was probably worth millions. But with no permit to build, it was worthless. But not to worry when influence can find money to fix almost anything. So money, state research money, was confiscated to find some fix for the worthless piece of property owned by a hotel guy. And the solution was found by hiring engineers from Stanford, to design a floating foundation that could only be possible if money was not a problem, as no businessman would even think of spending a whole bunch of extra money for a foundation when a normal foundation would suffice on another less expensive piece of property somewhere else around town. The floating foundation was a first of its kind, because nobody has the resources to spend like this, especially when there existed lots of land available that would have sufficed for a new courthouse. Land owned by normal people! But that didn’t stop the madness. So at a cost more expensive then the building itself, we find the Nesbett standing on a floating foundation. Great! Except once it was proved that a foundation could be built strong enough using “state research money” and that state money was available with the wink of an eye, came this monstrosity. All on the worthless piece of land, which was overnight now worth more then millions, as it would house the new courthouse. So this worthless piece of property that was better off a park was now worth a whole lot for somebody with stroke and friends in high places. It is amazing that such filth like greed invades political officials bent on doing the public in for their own payback. This is a true story. So now we have this super-duper courthouse but the dedicated duty public servants have to stand out in the cold, just to get inside to perform what they think is thy duty. This is but one example of how corruption has inundated Alaska. People ask, how come Alaska politics is so corrupt? Because we are kept in the dark as to what is really going on. With a one-paper town, and half of that paper dedicated to Bill Allen, what does one expect? And here is what gets me. Who was directing Bill Allen all these years? He was not going this route all alone, as somebody was behind the driving force. He was given the “map”! Alaska has become a gold bullion spigot for many blowhard buddies and just keeps on giving, even when jail time awaits 50% of Alaska’s politicians. So when you hear about bridges to nowhere, hey, we get taken by buying land that is worthless and continue to build crap projects because Uncle Sam is just too generous. The American taxpayer continues to get raped over the coals. And the crooks continue to steel away our future, and we see a pittance in that welfare check called the PFD. Justice, that was checked at the docks way down in Seattle! Here is my point. The rich are getting richer as the working class heroes of America just make ends meet. The rich use their money to buy and control political offices and officials, that’s official! Like buying a political seat is a hobby. It disenfranchises America, wherein once upon a time a nobody could run for office based not on how big a wallet he and she maintained, but based on what made American what it once was, a friendly society of hard working caring individuals. That is no longer the case. It takes millions to run for office, that is not the American spirit and goes to show that the rich have invaded this nation, have invaded the tax code and with a high paid lawyer can get away with murder. It is murder, upon the Constitution. It is not how it is supposed to work. It is our America, wherein political power should not be segregated away, wherein only a few can enjoy having the opportunity to make a change. In the end, until we get the rich out of the way, it will be their way and hard working Americans will continue to suffer. This is not freedom for all by any stretch of the imagination. How to fix? It is called TAXATION! We pay out a ridiculous share every paycheck, maybe it is time they do the same. Bottom-line, the Congress sets the stage for what is required for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – money! Their salary dictates what is required, as they control the purse strings. Remember, they are supposed to represent us, that’s what we pay them for. We don’t set the salary, they do and that is supposed to represent something for all. So, anybody who makes less then a Senator, no taxation required, as below that amount should be considered the minimum wage taxable. Over that amount, it is all taxed. It is a simple equation of equity upon a “republic” wherein everybody works for a wage and nobody is left behind. No this is not communism, as that is something redefined and practiced by modern day politicians upon the working class’ freedom, that is why we are called the “Working Class”, HEROES! And that is something even the rich bastards and corrupt politicians cannot destroy, forever Amen.

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